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“剑桥少儿英语”是英国剑桥大学考试委员会专门为英语为非母语国家的少年儿童设计的学习系统。目前,几百万适龄儿童在全世界50多个国家和地区进行学习。1 997年,教育部考试中心中英教育测量学术交流中心开始在中国大陆推广该项目,短短几年,全国各地;500多万学生相继学习和使用了“剑桥少儿英语”。 《剑桥少儿英语》专为我国6—12岁年龄段的少年儿童学习英语而设计。本教材不仅完全符合剑桥少儿英语大纲的教学要求,而且参照了《英语教学大纲》(教育部制定的九年义务教育全日制初级中学教学
大纲,人民教育出版社出版)及国内外比较有代表性的儿童英语教学的标准,在内容和形式上反映了少儿的认知能力和心理特征,突出了“活泼、有趣、轻松、连续”的特色。 本教材分预备级、第一级、第二级、第三级共4个级别
[00:09.20]《剑桥少儿英语》 三级 B
[00:10.83]Unit 7 第七单元
[00:14.66]What did you do last weekeng?你上周末做什么了?
[00:18.59]1 Listen,number and talk
[00:26.12]What did you do last weekend?你上周末做什么了?
[00:29.17]Oh,I had a great time.I did many things.
[00:34.54]Please tell me,what you did last weekend?
[00:38.74]On Saturday morning,my parents
[00:40.56]and I went to the zoo.
[00:42.65]I saw many animals there.我在那里看到了很多动物.
[00:45.18]I played with the kangaroo
[00:46.80]and I took many pictures of the animal.
[00:50.63]Did you stay there all day?
[00:53.39]No,we have lunch there in the restaurant.
[00:56.98]On Saturday afternoon,
[00:59.58]we went to visit a science museum.
[01:03.44]First,we got on the spaceship
[01:05.97]and then we had a ride on a time machine.
[01:10.13]Did you say time machine?你是说时间机器吗?
[01:13.24]I also had a ride on the time machine
[01:15.50]last month.
[01:16.87]It was a great machine.那是一个很棒的机器.
[01:22.42]I like the machine a lot.我非常喜欢这个机器.
[01:24.48]Maybe I will go there again.
[01:27.10]Did you do something on Sunday?
[01:29.90]Yes,on Sunday morning my parents
[01:33.39]and I went to the theatre.
[01:36.44]We watched a new movie.我们看了一部新电影.
[01:38.88]What was it?是什么电影?
[01:41.05]It was called King Kang.叫做.
[01:43.80]That's a great movie.那是一部很棒的电影.
[01:45.98]But I haven't seen that one.但是我还没有看过.
[01:49.04]Maybe you should go and watch the movie.
[01:52.70]I'm sure you are going to love it.
[01:55.27]Maybe I should .或许我该看看.
[01:56.91]Did you do anything else?你们做了别的事情吗?
[01:59.68]Yes,later on we had a drink in a cafe,
[02:05.74]and visited a toy shop and had a picnic
[02:08.41]in the park.
[02:10.22]You had a picnic in the park?你在公园里野餐了吗?
[02:12.20]Which park?什么公园?
[02:14.26]The park near the big supermarket.
[02:17.08]And did you sit on the swings there?
[02:19.75]Yes ,I did.
[02:22.35]And my father pulled and pushed the swing ropes
[02:26.07]for me.
[02:28.00]When did you come back?你什么时候回来的?
[02:30.90]We came back at about five o'clock in the
[02:36.18]We were all tired .我们都很累.
[02:37.92]So I took a shower first and then had dinner.
[02:42.88]Did you watch TV?你看电视了吗?
[02:44.98]Yes,I did.是的,我看了.
[02:46.97]I first read the newspaper and then watch TV
[02:50.72]for about thirty minutes.
[02:53.89]You must be very tired,I guess.我猜你很累.
[02:57.33]Yes,I was.是的,我很累.
[02:59.96]So I went to bed at 9:00 p.m.
