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“剑桥少儿英语”是英国剑桥大学考试委员会专门为英语为非母语国家的少年儿童设计的学习系统。目前,几百万适龄儿童在全世界50多个国家和地区进行学习。1 997年,教育部考试中心中英教育测量学术交流中心开始在中国大陆推广该项目,短短几年,全国各地;500多万学生相继学习和使用了“剑桥少儿英语”。 《剑桥少儿英语》专为我国6—12岁年龄段的少年儿童学习英语而设计。本教材不仅完全符合剑桥少儿英语大纲的教学要求,而且参照了《英语教学大纲》(教育部制定的九年义务教育全日制初级中学教学大纲,人民教育出版社出版)及国内外比较有代表性的儿童英语教学的标准,在内容和形式上反映了少儿的认知能力和心理特征,突出了“活泼、有趣、轻松、连续”的特色。 本教材分预备级、第一级、第二级、第三级共4个级别
[00:09.20]《剑桥少儿英语》 三级 A
[00:11.86]Unit 8 Time went by quickly!
[00:19.58]1.Listen,look and talk.
[00:25.75]Dinosaur lived 65,000,000 years ago.
[00:32.25]Fire was used 500,000 BC by Peking man.
[00:40.82]The Pyramids were built between 2940-2900 BC.
[00:50.99]The Great Wall of China was built around 214 BC.
[00:58.61]Edinburgh castle was built between 1059-1093.
[01:05.50]It was restored in 1745 to what it looks like
[01:12.85]The old London Birdge was built between 1176
[01:17.82]and 1209.
[01:21.42]The first plane was flown in 1903
[01:25.14]by the American Orville Wright.
[01:29.96]Computers began to be in use in the early 1930s.
[01:36.86]Tom Kilburn wrote the world's first computer
[01:40.64]programme in 1948 at Manchester University.
[01:46.80]Robots were first made in the 1950s.
[01:53.26]The USSR completed the first space walk in 1965.
[02:01.43]The World Wide Web has existed since 1992.
[02:08.71]Global Village
[02:12.56]4.Listen,look and talk.
[02:17.77]Harry's week
[02:21.17]Last week,a newspaper reporter came to
[02:24.65]the Brown school.
[02:26.51]He asked some students about their daily life,
[02:30.26]and how they spent their time for the week.
[02:34.72]This is the talk between the newspaper reporter
[02:37.55]and Harry.
[02:40.68]Would you please tell me something about your
[02:42.64]daily life and how you spent your time last week
[02:47.43]I usually get up at about seven o'clock.
[02:51.82]Then I have my breakfast at about seven thirty.
[02:55.42]Later on,I watch a few minutes of cartoons.
[02:59.86]Our school starts at nine o'clock and finishes
[03:02.98]at four o'clock.
[03:05.02]I have my lunch at one o'clock.
[03:08.66]Did you watch a lot of TV last week?
[03:14.98]Well,yes,I like to watch TV.
[03:19.44]So each day I watch about two hours of TV.
[03:23.92]Did you have some time to play games
[03:27.84]with your friends?
[03:31.44]I usually play games with my friends after class
[03:34.99]But last Sunday we played in the afternoon,
[03:37.77]and we had lunch at two p.m.
[03:41.94]Do you often play computer games?
[03:46.39]No,not very often.
[03:48.82]Last week I only played computer games on
[03:51.18]Saturday and Sunday for a short time.
[03:55.08]What else did you do last week?
[03:59.97]I visited my grandmother after I played games
[04:03.37]with my friends on Sunday afternoon.
[04:06.31]Oh,by the way,I went shopping last Saturday
[04:10.07]afternoon,and then I helped my dad wash his car.
[04:15.02]You really enjoyed yourself.
[04:19.62]Yes,I really did.
[04:22.61]Thanks very much.
[04:26.50]You're welcome.
[04:31.23]6.Listen,look and read.
[04:36.33]Long ago,people remembered the time by couning
[04:40.70]the number of nights they had slept.
[04:44.93]People used a sandglass to measure cooking time.
[04:49.83]In the late 9th century,
[04:52.07]people used candles to tell the time indoors.
[04:57.04]A weight-driver clock was used in about 1309
[05:01.49]in a church in Milan.
[05:04.97]People used spring-driven clocks in the late
[05:08.63]15th century.
[05:11.62]Clocks counted seconds for the first time
[05:14.50]in the late 17th century.
[05:17.07]Before that,they didn't even count minutes.
[05:23.73]7.Listen,read and retell.
[05:30.35]Katy was a five-year-old girl.
[05:34.44]She was always late.
[05:37.26]She was late for buses,late for trains,
[05:42.01]she was even late for lunch.
[05:45.55]"I don't mean to be late,"said poor Katy.
[05:50.68]So before she could be late one more time,
[05:54.82]her parents bought her a round yellow watch
[05:58.57]that she could wear round her neck.
[06:01.78]Katy was very happy.
[06:05.15]Later that day she told her friends
[06:09.48]she would meet them in the garden on time.
[06:13.45]Can you believe it-she was one hour late again.
[06:19.21]"Why didn't you look at your new watch?"
[06:22.80]her friend asked.
[06:24.99]Katy lowered her head and said,
[06:28.21]"I forgot to tell you.I can't tell the time."
[06:32.73]Then her face went really red!
[06:38.47]8.Ask,answer and sing.
[06:51.20]What did Helen do in the morning?
[06:55.28]She went to school.
[06:58.91]What did Helen do at school?
[07:02.53]She had classes in the classroom.
[07:06.44]What did Helen do in the afternoon?
[07:10.16]She swam in the swimming pool.
[07:13.95]What did Helen do in the evening?
[07:17.73]She watched TV and read a few books.
[07:33.06]Read Aloud 朗读
[07:36.17]six o'clock六点钟
[07:39.32]twenty past four四点二十
[07:43.29]a quarter past one一点一刻
[07:47.28]half past nine九点半
[07:51.00]a quarter to ten十点差一刻
[07:55.05]five past six六点五分
[07:58.70]twenty to eight八点二十
[08:02.37]nine o'clock九点钟
[08:05.32]What's Emma doing?艾玛在做什么?
[08:08.29]She is having her breakfast.她在吃早餐.
[08:12.18]When does she usually have her breakfast?
[08:17.82]She usually has her breakfast at ten to seven.
[08:23.96]sleep睡觉    get up起床
[08:28.87]wash her face洗脸
[08:31.85]brush her teeth 刷牙
[08:35.09]have her breakfast吃早餐
[08:38.51]go to school去上学
[08:42.14]have her class上课
[08:45.38]have her lunch吃午餐
[08:48.86]play sports做运动
[08:51.70]go home回家
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