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34 Bill Gates’ Speech

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名称:34 Bill Gates’ Speech
晨读英语美文 名人演讲
[00:10.26]Bill Gates’ Speech
[00:16.17]Good morning.
[00:19.16]It's a great pleasure to be here.
[00:21.56]Today is a major milestone for Microsoft
[00:25.06]as our first Developers Conference here in China.
[00:28.67]The key partnerships we build with software developers
[00:32.14]around the world are central
[00:34.44]not only to the success of Windows
[00:36.52]but also to realize the great possibilities
[00:40.12]that PC technology provides.
[00:42.74]It's through applications of every variety
[00:46.23]that businesses will be using the personal computer
[00:49.52]as the tool of the Information Age.
[00:52.36]The storage systems are now delivering Gigabyte of storage
[00:57.17]as the standard capability.
[01:00.02]Over 80 million of PCs are being sold a year.
[01:04.06]And the server markets,
[01:06.03]the higher performance machines that these PCs network with,
[01:10.29]are the fastest growing part of the business.
[01:13.03]The performance of those servers is increasing
[01:16.82]not only because the individual processors are faster,
[01:20.43]but also because we are using multiple-processor machines,
[01:25.24]so called SMP designs and clustering nodes together.
[01:30.16]Microsoft has a vision for where the PC is going.
[01:34.54]And that vision says
[01:36.35]that PCs will become a central element
[01:39.52]of how companies share information inside the company.
[01:43.19]The name of that vision
[01:45.48]is the so called Digital Nervous System (DNS),
[01:49.66]allowing companies to reduce paper work
[01:52.83]and make better decisions.
[01:54.69]The Digital Nervous System means
[01:57.54]that not only do you have the PCs
[02:00.16]and they are connected together,
[02:02.13]and not only do you have standard elements
[02:04.71]like electronic mail
[02:06.46]but also you really thought carefully
[02:09.20]about what information is important,
[02:11.93]and so all of the processes
[02:14.55]—order taking,sales planning,personnel management,
[02:17.95]project management—all of those have been set up
[02:21.66]to take full advantage of the capabilities of the computer.
[02:25.82]Great chips, systems developers,
[02:29.43]partners who are sponsoring this event,
[02:31.94]make this all possible.
[02:33.91]There is an incredible opportunity for developers.
[02:37.63]The applications that are written today
[02:40.70]will sell to an even larger base of machines
[02:44.20]out in the market.
[02:45.84]There is a lot that we're doing
[02:47.73]to increase the work of good developers—
[02:50.35]make sure they understand where the PC is going
[02:53.63]and how tools can help them now,
[02:56.48]more and more marketing type of activities
[02:59.21]making sure they got in with the customers.
[03:02.60]And this is something that we are just going
[03:05.28]to increase year after year.
[03:07.35]And so the overall DNS message is one
[03:10.85]about helping developers seize that opportunity
[03:13.92]by bringing together the different architectures,
[03:17.31]making things automatic and allowing this to be done
[03:20.81]in an evolutionary fashion.
[03:23.33]I think it's a fantastic time to be developer
[03:26.83]and we appreciate being here
[03:29.23]and look forward to the opportunity to work with you more.
[03:33.50]Thank you.

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