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starla rae takes over

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名称:starla rae takes over
Dear Arizona,
  My parents think I watch too much TV, but I don’t agree. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with watching a lot of TV. Do you love TV as much as I do?
  —TV Tom in Toronto

Dear TV Tom,
  I used to like TV a lot, too—until The Infinities took over my life!

You see, I fell in love, love, love with this new show called The Infinities. It was about a family that lived in the future.

My favorite character was named Starla Rae. She was the hilariously funny big sister, and I just couldn’t get enough of her. Not only did I watch The Infinities every chance I got, but I completely loved all things Starla Rae.

I had Starla Rae posters on my wall, a Starla Rae binder, Starla Rae notebooks, even Starla Rae bookmarks. And when The Infinities wasn’t on TV, I’d listen to my Starla Rae CD over and over and over again.

“Can we please listen to a different CD?” asked my little brother, Tex.

“Sure,” I said, “right after this Starla Rae song.”

“But that’s what you said a million Starla Rae songs ago!” complained my little sister, Indi. “We want to listen to something else.”

“Anything else!” begged Tex. I even started trying to copy the way Starla Rae looked.

“That’s an interesting hairstyle,” Isabel said at school.

“Isn’t it cool?” I said. “I tried to do it just like Starla Rae’s.”

“It’s OK,” said Isabel. “But I kind of miss your old hairdo.”

“That boring old hairstyle?” I said. “No way! This is much cooler.”

At recess, my friends were playing basketball as usual.

“Come on, Arizona—what are you waiting for?” called Roberto. “Let’s shoot some hoops!”

“No, thanks,” I said. “I’m not really all that into basketball anymore. Besides, I’m busy writing this fan letter.”

“Let me guess,” said Thea. “To Starla Rae, right?”

“Starla Rae isn’t even a real person,” said Roberto. “Why can’t you play with us now and write your letter after school?”

I rolled my eyes. “You guys just don’t understand what’s important!”

“Or maybe we have different ideas about what’s important,” Thea said, passing the ball to Roberto.

After school, Ollie came over to my house. “Want to go to the skate park?” he asked.

“I would if I could, but I can’t so I shan’t,” I said, doing my best Starla Rae impression. “Besides, The Infinities is coming on in ten minutes.”

“Ouch,” said Ollie. “I can’t believe you’re picking a TV show over me—again!”

“No, I’m not—I mean, not really,” I said. “Why can’t we just skate later on?”

“That’s what you always say, but you never come skating anymore.” Ollie shook his head. “I don’t get it. Why do you like that show so much anyway?”

“Why? It’s just the greatest show on the planet, that’s all,” I answered. “Well, I think it’s pretty sad that what’s on TV is more important to you than the real people in your life,” said Ollie.

“You know what?” I told Ollie. “You obviously don’t get Starla Rae at all.”

“You know what?” Ollie said, skating away. “I don’t want to get Starla Rae—at all!”

I could tell Ollie was hurt. Feeling guilty, I grabbed my board and followed him to the skate park. We didn’t say much at first, but before long, we were both laughing at the goofy tricks we were making up.

And that’s when it hit me. It had been forever since I’d had a good laugh with Ollie—or anyone else. I’d been spending so much time watching TV and listening to Starla Rae CDs that I had abandoned my real life—and the people in it!

“Hey,” I said to Ollie. “I’m sorry for acting so weird lately. I think I’m over it now.”

“Good.” Ollie smiled. “I’m glad you’re acting like yourself again. I was getting pretty tired of Starla Rae.”

After skating, we went over to Ollie’s house to play with his hamster, Houdini. The fan letter that I had written to Starla Rae at recess fell out of my pocket, and before I could pick it up, Houdini grabbed it. I was going to take it away from him, but then I decided to let him keep it. Ollie and I laughed as Houdini shredded the letter into cozy nesting material.

“So,” said Ollie. “Are you going to get a new favorite TV show?”

“Nah,” I said. “I think maybe I’ll turn off the tube for a while and live my life instead!”

So, dear TV Tom, I still watch television sometimes, but I don’t think it’s such a good thing when it becomes the most important part of your world—if you know what I mean.

Ciao for now,


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