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allie’s sparrow

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名称:allie’s sparrow
By Nancy Walker-Guye
Art by Karen Stormer Brooks

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Allie spotted a little sparrow while she was shopping with her mother. It was perched on a light fixture close to the store’s ceiling.

As a man left the store, the automatic door opened. The sparrow swooped down toward it. Allie held her breath, afraid the bird would crash into the closing door.

But it didn’t. It flew sideways and landed on top of a mountain of tomato juice cans.

Cheep!The little sparrow darted its head back and forth. It looked nervous.

Allie raced to the door, opening it. “Come on, little sparrow!” she cried, waving her arms. “You can fly away now.”

The sparrow looked straight at Allie. Its eyes were like shiny brown beads. Mr. Andrews was on his way out. “Let me try,” he said. Allie went back to Mom and watched.

Mr. Andrews stood in the open doorway for a moment. Then he called, “Come on, little fellow. Don’t be afraid!”

The sparrow didn’t move. “I’m sorry, but I have to go,” said Mr. Andrews. He left, and the door closed.

Patricia had been stacking cereal boxes on a shelf. She walked over and stood in the doorway to open it. “Come on, bird!” she called.

But Allie’s sparrow fluttered back up to the ceiling.

Allie and Mom continued shopping. Allie’s chest tightened each time she heard the sparrow utter a littleCheep!

Finally, she and Mom arrived at the checkout.

Allie’s sparrow was on the stack of tomato-juice cans again, watching the doorway.

Outside, Mrs. Sanchez was approaching the store entrance in her wheelchair. She paused in the open doorway and slowly leaned over to tie her shoe.

This was the sparrow’s chance!

Allie called quietly, “Mrs. Sanchez, hold still, please!”

Mrs. Sanchez looked puzzled.

Allie put her finger to her lips, then pointed to the sparrow. Mrs. Sanchez glanced up at the bird. Then she glanced back at Allie. She gave Allie a tiny nod.

With a flutteringwhir,Allie’s sparrow was in the air. It whizzed right over Mrs. Sanchez’s head and out the door.

Mrs. Sanchez sat up again. “Thanks, Mrs. Sanchez! You helped my sparrow get out!” Allie cried.

Allie ran to the window. She watched the sparrow join its friends who were lined up on the fence, waiting.

Allie felt as if she were flying, too, when all of the birds soared up and away into the treetops.
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