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37 Non-violence Is My Faith (Ⅱ)

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名称:37 Non-violence Is My Faith (Ⅱ)
晨读英语美文 名人演讲
[00:05.78]Non-violence Is My Faith (Ⅱ)
[00:13.54]The greatest misfortune is that
[00:17.10]Englishmen and their Indian associates
[00:19.40]in the administration of the country do not know
[00:22.41]that they are engaged in the crime
[00:24.27]I have attempted to describe.
[00:26.13]I am satisfied that many English
[00:28.65]and Indian officials honestly believe
[00:31.20]that they are administering
[00:32.73]one of the best systems devised in the world
[00:35.46]and that India is making steady
[00:37.86]though slow progress.
[00:39.62]They do not know that a subtle
[00:42.02]but effective system of terrorism
[00:44.33]and an organized display of force
[00:46.95]on the one hand
[00:47.93]and the deprivation of all powers of retaliation
[00:51.21]or self-defence on the other
[00:52.85]have emasculated the people
[00:54.82]and induced in them the habit of simulation.
[00:58.10]This awful habit has added to the ignorance
[01:01.71]and the self-deception of the administrators.
[01:04.55]Section 124-A under which I am happily charged
[01:09.69]is perhaps the prince among the political sections
[01:13.30]of the Indian Penal Code
[01:14.88]designed to suppress the liberty of the citizen.
[01:18.16]Affection cannot be manufactured or regulated by law.
[01:22.74]If one has no affection for a person or thing
[01:26.29]one should be free to give the fullest
[01:28.66]expression of his disaffection
[01:30.56]so long as he does not contemplate,
[01:33.07]promote or incite to violence.
[01:35.91]But the section under
[01:38.06]which Mr.Banker and I are charged
[01:39.82]is one under which mere promotion
[01:42.33]of disaffection is a crime.
[01:44.52]I have studied some of the cases tried under it,
[01:47.58]and I know that some of the most loved
[01:50.09]of India's patriots have been convicted under it.
[01:53.49]I consider it a privilege, therefore,
[01:56.26]to be charged under it.
[01:57.79]I have endeavored to give in their briefest outline
[02:00.79]the reasons for my disaffection.
[02:03.42]I have no personal ill-will against
[02:06.37]any single administrator,
[02:08.12]much less can I have any disaffection
[02:10.75]towards the King's person.
[02:12.39]But I hold it to be a virtue to be disaffected
[02:15.45]towards a government which in its totality
[02:18.07]has done more harm to India than
[02:20.04]any previous system.
[02:22.12]India is less manly under the British rule
[02:25.18]than she ever was before.
[02:27.26]Holding such a belief,
[02:29.12]I consider it to be a sin
[02:31.31]to have affection for the system.
[02:33.51]And it has been a precious privilege for me
[02:35.56]to be able to write what I have
[02:37.85]in the various articles
[02:39.20]tendered in evidence against me.
[02:41.28]In fact I believe
[02:43.63]that I have rendered a service to India
[02:45.92]and England by showing in non-cooperation
[02:49.16]the way out of the unnatural state
[02:51.67]in which both are living.
[02:53.53]In my humble opinion,
[02:55.97]non-cooperation with evil is as much a duty
[02:59.57]as is cooperation with good.
[03:01.54]But in the past,
[03:03.40]non-cooperation only multiplies evil
[03:06.47]and that as evil can only be sustained by violence,
[03:10.30]withdrawal of support of evil requires
[03:13.03]complete abstention from violence.
[03:15.32]Non-violence implies voluntary submission
[03:18.94]to the penalty for non-cooperation with evil.
[03:22.33]I am here,therefore, to invite and submit cheerfully
[03:26.70]to the highest duty of a citizen.
[03:28.67]The only course open to you,
[03:31.18]the Judge and the Assessors,
[03:32.93]is either to resign your posts and thus dissociate
[03:37.20]yourselves from the evil
[03:38.62]if you feel that the law you are called
[03:41.03]upon to administer is an evil
[03:42.67]and that in reality I am innocent,
[03:45.51]or to inflict on me the severest penalty
[03:49.01]if you believe that the system
[03:50.77]and the law you are assisting to administer
[03:52.84]are good for the people of this country
[03:55.25]and that my activity is therefore
[03:57.54]injurious to the public weal.
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