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“剑桥少儿英语”是英国剑桥大学考试委员会专门为英语为非母语国家的少年儿童设计的学习系统。目前,几百万适龄儿童在全世界50多个国家和地区进行学习。1 997年,教育部考试中心中英教育测量学术交流中心开始在中国大陆推广该项目,短短几年,全国各地;500多万学生相继学习和使用了“剑桥少儿英语”。 《剑桥少儿英语》专为我国6—12岁年龄段的少年儿童学习英语而设计。本教材不仅完全符合剑桥少儿英语大纲的教学要求,而且参照了《英语教学大纲》(教育部制定的九年义务教育全日制初级中学教学大纲,人民教育出版社出版)及国内外比较有代表性的儿童英语教学的标准,在内容和形式上反映了少儿的认知能力和心理特征,突出了“活泼、有趣、轻松、连续”的特色。 本教材分预备级、第一级、第二级、第三级共4个级别
[00:09.20]《剑桥少儿英语》 三级 B
[00:11.11]Unit11 Will you come to our English party?
[00:19.02]1.Listen,look,write and talk.
[00:26.00]This is a Friday afternoon.这是礼拜五的下午.
[00:29.69]The students of class five are very busy.
[00:34.42]They are going to have an English party
[00:36.71]at 6:00 p.m.
[00:39.13]They are putting drinks and snacks on a big
[00:44.43]Emma and Betty are carring a big box
[00:48.13]with lots of presents.
[00:51.27]They are going to give a present to
[00:53.17]each student who is at the party.
[00:57.07]Helen is very happy and she is playing the piano
[01:03.26]Robert is drawing some flowers on the blackboard
[01:07.77]Richard is very excited
[01:10.16]and he is now playing the drums.
[01:14.20]Two students are talking about the party.
[01:18.33]The boy in the blue T-shirt is from class four.
[01:22.17]His name is Michael.
[01:23.84]He is Harry's best friend.
[01:27.57]He also wants to bring some of his best friends
[01:30.68]to come to the party.
[01:33.57]William and Tome are carrying a white board,
[01:37.06]and Sarah is carring a big cake for the party.
[01:43.42]Will you help me?帮帮我好吗?Sure!当然可以!
[01:46.94]What time does the party start? 派对几点钟开始?
[01:49.49]It starts at about 6:00 p.m.大约下午6:00开始.
[01:53.79]What else shall I draw?我还要画别的吗?
[01:56.69]You can draw two birds.还要画两只鸟.
[02:00.63]They havn't finished yet.他们还没有完成.
[02:02.62]Where should we put these presents?
[02:06.24]Let's put them here first.我们先把他们放这儿吧.
[02:10.34]Who is going to play the drums today?
[02:13.66]David.He is the best in our school.
[02:18.73]It's beautiful,isn't it?很漂亮, 是不是?
[02:21.30]Yes,it is.是的.
[02:23.95]Will you come to our English party?
[02:26.35]Sure!When does it start?一定来!什么时候开始?
[02:30.09]It satrts at 6:00 .六点开始.
[02:31.79]You could invite your friends to the party.
[02:35.19]That's great.I'll give them a ring right now.
[02:39.77]All right.See you soon. 好的.一会儿见.
[02:41.66]See you later.一会儿见.
[02:46.51]3.Listen,chant and sing.
[02:56.26]Twinkle,twinkle,little star,
[02:59.02]How I wonder what you are!
[03:01.41]Up above the world so high,
[03:03.98]Like a diamond in the sky.
[03:06.06]Twinkle,twinkle,little star,
[03:08.98]How I wonder what you are!
[03:14.00]When the blazing sun is gone,
[03:16.47]When there's nothing shining upon,
[03:19.04]Then you show your little light,
[03:21.50]Twinkle,twinkle,all night long.
[03:23.74]Twinkle,twinkle,little star,
[03:26.33]How I wonder what you are!
[03:31.12]Then the travelers in the dark.
[03:33.75]Thank you for your tiny spark;
[03:36.02]He can't see with way to go,
[03:38.41]If you did not twinkle so.
[03:40.92]Twinkle,twinkle,little star,
[03:43.37]How I wonder what you are!
[03:55.25]Twinkle,twinkle,little star,
[03:59.02]How I wonder what you are!
[04:02.38]Up above the world so high,
[04:06.20]Like a diamond in the sky.
[04:09.36]Twinkle,twinkle,little star,
[04:13.75]How I wonder what you are!
[04:21.32]4.Listen,read and act.
[04:27.31]Will you do your homework this evening.
[04:29.81]No,I won't.不,我不做.
[04:31.22]I'll watch the football match.我要看足球比赛.
[04:34.09]When are you going to do it then?
[04:37.20]I'm going to do it tomorrow.我明天做.
[04:39.22]Will you watch the football match this evening?
[04:42.34]No,I won't.不,我不看.
[04:43.78]I'm going to do my homework this evening.
[04:46.11]Tomorrow I'm going to play football
[04:48.44]with Class Three.
[04:50.29]Are you going to have a competition?
[04:53.03]Yes.Will you come?是的.你来看吗?
