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“剑桥少儿英语”是英国剑桥大学考试委员会专门为英语为非母语国家的少年儿童设计的学习系统。目前,几百万适龄儿童在全世界50多个国家和地区进行学习。1 997年,教育部考试中心中英教育测量学术交流中心开始在中国大陆推广该项目,短短几年,全国各地;500多万学生相继学习和使用了“剑桥少儿英语”。 《剑桥少儿英语》专为我国6—12岁年龄段的少年儿童学习英语而设计。本教材不仅完全符合剑桥少儿英语大纲的教学要求,而且参照了《英语教学大纲》(教育部制定的九年义务教育全日制初级中学教学大纲,人民教育出版社出版)及国内外比较有代表性的儿童英语教学的标准,在内容和形式上反映了少儿的认知能力和心理特征,突出了“活泼、有趣、轻松、连续”的特色。 本教材分预备级、第一级、第二级、第三级共4个级别
[00:09.20]《剑桥少儿英语》 三级 B
[00:11.81]Unit 9 It's going to rain,isn't it?
[00:21.29]1.Listen,look and tick.
[00:26.51]It is a late afternoon
[00:30.20]and there are many dark clouds coming,
[00:34.45]the sky is becoming dark,too.
[00:38.49]Suddenly,it begins to rain.
[00:42.60]Some animals begin to run back home.
[00:47.11]But many animals enjoy the rain.
[00:51.30]Little duck likes the rain so much
[00:55.68]that he takes his towel and begins to
[00:58.90]wash himself in the rain.
[01:01.92]Fish,crocodile and the dolphin are very happy.
[01:08.16]They all clap their hands or jump out of
[01:11.80]the water.
[01:14.32]Two big frogs are playing near the small pond.
[01:19.87]When they see the rabbit running home
[01:23.60]with a lotus leaf over her head,
[01:26.63]they say "It's going to rain,isn't it?"
[01:31.66]The rabbit says,"yes,it is."
[01:35.99]At the same time a big cat is holding an
[01:42.03]And she sees the mouse running under a bread.
[01:46.22]The cat wants the mouse to stay under her
[01:51.04]But the mouse says,"no,thanks."
[01:55.68]Do you know why?
[01:58.57]Because the cat wants to eat the mouse.
[02:03.09]But the mouse says,"no,thanks."
[02:06.55]What do you think?
[02:08.50]Should the mouse stay under the umbrella with
[02:11.65]the cat?
[02:13.26]Do you think the cat won't eat the mouse?
[02:18.03]Some animals like water and rain but some don't.
[02:23.78]Please look at the following animals and tick
[02:27.67]the ones which can stay in water and love rain.
[02:37.35]2.Listen,read and learn.
[02:43.31]1)It's going to snow,isn't it?
[02:49.20]2)It's going to rain,isn't it?
[02:55.87]The train is going to leave at five pm,isn't it?
[03:03.06]4)The film is going to begin in about 5 minutes,
[03:07.90]isn't it?
[03:11.59]The class is going to begin at 8:00 am,isn't it?
[03:18.92]6)That's Vicky's book,isn't it?
[03:25.27]7)That's Sally's bag,isn't it?
[03:31.29]8)That's Jack's bike,isn't it?
[03:37.59]9)That's Daisy's pencil,isn't it?
[03:44.27]10)That's Jane's eraser,isn't it?
[03:51.20]4.Listen,sing and chant.
[04:12.30]Summer is here, hear the yell.
[04:16.22]Go to school,happy and cool.
[04:19.97]Lovely new shoes,through the woods.
[04:23.69]Books and pens, teachers and friends,
[04:27.53]Cos I can tell that we're going to have fun.
[04:56.86]Summer is here, hear the yell.
[05:01.78]Go to school,happy and cool.
[05:06.82]Lovely new shoes,through the woods.
[05:11.76]Books and pens, teachers and friends,
[05:16.98]Cos I can tell that we're going to have fun.
[05:21.48]Numbers,letters,learn to spell,
[05:26.32]Nouns and books,and show and tell.
[05:31.21]After school we'll swim in the pool.
[05:36.08]You and I will walk home again,
[05:41.49]Cos I can tell that we're going to be friends.
[05:49.95]7.Listen and match.
[05:56.58]This is a late afternoon.
[06:00.12]A group of young children are having a party
[06:03.55]in the summer camp.
[06:05.86]Which girl in Sarah?
[06:09.04]She is wearing a purple dress.
[06:11.60]Is she holding a plate of cooking
[06:13.46]and handing them out?
[06:15.58]Yes,that's Sarah.
[06:17.46]She is standing in front of Richard.
[06:26.66]Is William playing the guitar?
[06:29.36]No,William is playing the drum.
[06:32.85]Is he sitting next to the boy who is wearing
[06:35.01]a shirt with black and white strips?
[06:38.79]No,he is wearing a blue T-shirt.
[06:46.30]Who is the boy wearing a shirt with black
[06:48.96]and white strips?He is very nice.
[06:51.83]That's Harry.
[06:53.16]He is very good at school subjects.
[07:00.50]Who is the girl wearing a red jacket?
[07:03.61]Which one?
[07:04.89]There are two girls wearing red jackets.
[07:08.16]The one who is holding a dog in her arms.
[07:11.72]Oh,that's Emma.
[07:13.86]She likes animals very much.
[07:16.43]She also has a small turtle,
[07:18.53]a snail and a frog at home.
[07:21.76]She must be an animal lover.
[07:24.18]She is ..
[07:30.10]Now tell me,who are the two people dancing
[07:32.64]to the music?They are Betty and David.
[07:36.76]They like to dance and sing.
[07:38.73]They are very good at singing and dancing.
[07:46.85]I'm sure they are having a very good time
[07:48.85]at summer camp.
[07:51.08]Yes,they are going to visit many places
[07:53.31]next week.
[07:55.25]That's great.Maybe I should go with them.
[07:58.36]Yes,you should.
[08:06.93]Read aloud 朗读
[08:10.26]cow母牛     crocodile鳄鱼  dog狗
[08:15.79]duck 鸭子    elephant大象  fish鱼
[08:20.94]frog青蛙    swan天鹅    octopus章鱼
[08:26.77]dinosaur恐龙  camel骆驼    butterfly蝴蝶
[08:32.71]whale鲸鱼    shark鲨鱼    rabbit
[08:38.12]goat山羊    puppy小狗    parrot鹦鹉
[08:43.49]panda熊猫    lion狮子    bird鸟
[08:48.89]cat猫      chicken鸡    kitten小猫
[08:54.25]kangaroo袋鼠  fly 飞     dolphin海豚
[09:00.23]giraffe长颈鹿  bear熊 bat棒球
[09:05.33]tiger老虎    spider蜘蛛   snake蛇
[09:11.01]sheep绵羊    mouse老鼠    monkey猴子
[09:16.55]lizard蜥蜴   horse 马    hippo河马
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