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51 Norrington:Keep your guns on him,men

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名称:51 Norrington:Keep your guns on him,men
晨读英语美文 经典对白
[00:00.10]Norrington: Keep your guns on him, men.
[00:06.25]Gillette, fetch the irons. Well, well,
[00:09.60]Jack Sparrow, isn't it?
[00:11.78]Jack: Captain Jack Sparrow, if you please, sir.
[00:14.84]Norrington: Well, I don't see your ship... Captain?
[00:18.34]Jack: I'm in the market as it were.
[00:20.72]Private 1: He said he'd come to commandeer one.
[00:22.79]Private 2: Told ya he was telling the truth.
[00:24.70]These are his, sir.
[00:25.82]Norrington: No additional shots nor powder.
[00:31.83]A compass that doesn't point north.
[00:35.73]And I half expected it to be made of wood.
[00:42.99]You are, without doubt, the worst pirate I've ever heard of.
[00:48.89]Jack: But you have heard of me. 
[00:51.41]Elizabeth: Commodore, I really must protest.
[00:56.54]Norrington: Carefully Lieutenant.
[00:58.43]Elizabeth: Pirate or not this man saved my life.
[01:01.07]Norrington: One good deed is not enough
[01:03.08] to redeem a man of a lifetime of wickedness.
[01:04.92]Jack: Though it seems enough to condemn him.
[01:06.57]Norrington: Indeed.
[01:08.13]Jack: Finally.
[01:11.03]Gov. Swann: No, no! Don't shoot! 
[01:13.24]Jack: I knew you'd warm up to me.
[01:14.96] Commodore Norrington, my effects, please.
[01:17.37] And my hat. Commodore!
[01:21.11] Elizabeth, it is Elizabeth, isn't it?
[01:25.86]Elizabeth: It's Miss Swann. 
[01:27.81]Jack: Miss Swann, if you'd be so kind.
[01:29.18] Come, come, dear, we don't have all day.
[01:31.59] Now if you'll be very kind.
[01:35.10] Easy on the goods, darling.
[01:53.90]Elizabeth: You're despicable. 
[01:56.44]Jack: Sticks and stones, love.
[01:58.74]I saved your life, you saved mine, we're square.
[02:01.33]Gentlemen, my lady.
[02:04.53]You will always remember this as the day that you almost caught...
[02:08.06]Capitan Jack Sparrow.
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