[03:04.80]Wow,you did so many things on the weekend.
[03:09.78]Maybe I should do the some soon.
[03:12.91]Yes,you should.是的,你应该.
[03:15.10]Oh,I have to go now.哦,我现在必须走了.
[03:17.31]My mum is waiting for me in front of the
[03:20.72]I will see you later.再见.
[03:22.51]See you later.再见.
[03:28.25]6.Listen,read and say.
[03:35.01]Only Yesterday
[03:38.53]I remember:
[03:40.43]Only Yesterday I was very short,
[03:43.38]but today I am tall.
[03:47.03]Only Yesterday I didn't know any English words,
[03:51.06]but today I can say many sentences.
[03:55.13]Only Yesterday I was crying all the time,
[03:58.81]but today I am laughing from the bottom of my
[04:03.45]Only Yesterday I could not write anything in
[04:06.39]English,but today I can write things more
[04:11.63]Only Yesterday I wanted to be helped all the
[04:14.93]time,but today I can do things on my own.
[04:20.31]Only Yesterday I was not good at lessons,
[04:24.43]but today I am the top student.
[04:33.27]Read aloud 朗读
[04:36.87]Unit 7
[04:39.85]saw a lot of animals看到许多动物
[04:44.69]had lunch in a restaurant在饭店吃午餐
[04:49.71]took a lot of pictures of the animals
[04:55.58]played with a kangaroo和袋鼠一起玩
[05:00.22]went to science museum去了科学博物馆
[05:04.88]got in the spaceship上了宇宙飞船
[05:09.63]had a ride on a time machine
[05:15.21]went to the theatre去了剧院
[05:19.53]watched an animal documentary看了一场动物片
[05:24.66]visited a toy shop参观了一个玩具店
[05:29.35]had a drink喝饮料
[05:33.34]had a picnic in the park在公园野餐
[05:38.00]had dinner吃晚餐
[05:42.19]read a newspaper看报纸
[05:46.52]took a shower洗澡
[05:50.62]watched TV看电视
[05:54.76]went to bed at 9:00 p.m.晚上9点睡觉
[05:59.82]cut cut cut
[06:04.43]hit hit hit
[06:08.56]hurt hurt hurt
[06:12.88]let let let
[06:17.78]put put put
[06:22.10]read read read
[06:26.62]choose chose  chosen
[06:32.27]forget forgot forgotten
[06:37.89]steal  stole  stolen
[06:43.71]speak  spoke  spoken
[06:49.23]wake  woke  woken
[06:53.77]bring brought brought
[06:58.50]buy  bought  bought
[07:03.44]catch caught  caught
[07:08.71]feel  felt   felt
[07:14.11]find  found  found
[07:20.19]get got got
[07:24.79]have had had
[07:29.68]hear  heard  heard
[07:34.78]learn learnt  learnt
[07:40.66]leave left   left
[07:46.01]lose  lost   lost
[07:51.57]make  made   made
[07:56.95]mean  meant  meant
[08:02.42]meet met met
[08:07.70]say said said
[08:12.79]sell  sold   sold
[08:18.35]send  sent   sent
[08:23.66]sit  sat sat
[08:28.67]sleep slept  slept
[08:33.98]spell spelt  spelt
[08:39.53]stand  stood  stood
[08:44.88]teach taught  taught
[08:49.89]think thought thought
[08:55.11]win  won won
[09:00.31]draw  drew   drawn
[09:05.95]fall  fell   fallen
[09:11.61]give  gave   given
[09:16.89]know  knew   known
[09:22.78]see saw seen
[09:28.37]take  took   taken
[09:33.49]throw  threw  thrown
[09:39.35]eat ate eaten
[09:44.17]ride  rode   ridden
[09:49.90]write  wrote  written
[09:55.18]wear  wore   worn
[10:00.48]begin  began  begun
[10:06.07]drink  drank  drunk
[10:11.26]sing  sang   sung
[10:16.96]swim  swam   swum
[10:22.72]come  came   come
[10:28.31]run ran run
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