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green Belt With Envy

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名称:green Belt With Envy
Dear Arizona,
  When I found out my friend would be playing a trumpet solo at our school’s band concert, I was so jealous that I couldn’t even talk to him. How can I go back to acting normal again?
  — Envious in Encino

Dear Envious,
  Your letter reminds me of something that happened with me and my friend Mareya Becker, who’s incredibly good at karate. When I think about the way I acted, I get so embarrassed! But everybody makes mistakes once in a while, right?

Before I tell you the story, you should know that Mareya isn’t just super-great at karate—she’s also a super-great friend. She’s funny and smart and thoughtful, and it’s because of her that I even got into karate in the first place. And we’re not even in the same karate class. I mean, she was already a green belt when I started!

Anyway, Mareya was trying to teach me this new kick, but as hard as I tried, I just couldn’t get it down.

“Hey, guess what?” she said. “I got invited to enter that big regional karate competition this weekend.”

What I said was “Wow, cool!” But what I was thinking was I didn’t even know about any karate competition. I’ll never be as good as Mareya. I should just give up now!

“You have to jump up a little higher for a spinning roundhouse kick—like this,” Mareya said, demonstrating one more time.

But the harder I tried, the worse I did. I felt like screaming!

“Remember,” Mareya said, smiling, “practice makes perfect.”

“Maybe for you, Little Miss Perfect!” I snapped.

Mareya was so surprised at my comment, she just stopped and stared as if she’d seen a ghost. And I was feeling so jealous and horrible about myself that, instead of apologizing and explaining why I’d blurted out such an unbelievably mean thing, I turned and ran away!

As soon as I got home, I went to my room, buried myself under my bed covers, and tried to pretend I was a whole different person living on a whole different planet. But before long, a pesky little somebody came and sat on me.

“Go away,” I told my cat. “I’m not in the mood for company.”

But instead of leaving, Cow started doing his scratchy-paw dance on my head!

I came out from my covers, kissed his little pink nose, and said, “It’s just frustrating that Mareya is great at all those advanced kicks when they’re really difficult for me.”

Right after I said that, Cow did the most amazing thing! He jumped up, did a funny spin, and kicked his front right paw. Now, I know cats do little kicks all the time. But this was not a normal kitty move. I had to tell somebody what had just happened—and the only somebody who’d get as big a “kick” out of it as I did was Mareya. I ran to the kitchen to call her, but as soon as I dialed her number I felt shy. I knew I had to apologize first thing.

When she answered, I cleared my throat and said, “Mareya, I’m a bajillion years beyond sorry for acting all weird earlier! I guess I was jealous that you’re going to be in a fancy competition and I wasn’t even invited.” Even though I was still embarrassed, I felt a little better after it was out.

Mareya paused. “It’s OK,” she said. “But next time, just tell me how you’re feeling instead of walking away.”

I promised that I definitely would. Then I remembered what I had wanted to tell her about Cow. “You won’t believe what happened. Cow did a perfect spinning roundhouse kick!”

“No way!” said Mareya.

We both laughed, then she said, “Maybe Cow could take my place in the competition this weekend.”

“Awww!” I said. “He’d look so cute wearing a mini karate outfit.” “With a mini black belt!” added Mareya. Then she got all serious and said she was so nervous about the competition that she wished Cow could take her place!

“No one could take your place, Mareya,” I said. “You’ll be spectacular! I’m really proud of you.”

I realized then how much I meant it.

So, dear Envious, I believe that the fastest way to patch things up with your friend is just to let him know how you feel. I’m fairly positive that he’ll understand— and he’ll probably be glad to have your friendship at a time when he needs your support.

Think of it this way: when it’s your turn to shine—and it will happen to you one of these days!—don’t you want your friends to be happy for you? (But if it takes them a little while to come around, well . . . remember that sometimes it’s just really hard to be a human!)

Ciao for now,

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