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The Enchantment of Creeks(迷人的小溪)

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名称:The Enchantment of Creeks(迷人的小溪)
[00:03.49]It flowsbetween us,over us andwith us.
[00:09.49]And it is time,strength,tone,light,life,and love.
[00:17.71]--Robert Frost
[00:19.59]The Enchantmentof Creeks
[00:21.88]By Peter Steinhart
[00:30.56]Creeks don't getnamed for Civil Wargenerals or Indiachiefs.
[00:36.12]They take theirnames fromwhatever's handy;
[00:39.03]Rock Creek, MillCreek or Mud Creek.
[00:43.31]They don't getcelebrated istravel literatureor national anthems.
[00:48.08]Creeks are thetrivial part ofour landscape,
[00:51.28]what scoundrels andrusting shoppingcarts are throwninto.
[00:55.76]But nearly everybodyhas a creek in hispast,
[00:59.01]a confiding waterwaythat rose in thespring of youth.
[01:03.34]A park ranger'svoice softens as hetalks of a boyhoodcreek in Louisiana
[01:08.41]where he swamand fished.
[01:10.82]A conservationist'seyes sparkle as herecalls buildingdams
[01:15.16]on Strawberry Creekin the California ofhis youth
[01:18.80]An Ohio woman feelssuddenly at homeagain
[01:22.29]as she rememberscatching crayfishin the creek behindher parents' house.
[01:27.76]My creekwound betweenGrandfather'sapricot orchard
[01:31.50]and a neighbor'shillside pasture.
[01:34.06]Its banks wereshaded by cotton-woods andredwood trees
[01:38.14]and thick tangle ofblackberries andwild grapevines.
[01:42.33]On hot summer daysthe quiet waterflowed clear andcold over gravel bars
[01:48.28]where I fishedfor trout.
[01:50.99]Nothing historicever happens inthese recollectedcreeks.
[01:55.32]But theirpersistence inmemory suggests
[01:57.59]that creeks arebigger than theyseem,
[02:00.39]more a part of ourhearts and mindsthan mighty rivers.
[02:05.12]Creek time ismeasured in thelives of strangecreatures,
[02:08.71]in sandfleckedcaddis worms underthe rocks,
[02:12.35]sudden gossamerclouds of mayfliesin the afternoon,
[02:16.54]or minnows dartinglike slivers ofinspiration into thedimness of creek fate
[02:22.69]Mysteries float increeks' riffles,crawl over theirpebbled bottoms
[02:27.71]and slink underthe roots oftrees.
[02:30.61]While rivers areheavy withsophisticationand sediment,
[02:34.50]creeks are clear,innocent,boisterous,full of dream andpromise.
[02:39.62]A child can wadeacross them withouta parent's cautions.
[02:43.71]You can go it alone,jig for crayfish,swing from ropesalong the bank.
[02:50.99]Creeks belong tochildhood, drawingyou into the widerworld,
[02:56.11]teaching you thecurve of theearth.
[02:59.70]Above all, a creekoffers the mind achance
[03:03.25]to penetrate thealien universeof water, oftadpoles and trout.
[03:08.27]What drifts increek water
[03:10.39]is the possibilityof other worldsinside and aboveour own.
[03:15.75]Poet Robert Frostwrote:
[03:17.97]"It flows betweenus, over us, andwith us.
[03:22.64]And it is time,strength, tone,light, life,and love."
[03:31.50]Creeks lead one on,like perfume on thewind.
[03:35.34]A creek is somethingthat disappearsaround a bend,
[03:39.38]into the ground,into the nextdimension.
[03:43.17]To follow a creekis to seek newacquaintance withlife.
[03:47.65]I still find myselffollowing creeks.
[03:50.90]In high mountainmeadows I'll tracetheir course intothe limegreen grass
[03:56.11]and deep glacialduff, marveling atthe sparkle ofquartz and mica.
[04:01.77]The pursuitliquefies mycitified haste
[04:05.17]and lifts weightfrom my shoulders.
[04:08.66]Once, in theCaliforniadesert,
[04:10.78]as hummingbirdsdarted from cactusblossoms,
[04:13.78]I heard the babbleof rushing water.
[04:16.84]My ears led me overdusty hillsides anddown scabrousravines
[04:22.10]to an unexpectedribbon of clear,cold water, leapingfrom rock to rock,
[04:27.96]filling littlepools.
[04:29.83]The discoveryseemed Biblical.It filled me withjoy.
[04:35.00]My boyhood creeklong ago fell victimto ground-waterpumping,
[04:40.07]subdivision andchannelizationinto San FranciscoBay.
[04:44.65]Not a single oneis left withoutat least somestretch straightened
[04:48.93]and enclosed inconcrete.
[04:51.34]With the creekswent the intimaciesof the valley,
[04:54.59]the song of thrushesthe cool shadeof cottonwoods,inspiration.
[05:00.79]But I keep yetanother visionof creeks asconsolation.
[05:04.97]In it,the waterflows through asmall alpine meadowin the Sierra Nevada
[05:10.73]It is summer, andthe late afternoonsun lines the goldenhaze with long,
[05:15.90]blue forest shadows.
[05:18.17]My six-year-oldson's blond haircatches the light
[05:22.05]as he stretchesa fishing rod overthe creek
[05:25.25]The water fairlyboils with leapingrainbow trout.
[05:29.78]They dartimpulsively,
[05:31.65]trying to draw himinto their worldjust as he tries tolure them to his.
[05:36.92]When one finallybecomes snagged,the boy dancestriumphantly,
[05:39.33]终于有一条咬 钩了,儿子得意地手舞足蹈。
[05:41.74]the silvery fishwriggling on hisupheld leader.
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