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The cat and the Bird in the Hat快乐一家人

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名称:The cat and the Bird in the Hat快乐一家人
Once there was a cat named Spats.从前有一只猫,名叫斯派茨。
He was nearsighted.它是个近视眼。
He couldn’t see where he was going.它看不清自己要去哪里。
One day, while taking a walk, Spats found a hat.一天,斯派茨散步的时候看见了一顶帽子。
It was a fine hat.那是一顶很不错的帽子。
Spats put it on.它就把它戴在了头上。
But something was wrong with the hat.但这顶帽子有点儿不对劲。
A bird was living in the hat!帽子里住着一只小鸟!
Spats asked the bird to leave.斯派茨叫小鸟走开。
But the bird didn’t want to leave the hat.但小鸟并不想离开帽子。
While they were talking about it…它们正在争吵的时候……
Spats and the bird met a little girl named Milly.斯派茨和小鸟撞到了一个叫米丽的小姑娘。
The bird took back the hat.小鸟抢回了帽子。
“It’s my hat,” said Spat.“这是我的帽子,”斯派茨说。
“It’s my hat,” said the bird.“这是我的帽子,”小鸟说。
Milly said, “Why cant’s you both enjoy the hat?”米丽说:“你们为什么不一起用这顶帽子呢?”
“Bird, you take the top. Cat you take the bottom.”“小鸟,你用上面。小猫,你用下面。”
And they did. But they were not very happy.它们就这么做了,但它们并不很开心。
When the bird said go right, spats wanted to go left.小鸟说向右走的时候,斯派茨却想向左走。
When spats said no, the bird said yes.斯派茨说“不”的时候,小鸟却说“是”。
“Look out,” said the bird.“当心!”小鸟说。
“There’s a big dog right in front of us!”“我们前面有只大狗!”
The bird led Spats to the nearest tree.小鸟带着斯派茨跑到了离它们最近的树那里。
Soon the dog went away.哪知狗很快就走开了。
Spats thanked the bird for her help.斯派茨很感谢小鸟帮了它。
Then he climbed down the tree.然后,它从树上爬了下来。
“I smell something good to eat,” said Spats.“我闻到有好吃的东西,”斯派茨说。
And his nose led them to a hot dog. 它的鼻子带它们找到了一个热狗。
They sheared it.它们一起分享了这顿美餐。
Then spats took a catnap, and the bird looked out for dogs.
All summer long they shared the hat. 整个夏天它们都共用那顶帽子。
They had fun swimming.它们一起游泳,有趣极了。
They had picnics in the park.它们还在公园里野餐。
It was a good summer.真是个美好的夏天。
One day the leaves began to fall.有一天,树叶开始凋落了。
The bird began to put twigs and grass in the hat.小鸟开始往帽子里放小树枝和草。
The bird brought Spats a wool scarf that she found.小鸟给斯派茨带来了自己找到的一条羊毛围巾。
It began to snow. 开始下雪了。
But Spats didn’t mind. 但是斯派茨并不在乎。
His neck was warm.因为它的脖子很暖和。
The bird didn’t have to fly south.小鸟也不必飞往南方了。
Winter was as much fun as summer.冬天和夏天一样有趣,
They even made a snowcat.它们甚至还用雪堆了一只小猫。
What a wonderful winter it was!多美妙的冬天啊!
One sunny morning, the snow went away. 一个阳光明媚的早晨,雪融化了。
Spats saw a flower. 斯派茨看到了一朵花。
It was spring!春天来了!
And in the hat there was a new sound.帽子里又有了一个新的声音。
Spats ran as fast as he could to find Milly.斯派茨拼命地跑啊跑,找到了米丽。
He had news for her.它要告诉她一个消息。
“Milly,” he said. “You have babies…“米丽,”它说,“你有小宝宝了……
I mean I have…我的意思是我有……
I mean the bird has babies!”我的意思是说,小鸟有小宝宝了!”
“Spats,” said Milly, “You have a family!”“斯派茨,”米丽说,“你有家了!”
And they all lived happily ever after.从那以后,它们一起过着幸福的生活。
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