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Spring the Resurrection Time(春,复活的季节)

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名称:Spring the Resurrection Time(春,复活的季节)
[00:06.07]In the serenecertainty of springrecurring,
[00:10.25]who can fear thedistant fall?
[00:15.87]By James J.Kilpatrick
[00:24.97]Springs are notalways the same.
[00:28.01]In some years,Aprilbursts upon our Vir-ginia hills in oneprodigious leap
[00:33.78]and all the stageis filled at once,
[00:36.42]whole choruses oftulips,arabesquesof forsythia,
[00:40.80]cadenzas offlowering plum.
[00:43.53]The trees growleaves overnight.
[00:47.12]In other years,spring tiptoesin.
[00:50.20]It pauses, overcomeby shyness, like mygrandchild at thedoor,
[00:55.43]peeping in,ducking outof sight,
[00:57.56]giggling in thehallway.
[00:59.56]"I know you're outthere, I cry. "
[01:01.94]Come in!"And April slipsinto our arms.
[01:06.07]The dogwood bud,pale green, isinlaid with russetmarkings.
[01:11.80]Within the perfectcup a score ofclustered seedsare nestled.
[01:16.72]One examinesthe bud in awe:
[01:19.61]Where were thoseseeds a month ago?
[01:22.00]The apples displaytheir milliner'sscraps of ivorysilk, rose-tinged.
[01:27.52]All the sleepingthings wake up-primrose, baby iris,blue phlox.
[01:34.09]The earth warms-youcan smell it,feel it, crumbleApril in your hands.
[01:41.10]The dark Blue RidgeMountains in whichI dwell,great-hippedbig-breasted,
[01:46.73]slumber on thewestern sky.
[01:49.21]And then theystretch andgradually awaken.
[01:52.70]A warm wind,soft as a girl'shair,
[01:55.78]moves sailboatclouds in gentleskies.
[01:58.97]The rains come-goodrains to sleep by-
[02:02.80]and fields that weredun as oatmeal turnto pale green,then to kelly green.
[02:09.37]All this reminds meof a theme that runsthrough my head likea line of music.
[02:15.54]Its message isprofoundly simple,
[02:18.17]and profoundlymysterious also;Life goes on.
[02:23.10]That is all thereis to it.Everything that is,was;
[02:27.38]and everythingthat is, will be.
[02:30.31]I am a newspaperman,not a preacher.
[02:34.40]I am embarrassed towrite of "God'spresence."God is off my beat.
[02:40.32]But one afternoon Iwas walking acrossthe yard
[02:43.75]and stoppedto pick up anacorn-one acorn,
[02:46.88]nut brown, glossy,cool to the touch;
[02:50.57]the crested topwas milledand knurled
[02:53.40]like the knobon a safe.
[02:57.28]There was nothingunique about it.Thousands litteredthe grass.
[03:02.46]I could not tellyou what Saul of
[03:04.80]Tarsus encounteredon that famous roadto Damascus
[03:07.88]when the light shonesuddenly around him,but I know what heleft.
[03:12.71]He was trembling,and filled withastonishment,
[03:16.89]and so was I thatafternoon.
[03:19.28]The great chestnutoak that toweredabove me
[03:22.66]had sprungfrom such aninsignificant thingas this;
[03:26.44]and the oakcontained withinitself
[03:29.03]the generatingpower to seedwhole forests.
[03:32.46]All was locked inthis tiny, ingenioussafe-the mystery,
[03:37.74]the glory, the granddesign.
[03:41.92]The overwhelmingmoment passed,but it returns.
[03:46.25]Once, in February,we were down on thehillside pulling upbriars
[03:50.77]and honeysuckleroots.
[03:52.42]I dug with my handsthrough rottedleaves and crumblingmoldy bark.
[03:57.09]And behold: at thebottom of the dead,
[04:00.38]decaying mass a wildrhizome was raisinga green,
[04:04.56]impertinent shafttoward the unseensun.
[04:08.19]I am not saying Ifound DivineRevelation.
[04:11.92]What I found,I think, was awild iris.
[04:16.50]The iris was doingsomething more thansurviving.
[04:19.98]It was growing,exactly accordingto plan,
[04:23.42]responding torhythms and forcesthat were old beforeman was young.
[04:28.44]And it was drawingits life from thedead leaves oflong-gone winters.
[04:34.11]I covered thisunquenchablerhizome,
[04:36.70]patted it with aspade, and told itto be patient:spring would come.
[04:44.81]And that ispart of this same,unremarkable theme:spring does come.
[04:50.58]In the garden therue anemones comemarching out,
[04:54.22]bright as toysoldiers on theirparapets of stone.
[04:57.90]The dogwoods floatin casual cloudsamong the hills.
[05:01.88]This is theResurrection time.
[05:04.52]That which was dead,or so it seemed,
[05:07.60]has come to lifeagain-the stiffbranch, supple;
[05:11.68]the brown earth,green.
[05:13.87]This is the miracle:There is no death;there is, in truth,eternal life.
[05:21.78]These are loftythemes for anewspaperman.
[05:25.22]I cover politics,not ontology.
[05:28.55]But it is notrequired that onebe learned inmetaphysics
[05:32.48]to contemplatea pea patch.
[05:34.77]A rudimentarymastery of a shovelwill suffice.
[05:38.70]So, in the spring,we plunge shovelsinto the garden plot
[05:43.63]turn under the darkcompost, rake finethe crumblingclods,
[05:48.45]and press the inertseeds into orderlyrows.
[05:51.44]These are thecommonest routines.
[05:54.33]Who could findexcitement here?
[05:56.71]But look! The rainfalls, and the sunwarms,
[06:01.59]and somethinghappens.
[06:03.48]It is thegerminationprocess.
[06:05.92]Germ of what?Germ of life,germ inexplicable,germ of wonder.
[06:12.98]The dry seedruptures and thegreen leaf uncurls.
[06:17.11]Here is a messagethat transcends therites
[06:19.79]of any churchor creed ororganized religion.
[06:23.83]I would challengeany doubting Thomasin my pea patch.
[06:28.66]A year or so ago,succumbing to thelures of a gardencatalogue,
[06:33.49]we went grandly intoheather.
[06:35.92]Over the winter itlooked as though thegrand investment
[06:39.50]had become a granddisaster.
[06:41.65]Nothing in thegarden seemeddeader than theheather.
[06:45.87]But now the tipsare emerald,
[06:48.06]and the plants arecoronets for fairyqueens..
[06:51.90]Everywhere,spring bringsthe blessedreassurance
[06:55.78]that life goes on,
[06:57.27]that death is nomore than a passingseason.
[07:01.05]The plan neverfalters; the designnever changes.
[07:06.38]Look to the rueanemone,if you will,or to the pea patch,
[07:10.75]or to the stubbornweed that thrusts
[07:12.89]its shouldersthrough a citystreet.
[07:15.78]This is how it was,is now, and evershall be, the worldwithout end.
[07:22.30]In the serenecertainty of springrecurring,
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