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Have You Seen the Tree(你见过那棵树吗)

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名称:Have You Seen the Tree(你见过那棵树吗)
[00:04.27]If the constellationsappeared only oncein a thousand years
[00:07.96]he observed inNature imagine whatan exciting eventit would be.
[00:12.68]But because they'reup there every nightwe barely give thema look.
[00:17.76]Have You Seen theTree?By Robert S.Kyff
[00:28.78]My neighborMrs.Gargan firsttold me about it.
[00:32.76]"Have you seen thetree?"
[00:34.17]she asked as I wassitting in the backyard enjoying theOctober twilight.
[00:39.15]"The one down atthe corner,"she explained.
[00:41.71]"It's a beautifultree-all kinds ofcolors.
[00:45.29]Cars are stopping tolook. You ought tosee it."
[00:49.39]I told her I would,but I soon forgotabout the tree.
[00:53.77]Three days later,I was jogging downthe street,
[00:56.99]my mind swimmingwith pettyworries,
[00:59.63]when a splash ofbright orange caughtmy eye.
[01:02.95]For an instant,
[01:03.87]I thought someone'shouse had caughtfire.
[01:06.53]Then Irememberedthe tree.
[01:09.75]As I approached it,I slowed to a walk.
[01:13.29]There was nothingremarkable about theshape of the tree,
[01:16.07]a medium-sizedmaple.
[01:18.26]But Mrs. Gargan hadbeen right about itscolors.
[01:21.91]Like the messywhirl of anartist's palette,
[01:24.92]the tree blazed abright crimson onits lower branches,
[01:28.92]burned with vividyellows and orangesin its center,
[01:32.24]and simmeredto deep burgundyat its top.
[01:37.31]Through these fierycolors cascaded thinrivulets ofpale-green leaves
[01:42.06]and blotches ofdeep-green leaves,as yet untouched byautumn.
[01:47.00]Edging closer-like apilgrim approachinga shrine-
[01:50.89]I noticed severalbare branches nearthe top,
[01:53.95]their black twigsscratching theair like claws.
[01:57.98]The leaves theyhad shed lay likea scarlet carpetaround the trunk.
[02:03.82]With its variednations of color,this tree seemed tobecome a globe,
[02:08.93]embracing in itsbroad branches allseasons andcontinents:
[02:13.54]the spring and summerof the SouthernHemisphere in thelight and dark greens
[02:18.84]the autumn and winterof the Northern in theblazing yellows andbare branches.
[02:24.63]The whole planetseemed poised onthe pivot of thispastiche.
[02:30.35]As I marveledat this all-encompassingbeauty,
[02:33.91]I thought ofRalph WaldoEmerson's commentsabout the stars.
[02:38.45]If theconstellationsappeared only oncein a thousand years,
[02:42.48]he observed inNature, imagine whatan exciting event itwould be.
[02:48.04]But because they'reup there every night,we barely give thema look.
[02:53.60]I felt the same wayabout the tree.
[02:56.63]Because its majestywill last only aweek,
[02:59.56]it should beespeciallyprecious to us.
[03:02.43]And I had almostmissed it.
[03:05.56]Once when EmilyDickenson's father
[03:08.15]noticed a brilliantdisplay of northernlights in the skyover Massachusetts,
[03:13.17]he tolled a churchbell to alerttownspeople.
[03:17.00]That's what I feltlike doing about thetree.
[03:20.11]I wanted to becomea Paul Revere ofautumn,
[03:23.24]awakening thecountryside toits wonder.
[03:26.85]I didn't have achurch bell or ahorse,
[03:30.40]but as I walkedhome,I did askeach neighbor
[03:33.72]I passed the samesimple but momentousquestion Mrs. Garganhad asked me:
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