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a tooth tale

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名称:a tooth tale
By Christine L. Henderson
Art by Mark Corcoran

The Tooth Fairy tiptoed into the bedroom. “How nice,” she whispered. “David cleaned his room. Now I won’t trip on anything while I look for his first lost tooth.”

She reached under his pillow and touched paper. “Ah, an envelope user,” the Tooth Fairy said. She pulled out a drawing of a tooth.

“Oh, dear. David doesn’t know that I need a real tooth! I’ll leave him a note.” The Tooth Fairy pulled her glitter pen out of her pixie-dust purse and wrote:

Dear David,
You draw very well, but I need something more than a picture of your tooth.
The Tooth Fairy

The next night, the Tooth Fairy’s fingers again found something under David’s pillow. It was small. It was hard. But it wasn’t a tooth. She dug in her pixie-dust purse for her glasses. The Tooth Fairy held a small white pebble in her hand.

She sighed. “I see I have to write another note,” she said. Out came the glitter pen.

Dear David,
I guess I was not clear last night. I need your tooth!
The Tooth Fairy

On the third night, the Tooth Fairy found an envelope. But there wasn’t a tooth in it. Instead, the Tooth Fairy found a note and a dollar bill.

Dear Ms. Tooth Fairy,
I’m sorry I can’t give you my tooth. It came out when I was at school, and I put it in my pocket. When I looked for it later, it was gone. Please don’t be mad at me.

When my sister lost her tooth, you gave her a dollar. Since I can’t give you my tooth, I am leaving a dollar for you.
Your friend,

“Poor thing!” the Tooth Fairy cried. She took her glitter pen out of her pixie-dust purse. In fancy lettering, she wrote:

Dear David,
I am most sorry about your tooth. Please know that you are not the first person to misplace one. It happened to me, in fact. Perhaps that is why I got into this line of work.

There is no need for YOU to pay ME. You may keep your dollar, and I am giving you one for telling me what happened. I wish you the best of luck with your next tooth.

Your friend,
The Tooth Fairy

PS: Don’t forget to brush and floss.

“Sweet dreams, David,” the Tooth Fairy whispered as she slipped the note and a dollar bill under his pillow. Then she tiptoed out of his room
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