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Spell of the Rising Moon(月亮升起来)

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名称:Spell of the Rising Moon(月亮升起来)
[00:04.34]How sweet themoonlight sleepsupon this bank!
[00:08.74]Here will we sitand let the soundsof musicCreep in our ears
[00:14.46]——— Shakespeare———— 莎士比亚
[00:17.04]Spell of theRising MoonBy Peter Steinhart
[00:31.63]There is a hill nearmy house that Ioften climb atnight.
[00:35.91]The noise of thecity is a far-offmurmur.
[00:39.43]In the hush ofdark I share thecheerfulness ofcrickets
[00:44.09]and theconfidenceof owls.
[00:46.42]But it is the dramaof the moonrise thatI come to see.
[00:50.51]For that restoresin me a quiet andclarity
[00:54.15]that the cityspends toofreely.
[00:57.36]From this hill Ihave watched manymoons rise.
[01:01.14]Each one had itsown mood.
[01:04.28]There have beenbroad,confidentharvest moons inautumn;
[01:08.62]shy,misty moons inspring;
[01:12.02]lonely,white wintermoons rising intothe utter silence ofan ink-black sky
[01:17.87]and smoke smudgedorange moons overthe dry fields ofsummer.
[01:23.03]Each, like finemusic, excited myheart and thencalmed my soul.
[01:28.75]Moongazing is anancient art.
[01:31.08]To prehistorichunters the moon
[01:33.43]overhead was asunerring asheart-beat.
[01:37.15]They knew that every29 days it becamefull-bellied andbrilliant,
[01:42.19]then sickened anddied, and then wasreborn.
[01:46.64]They knew the waxingmoon appeared larger
[01:49.95]and higheroverhead after eachsucceeding sunset.
[01:54.21]They knew thewaning moon roselater each night
[01:57.94]until it vanishedin the sunrise.
[02:00.83]To have understoodthe moon's patternsfrom experience
[02:04.61]must have been aprofound thing.
[02:07.73]But we, who liveindoors, have lostcontact with themoon.
[02:12.27]The glare of streetlights and the dustof pollution veilthe night sky.
[02:17.71]Though men havewalked on the moon,it grows lessfamiliar.
[02:22.68]Few of us can saywhat time the moonwill rise tonight.
[02:27.83]Still, it tugs atour minds.
[02:30.77]If we unexpectedlyencounter the fullmoon,huge and yellowover the horizon,
[02:37.25]we are helpless butto stare back at itscommanding presence.
[02:42.07]And the moon hasgifts to bestow uponthose who watch.
[02:47.22]I learned about itsgifts one Julyevening in themountains.
[02:51.95]My car hadmysteriouslystalled,
[02:54.75]and I was strandedand alone. The sunhad set,
[02:58.91]and I was watchingwhat seemed to bethe bright-orange
[03:02.41]glow of a forestfire beyond a ridgeto the east.
[03:06.80]Suddenly, the ridgeitself seemed toburst into flame.
[03:11.39]Then, the risingmoon,huge and red
[03:14.61]and grotesquelymisshapen by the
[03:16.69]dust and sweat ofthe summeratmosphere loomedup out of the woods
[03:22.32]Distorted thus bythe hot breath ofearth,
[03:25.35]the moon seemedill-tempered andimperfect.
[03:29.03]Dogs at nearbyfarmhouses barkednervously,
[03:32.72]as if this strangelight had wakenedevil spirits in theweeds.
[03:38.63]But as the moonlifted off the ridgeit gathered firmnessand authority.
[03:43.51]Its complexionchanged from red, toorange, to gold, toimpassive yellow.
[03:50.41]It seemed to drawlight out of thedarkening earth,
[03:53.68]for as it rose,the hills andvalleys below grewdimmer.
[03:58.50]By the time the moonstood clear of thehorizon,
[04:01.86]full-chested andround and the colorof ivory,
[04:05.88]the valleys weredeep shadows in thelandscape.
[04:09.61]The dogs, reassuredthat this was thefamiliar moon,stopped barking.
[04:16.23]And all at once Ifelt a confidenceand joy close tolaughter.
[04:22.01]The drama took anhour.
[04:24.42]Moonrise is slowand serried withsubtleties.
[04:28.63]To watch it, we mustslip into an older,more patient senseof time.
[04:34.77]To watch the moonmove inexorablyhigher
[04:38.04]is to find anunusual stillnesswithin ourselves.
[04:41.96]Our imaginationsbecome aware of thevast distances ofspace,
[04:47.02]the immensity of theearth and the hugeimprobability of ourown existence.
[04:53.41]We feel small butprivileged.
[04:57.00]Moonlight shows usnone of life'sharder edges.
[05:00.98]Hillsides seemsilken and silvery,
[05:04.15]the oceans stilland blue in itslight.
[05:07.65]In moonlight webecome lesscalculating,
[05:10.58]more drawn to ourfeelings.
[05:13.09]And odd thingshappen in suchmoments.
[05:16.59]On that July night,I watched the moonfor an hour or two,
[05:20.89]and then got backinto the car,
[05:23.44]turned the key inthe Ignition andheard the enginestart,
[05:27.70]just as mysteriouslyas it had stalled afew hours earlier.
[05:31.86]I drove down themountains with themoon
[05:35.08]on my shoulder andpeace in my heart.I return often tothe rising moon.
[05:41.70]I am drawnespecially whenevents crowd ease
[05:45.39]and clarity ofvision into a smallcorner of my life.
[05:49.88]This happens oftenin the fall.
[05:52.86]Then I go to myhill and await thehunter's moon,
[05:56.64]enormous and goldover the horizon,
[05:59.58]filling the nightwith vision.
[06:02.23]An owl swoops fromthe ridgetop,noiseless but brightas flame.
[06:07.66]A cricketshrills inthe grass.
[06:10.88]I think ofpoets andmusicians.
[06:13.81]Of Beethoven's"Moonlight Sonata"
[06:17.12]and of Shakespeare,whose Lorenzodeclaims in TheMerchant of Venice,
[06:21.76]How sweet themoonlight sleepsupon this bank!/
[06:25.40]Here will we sit andlet the sounds ofmusic/ Creep in ourears.
[06:30.89]I wonder if theirverse and music,like the music ofcrickets,
[06:35.52]are in some wayvoices of the moon.
[06:38.41]With such thoughts,
[06:40.02]my citifiedconfusions meltinto the quiet ofthe night.
[06:45.22]Lovers and poetsfind deeper meaningat night.
[06:49.00]We are all aptto pose deeperquestions-
[06:52.17]about our originsand destinies.
[06:55.34]We indulge inriddles,
[06:57.28]rather than in theimpersonal geome-tries that governthe daylit world.
[07:02.24]We becomephilosophersand mystics.
[07:05.93]At moonrise, as weslow our minds tothe pace of theheavens,
[07:11.09]enchantment stealsover us.
[07:13.88]We open thevents of feeling
[07:16.01]and exercise partsof our minds thatreason locks away byday.
[07:21.40]We hear, across thedistances, murmursof ancient hunters
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