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68 Humor Them

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名称:68 Humor Them
晨读英语美文 文化百科
[00:11.99]One of the requirements of every commencement speaker
[00:16.04] is that they offer some advice.
[00:18.33]Well, get ready,
[00:20.36]here it comes.
[00:21.88]Soon you will be leaving the company of those
[00:24.72]who think they have all the answers your professors,
[00:27.10]instructors, and counselors and going out into
[00:32.32]what we like to call the real world.
[00:35.13]In time you will meet up with other people
[00:39.20]who think they have all the answers.
[00:42.30]These people are called bosses.
[00:44.24]My advice is: humor them.
[00:46.96]A little later you will meet additional people
[00:51.08]who think they have all the answers.
[00:54.89]These are called spouses.
[00:56.48]My advice is: humor them,
[00:59.73]And if all goes well,
[01:01.51]in a few years you will meet still another group of people
[01:05.49]who think they have all the answers.
[01:07.92]These are called children.
[01:10.35]Humor them.
[01:11.64]Life will go on,
[01:13.59]your children will grow up,
[01:15.48]go to school,
[01:16.79]and someday they could be taking part in
[01:18.90]a commencement ceremony just like this one.
[01:21.39]And who knows,
[01:23.71]the speaker responsible for handing out good advice might be you.
[01:28.59]Halfway through your speech,
[01:31.46]the graduate sitting next to your daughter will lean over and ask,
[01:35.13]who is that woman up there who thinks she has all the answers?
[01:40.57]Well, thanks to the sound advice you are hearing today
[01:46.31]and that I hope you will all pass on,
[01:48.56]she will be able to say,
[01:49.55]that is my mother.
[01:50.45]Humor her.
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