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Fiest Snow(第一场雪)

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名称:Fiest Snow(第一场雪)
[00:09.42]He knew,of course,that she wouldn'tremember any ofthis.
[00:13.43]For her there wouldbe other snowfallsto recall.
[00:16.57]But for him,it was her first.Their first.
[00:20.04]And the memory wouldstay,cold and hard,fresh in histhoughts
[00:24.84]long after thesnowman melted.
[00:29.36]First SnowBy JonathanNicholas
[00:41.54]He wasn't sure whathad awakened him.
[00:43.98]Perhaps the childhad made some smallnoise in her sleep.
[00:47.97]But as he peekedfrom beneath thecovers,
[00:50.52]his gaze was drawnnot to the Cradlebut to the window.
[00:54.83]It was then that herealized what hadsneaked
[00:57.38]through the shieldof his slumbers.
[00:59.41]It was the sense offalling snow.
[01:02.43]Quietly, so as notto disturb thechild's mother,
[01:06.53]he rose from thebed and inchedtoward the cradle.
[01:10.48]Reaching down,he gently liftedthe warm bundle tohis shoulder.
[01:14.90]Then, as he tiptoedfrom the bedroom,she lifted her head,
[01:19.17]opened her eyesand-daily dose ofmagic-smiled up ather dad.
[01:25.36]He carried herdownstairs,counting the creakson the way.
[01:30.31]Together, theysettled in at thekitchen table,
[01:33.06]and the adult inhim slipped away.
[01:35.53]Two children now,they pressed theirnoses against theglass.
[01:41.06]The light from thestreet lamp
[01:42.99]on the cornerfiltered downthrough the birchtrees,
[01:45.67]casting a glow asgreen
[01:46.97]as a summermemory upon thewinter-brown backyard.
[01:51.60]From the distancecame the endlessecho of thestoplight,
[01:55.23]flashing its rubymessage,teasing likea dawn that wouldnot come.
[02:01.10]The flakes werefalling thick andhard now,
[02:04.28]pouring past thewindow, a waterfallof mystery.
[02:10.72]Occasionally, onewould stick to theglass,
[02:13.42]as if reluctantto tumble to itsfate.
[02:16.20]Then,slowly,slippingand sliding down theglass,
[02:19.80]it would melt,its beautyfleeting. Gone.
[02:24.43]Within an hour,a white tableclothwas spread upon thelawn.
[02:29.09]And as gray steaksof dawn unraveledalong the black seamof the distant hills
[02:34.36]father and daughterwatched the new dayripple across theneighborhood.
[02:39.81]A porch lightcame on.A car doorslammed.
[02:44.10]A televisionflickered.
[02:46.56]Across the street,afamily scurried intogear.
[02:50.75]But this day wasdifferent.
[02:53.00]Glimpsed throughundraped windowsas they darted fromroom to room,
[02:57.71]the slim figuresof the childrenseemed to grow everfatter until,
[03:02.05]finally,the kitchendoor flew open
[03:04.83]and out burst threeawesomely bundledobjects
[03:08.12]that set instantlyto rolling in thesnow.
[03:11.90]He wondered wherethey had learnedthis behavior.
[03:15.26]Even the littlestone, for whom thismust have been thefirst real snowfall,
[03:19.87]seemed to knowinstinctively whatto do.
[03:23.66]They rolled in it,they tasted it,
[03:25.99]they packed itinto balls andtossed it at oneanother.
[03:29.85]Then, just when hethought they mightnot know everything,
[03:33.56]they set aboutshaping asnowman on thecrest of the hill
[03:38.43]By the time thesnowman's nose wasin place,
[03:41.85]the neighborhood wasfully awake.A car whined inprotest,
[03:46.35]but skiddedstaunchly out ofits driveway.
[03:49.47]Buses ground forwardlike Marines,determined to takethe hill.
[03:54.21]And all the while,the baby sat secureand warm in hisarms.
[03:59.93]He knew, of course,that she wouldn'tremember any ofthis.
[04:04.09]For her there wouldbe other snowfallsto recall.
[04:07.66]But for him, it washer first.Their first.
[04:11.92]And the memory wouldstay, cold and hard,fresh in histhoughts,
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