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“剑桥少儿英语”是英国剑桥大学考试委员会专门为英语为非母语国家的少年儿童设计的学习系统。目前,几百万适龄儿童在全世界50多个国家和地区进行学习。1 997年,教育部考试中心中英教育测量学术交流中心开始在中国大陆推广该项目,短短几年,全国各地;500多万学生相继学习和使用了“剑桥少儿英语”。 《剑桥少儿英语》专为我国6—12岁年龄段的少年儿童学习英语而设计。本教材不仅完全符合剑桥少儿英语大纲的教学要求,而且参照了《英语教学大纲》(教育部制定的九年义务教育全日制初级中学教学大纲,人民教育出版社出版)及国内外比较有代表性的儿童英语教学的标准,在内容和形式上反映了少儿的认知能力和心理特征,突出了“活泼、有趣、轻松、连续”的特色。 本教材分预备级、第一级、第二级、第三级共4个级别
[00:09.20]《剑桥少儿英语》 三级 A
[00:13.07]Unit 11 What's it made of?
[00:21.97]1.Learn,ask and answer.
[00:29.67]Look carefully at these things.
[00:32.89]What's special about them?
[00:35.03]They are made of different materials.
[00:38.06]I know.How about this one?
[00:40.32]What's it made of?
[00:42.61]It's made of plastic.
[00:45.03]I see!How about that one?
[00:48.06]Which one?
[00:49.81]The one next to the bookcase.
[00:52.47]It's made of glass.
[00:54.80]Right!Look!My glass is made of glass,too.
[01:02.60]3.Listen and say.
[01:06.46]Tongue twisters
[01:10.28]Eating hot,drinking hot.
[01:13.07]What I've got,you have not.
[01:16.28]Hot,hot,butter hot.
[01:19.03]Hot,hot,in the pot.
[01:23.64]2)She sells sea shells on the seashore.
[01:28.63]The shells she sells are sea shells.
[01:36.60]4.Listen,read and answer.
[01:43.03]How to recycle things?
[01:48.02]In your family,there are some things
[01:52.14]which can be recycled.
[01:55.30]But how can we recycle those things?
[02:01.19]Read carefully.
[02:05.96]1)Find out where the nearest recycling banks
[02:10.41]to your house are,and what you can take there.
[02:17.48]2)Before you put something into the recycling
[02:21.80]bank,you should see if it is made of the same
[02:24.80]material.If not,don't put it inside.
[02:32.80]3)Keep all the empty glass bottles together.
[02:37.85]But don't break them.
[02:42.64]4)Don't throw plastic bags away.
[02:46.99]Use them again next time you go shopping.
[02:53.73]6.Listen, chant and guess.
[02:59.54]What are the things made of?
[03:09.73]Said the little china dog
[03:12.70]to the little china cat,
[03:15.26]"Let's go fishing in a little china hat."
[03:20.54]They caught a china fish in a little china sea.
[03:25.96]Put it on a china dish and ate it up for tea.
[03:36.92]9.Listen,read and guess.
[03:44.25]The first letter is in mat,not in hat.
[03:48.36]The second letter is in bed,not in bad.
[03:52.50]The third letter is in tea,not in sea.
[03:56.97]The fourth letter is in pat,not in pet.
[04:01.34]The last letter is in lamp,not in camp.
[04:05.44]What material is it?
[04:13.17]Read Aloud朗读
[04:17.53]metal金属    wool羊毛    paper纸
[04:24.76]plastic塑料   wood木头    glass玻璃
[04:32.46]a door made of paper一扇纸做的门
[04:37.70]a bed made of rock 一个岩石做的床
[04:43.59]a bowl made of gold 一个金制的碗
[04:49.49]a bag made of metal一个金属做的包
[04:55.92]shoes made of wood木头做的鞋子
[05:00.94]a skirt made of plastic一件塑料做的裙子
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