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84 The Life of a Pop Singer

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名称:84 The Life of a Pop Singer
晨读英语美文 文化百科
[00:02.56]The entertainment profession,or “show business”,
[00:07.04]attracts many young people.
[00:09.01]Unfortunately, only very few
[00:11.85]can hope to become famous and prosperous.
[00:14.80]Talent is not enough,
[00:17.10]because show business is as competitive
[00:19.94]as any other business.
[00:21.81]Without a good manager,
[00:23.55]a performer can never hope to succeed.
[00:26.73]Fashion is important in this business,too.
[00:30.01]The best tailor in the world will never be successful
[00:34.27]if he makes old fashioned clothes.
[00:37.55]In exactly the same way,
[00:39.53]a performer must change his “act”
[00:42.37]in order to follow the taste of the moment.
[00:45.32]This is true for actors,dancers and comedians,
[00:49.37]but perhaps most of all for singers.
[00:52.43]“Pop” stands for “popular”,and a pop singer
[00:56.81]has to work very hard to become popular.
[00:59.98]He must either give the public what they already want,
[01:04.14]or he must find a new way
[01:06.32]of singing that will attract their attention.
[01:09.28]Even when he has succeeded,
[01:11.57]and his records are sold everywhere,he cannot relax.
[01:15.73]Then he must work harder than ever to remain popular,
[01:20.00]because there are always younger singers
[01:22.84]trying to become famous
[01:24.47]and to steal some of the popularity.
[01:27.10]The life of a successful pop singer
[01:30.05]is not at all easy.
[01:32.14]He can only relax when he is alone,
[01:35.19]because everything he does
[01:36.95]is watched and reported in the special newspaper
[01:40.45]written for the “fans”.
[01:43.40]The fans are the most important people
[01:45.70]in the world for the singer.
[01:47.45]They buy his records,
[01:49.20]they go to his concerts,
[01:51.16]and they make him rich and famous.
[01:53.90]But they can be very annoying,too.
[01:56.85]Sometimes their enthusiasm gets so hysterical
[02:00.79]that they do anything to get a “souvenir”.
[02:04.29]They steal handkerchiefs,
[02:06.59]they tear off buttons,
[02:08.34]and they even cut off pieces
[02:10.28]of the unfortunate singer's hair.
[02:13.02]Many singers have been forced to hide,
[02:15.86]and some who have not been so lucky as to escape
[02:19.14]have been stripped practically naked by their fans.
[02:22.86]A pop singer has to spend a lot of money on clothes,
[02:27.89]because he must always look smart,
[02:30.52]or, at any rate,different.
[02:32.37]He must have a luxurious car.
[02:34.78]And—most important—he must always keep
[02:37.95]smiling for the benefit of his public.
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