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“剑桥少儿英语”是英国剑桥大学考试委员会专门为英语为非母语国家的少年儿童设计的学习系统。目前,几百万适龄儿童在全世界50多个国家和地区进行学习。1 997年,教育部考试中心中英教育测量学术交流中心开始在中国大陆推广该项目,短短几年,全国各地;500多万学生相继学习和使用了“剑桥少儿英语”。 《剑桥少儿英语》专为我国6—12岁年龄段的少年儿童学习英语而设计。本教材不仅完全符合剑桥少儿英语大纲的教学要求,而且参照了《英语教学大纲》(教育部制定的九年义务教育全日制初级中学教学大纲,人民教育出版社出版)及国内外比较有代表性的儿童英语教学的标准,在内容和形式上反映了少儿的认知能力和心理特征,突出了“活泼、有趣、轻松、连续”的特色。 本教材分预备级、第一级、第二级、第三级共4个级别
[00:09.20]《剑桥少儿英语》 三级 A
[00:13.59]Unit 12 Going for gold
[00:20.65]1.Listen,look,read and write.
[00:28.43]In 2008 the 29th Olympic Games are going
[00:32.57]to be held in Beijing,China from August 8th
[00:36.47]to August 24.
[00:39.79]Over 10,500 athletes will be at the Games.
[00:46.28]302 gold medals will be given to the best
[00:52.86]Here are some of the pictures
[00:55.06]and the names of the games.
[00:58.45]Please write the correct names
[01:00.40]under the pictures.
[01:05.41]5.Let's sing,chant and do.
[01:21.24]Touch the knees.Touch the floor.
[01:23.38]One,two,three,four.Play tennis.Kick the ball.
[01:28.71]Stand in lines.Sit on the floor.
[01:30.70]One,two,three,four.Ride a horse.Play volleyball.
[01:43.36]Touch the knees.Touch the floor.
[01:45.51]One,two,three,four.Play tennis.Kick the ball.
[01:50.84]Stand in lines.Sit on the floor.
[01:52.85]One,two,three,four.Ride a horse.Play volleyball.
[02:08.83]Touch the knees.Touch the floor.
[02:11.37]One,two,three,four.Play tennis.Kick the ball.
[02:18.71]Stand in lines.Sit on the floor.
[02:21.15]One,two,three,four.Ride a horse.Play volleyball.
[02:30.37]6.Listen,read and answer.
[02:38.02]At two metres and twenty-six centimetres,
[02:41.65]Yao Ming is one of the biggest stars
[02:44.31]in basketball today.
[02:46.93]He is now playing for the Houston Rockets
[02:49.66]in America.
[02:52.16]He was born on September 12,1980 in Shanghai.
[02:58.67]He is the only child of the family.
[03:02.59]Yao Ming's parents are also very tall
[03:06.28]and they have good jobs.
[03:10.00]They lived in an apartment which was different
[03:13.30]from the others.
[03:15.89]Their beds were very long and their clothes
[03:19.67]were also made differently.
[03:23.40]When Yao Ming was very young,
[03:26.12]his parents made him play basketball.
[03:30.24]He didn't give the sport a second look
[03:33.09]until he was nine.
[03:35.47]At that time he was taller,
[03:38.19]but thinner that his friends.
[03:41.71]When he was twelve years old,
[03:43.93]his parents sent him to learn to play basketball
[03:48.66]He worked on his game several hours a day.
[03:53.42]Soon in 1999,he was chosen to be in the Chinese
[03:58.82]basketball team.
[04:01.71]Then,he played centre in many matches.
[04:06.56]Later,Yao Ming opened a lot of eyes
[04:09.98]with his play during the Olympics.
[04:13.57]He did better and better.
[04:16.97]He is now making his childhood dream come true.
[04:23.79]9.Listen,read and learn.
[04:28.76]Whoever You Are
[04:32.78]Little one,whoever you are,wherever you are,
[04:39.24]there are little ones just like you
[04:42.95]all over the world.
[04:46.20]Their skin may be different from yours,
[04:50.24]and their homes may be different from yours.
[04:55.79]Their schools may be different from yours,
[05:00.36]and their lands may be different from yours.
[05:05.86]Their lives may be different from yours,
[05:09.75]and their words may be very different from yours
[05:15.88]But inside,their hearts are just like yours.
[05:22.77]Whoever they are,wherever they are,
[05:26.38]all over the world.
[05:29.76]Their smiles are like yours,
[05:33.46]and they laugh just like you.
[05:37.98]Their hurts are like yours,
[05:41.42]and they cry like you,too.
[05:45.53]Whoever they are,wherever they are,
[05:49.03]all over the world.
[05:52.21]Little one,when you are older
[05:56.00]and when you are grown,you may be different,
[06:00.70]and they may be different.
[06:04.06]Wherever you are,wherever you are,
[06:07.22]in this big wide world.
[06:11.73]Joys are the same,and love is the same.
[06:16.98]Pain is the same,and blood is the same.
[06:21.55]Smiles are the same,and hearts are just the same
[06:27.46]Wherever they are,whoever you are,
[06:32.53]wherever we are,all over the world.
[06:42.02]Read Aloud 朗读
[06:45.45]High jump 跳高
[06:48.21]Long jump 跳远
[06:51.07]Swimming游泳  Diving跳水
[06:56.09]Water polo水球 Badminton羽毛球
[07:01.83]Boxing拳击   Baseball棒球
[07:07.06]Basketball篮球 Football足球
[07:12.97]Rowing划船   Skating溜冰
[07:18.45]Sailing帆船运动 Running跑步
[07:23.80]Volleyball排球 Shooting射击
[07:29.21]Tennis网球   Table tennis桌球
[07:37.81]Hockey曲棍球  Handball手球  Wrestling摔跤
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