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The Christmas Cub欢度圣诞

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名称:The Christmas Cub欢度圣诞
A long time ago there was a cub named Pip.
He was curious about everything!
Pip lived in a big cave with his mother and father.
One chilly day, Momma said,
"It is time to go to sleep, dear.
Winter is nearly here."
But Pip was too curious to sleep.
What was winter? He just had to find out!
So he crept out of the cave and into the wintry woods.
Pip followed his nose until he came to a cabin.
"What is this?"the little bear wondered out loud.
A nearby pine tree relied," That's a cabin."
Pip was curious.
'Who are you?" he asked.
'i am Everygreen," the pine tree said.
She pionted with a branch toward the cabin.
"And they are peaple"
Pip had never seen people before.
They were very interesting! They had no fur.
And they walked on two legs instead of four.
Evergreen knew all about people,
just as she knew all about winter.
'I'm the only tree that stays awake," she explained.
'I get to see all of winter. The ice! The snow!
And best of all ... Christmas!"
"What is Christmas?" Pip asked.
"Christmas is beautiful!"
Evergreen sighed. "The people decorate their cabin."
Pip peeked throught the window.
'I'm glad I styed awake for Christmas! he said.
'But Christmas gets even better!" said Evergreen.
" The people sing special songs," the tree went on.
Pip loved the music.
'I am so glad I didn't miss Christmas! he said.
'But Christmas gets even better!" Evergreeen laughed.
" The people bake cookes." Pip liked the smell of cookes!
When the people were gone, Pip ate some.
He cried,"I love Christmas!"
'But Christmas gets even better!" Evergreen said.
"The people give each other gifts. And it makes them feel Christmas happy."
Pip sighed,"I wish I could feel Christmas."
"I wish you could, too." Evergreen said.
And that gave the tree an idea!
The next day, Pip found a present under Evergreen's branches.
"For me? hs asked.
Evergreen nodded, and the air smelled like sweet pine.
Pip unwrapped his present.
"It's beautiful!" he cried.
The little tree felt Christmas happy.
"The birds helped me make it for you," she said.
Pip hugged his doll tightly.
"Now I know what Christams is," said the little bear.
But the next day, Pip realized he was wrong.
I must find a gift for Evergreen!
the cub thought.
He looked outside the cave.
Rain trickled down from a dull, gray sky.
What could the little bear give to the tree?
Suddenly the clouds parted.
A rainbow appeared! It was so beautiful!
Pip thought, that would be a perfect present for Evergreen!
So he ran off to catch the rainbow.
Pip found it shimmering in a puddle.
As he watched, the puddle turned to ice.
It started to snow!
Pip picked the frozen rainbow out of the icy puddle.
The little bear couldn't wait to give Evergreen his special gift.
But just as he reached his friend, Pip fell and dropped the rainbow!
" I broke your gift!" Pip sobbed.
" But it is still beautiful," Evergreen said.
And that gave the bear an idea!
"Now you are the most colorful tree in the world," Pip said.
Just then, Santa appeared.
"What a beautiful tree! he said.
"I believe you are a Christmas tree!"
From then on, all evergreens have been Christmas trees-and
cuddly teddy bears have been Santa's favorite gift to give!
---the end.
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