[04:55.77]I'd love to.But I have to findsh my homework
[04:58.65]before I go to watch your game.
[05:04.04]8.Listen,read and act.
[05:11.29]What's the matter?怎么啦?
[05:13.87]Do you know what a mouse looks like?
[05:16.36]A mouse?老鼠?
[05:17.97]It has sharp teeth round ears and a long tail.
[05:23.01]I see.我知道了.
[05:24.39]A mouse has sharp teeth,
[05:26.25]round ears and a long tail.
[05:29.63]Remember,mice are bad and like to eat people's
[05:34.07]food.If you see one,don't let it go.
[05:37.79]I will.I will try me beat.我会的.我会尽力.
[05:41.66]Who is that on the grass?谁在草地上?
[05:43.90]Maybe it's a mouse.或许是一只老鼠.
[05:45.31]Hey!You stop!嘿! 不许动!A big mouse!大老鼠!
[05:48.72]A mouse?No,I'm a turtle.老鼠?不,我是一只乌龟.
[05:52.17]I'm bigger than the mouse.我比老鼠大.
[05:54.25]I am good.我是好的.
[05:55.70]I'm never like a mouse.我从来就不像老鼠.
[05:57.82]I never take people's food.我从不吃人类的食物.
[06:01.01]I'm sorry.对不起.That's OK.没关系.Bye-bye.再见.
[06:04.56]Ah Ha!啊哈! You are a mouse.你是一只老鼠.
[06:06.90]You've got around ears and a long tail.
[06:10.15]Right!对!But I'm not a mouse.但是我不是老鼠.
[06:13.32]I'm a monkey.我是猴子.
[06:14.88]I live in the forest.我住在森林中.
[06:16.62]I like to eat bananas.我喜欢香蕉.
[06:19.20]I'm sorry.对不起.That's OK.Bye-bye.没关系,再见.
[06:23.60]Where's the bad mouse?坏老鼠在那里呢?
[06:25.03]I can't find him now.我现在找不到它了.
[06:27.35]Mmm..it smells good.嗯,闻着真香.
[06:29.96]Who is that?那是谁?
[06:31.42]It's coming this way.它冲这边走过来了.
[06:33.18]Maybe it's a mouse,bad mouse.
[06:36.89]Where's the bad mouse?坏老鼠在哪里?
[06:39.36]Who are you?你是谁?
[06:40.67]You are not a mouse,are you?你不是老鼠,对吗?
[06:44.06]Of course not.我当然不是.
[06:45.62]I'm a dog,a very good dog.我是一只狗.
[06:48.89]I watch things for people.
[06:50.84]I help people catch mice,too.我也帮人类抓老鼠.
[06:53.67]But where's the mouse?但是老鼠在那里?
[06:55.41]I can't find him.我找不到它.
[06:57.50]I want to catch one.我想抓一只.
[06:59.69]Listen carefully.仔细听.
[07:01.25]The mouse comes out in the dark
[07:03.19]when there is nobody here.
[07:04.70]If you are here,the mice will never be here.
[07:08.28]You should hide somewhere and wait for the mouse
[07:10.21]to come.
[07:11.82]But I'm afraid of the dark.但是我怕黑.
[07:13.92]I cannot go outside.我不能出去.
[07:15.78]My mum won't let me come out in the dark.
[07:19.71]Then you can never catch mice.那你抓不到老鼠了.
[07:23.31]Bye-bye!I won't see any mice now.
[07:27.09]I can play here.我可以在这儿玩.
[07:29.04]Oh,it's a kitten.哦,是一只小猫. Come on.快来.
[07:32.17]It's only a little kitten.它只是一只小猫.
[07:34.23]He doesn't know me.它不认识我.
[07:35.98]Ah,it looks like a piece of cheese.
[07:38.38]Yes,it is .是的,是奶酪.
[07:40.00]I can have a big meal now.我现在能大吃一顿了.
[07:42.79]Who are you ?你是谁?Are you a mouse?你是老鼠吗?
[07:46.49]No,I'm not.不,我不是.
[07:48.05]I look like a mouse.我长得像老鼠.
[07:49.31]But I'm not a mouse.但是我不是老鼠.
[07:51.14]Many kittens make a mistake when they see me.
[07:55.16]Let't play together then.我们一起玩吧.
[07:57.20]OK,but I'm hungry.但那时我饿了.
[07:59.42]Let me eat this cheese first.让我先吃了这块奶酪.
[08:01.63]Stop!stop!You,bad mouse!停下,停下,这只坏老鼠.
[08:04.32]Don't run away!别跑!
[08:06.92]Mum,mum,he's not a mouse.妈妈,妈妈,它不是老鼠.
[08:10.40]Oh,dear,You've made a mistake.
[08:13.42]Remember that was a mouse.记住,那是一只老鼠.
[08:16.02]Don't let it go next time.下次别弄错了.
[08:19.75]I won't let it go next time.下次我不会让它跑了.
[08:26.98]Read aloud 朗读
[08:30.44]clothes衣服   animals动物
[08:34.41]jobs职业    family家庭
[08:38.12]the home家   places地点
[08:42.29]sports运动   fruit and food水果和食物
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