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digger and dander

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名称:digger and dander
By Wendy Silvano
Art by Liisa Chauncy Guida

Digger and Dander were good friends. They did everything together. They played together. They went places together.

Their favorite place to go was to the lake. But it was a long walk.

One day Digger had an idea.

“Let’s buy bicycles,” he said. “Then we canrideto the lake.” Dander looked in his pockets. “I have two dollars.” Digger looked in his pockets. “I have two dollars, too.”

“I don’t think four dollars is enough for two bicycles,” said Dander.

“Then we’ll earn more,” said Digger.

“How?” asked Dander.

“I’ll have a lemonade stand,” said Digger. “Good idea,” said Dander. “And I’ll have a cookie stand.”

Digger took his two dollars and bought supplies for lemonade. Dander took his two dollars and bought supplies to make cookies.

Digger set up his stand on one corner. Dander set up his stand on the other corner. They waited for customers. They waited a long time.

Digger was getting hungry. “I have a quarter left,” he said to himself. “I’ll buy a cookie from Dander.”

Digger bought a cookie and shared it with Dander. Then he went back to his lemonade stand to wait for customers.

A little while later Dander was thirsty. He looked at the quarter Digger had given him.

“I’ll buy a glass of lemonade from Digger,” he said. And he did.

Time went by. Digger looked over at Dander’s cookie stand.

“No one is buying cookies,” he said to himself. “I think I’ll help out my friend.”

He went over to Dander’s stand.

“One cookie, please.”

“That will be twenty-five cents,” said Dander, and took the quarter. “How’s business?” asked Digger. “Not too bad,” said Dander. “I’ve already sold two cookies.”

“Good,” said Digger. “I’m sure we’ll earn enough by the end of the day.”

Digger went back to selling lemonade. Sure enough, it wasn’t long before he had a customer. Dander bought another glass of lemonade.

“Thank you,” said Digger.

“My pleasure,” said Dander.

That was how the afternoon went, with Digger buying cookies and Dander buying lemonade whenever they had a quarter.

When the sun began to set, Digger was out of lemonade and Dander was out of cookies. They put away their stands and went inside.

“How did we do?” asked Dander.

“I sold all my lemonade,” said Digger.

“And I sold all my cookies,” said Dander.

“Wow!” cried Digger. “Let’s get our bicycles!”

Dander looked in his pockets.

“I have a quarter. How much do you have?”

Digger looked in his pockets.

“I don’t have anything,” he said.

“How can that be?” said Dander. “We sold everything.”

“Oh, well,” said Digger. “We can still go to the lake. We’ll just have to walk.”

And so they did, first thing the next day... together.
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