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A Present for Mama Bear熊妈妈的礼物

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名称:A Present for Mama Bear熊妈妈的礼物
Edgar Bear wanted to give his mama a very special present ofr her birthday. He wanted to give her the best present in the world.
“Maybe I will give her flowers,” thought Edgar Bear.
So he went outside to find the prettiest flowers that grew there.
It was cloudy outside. Edgar Bear saw some beautiful daisies, but before he had time to pick them, it started to rain.
Edgar Bear got all wet. Soon he was covered in mud. And he was cold. “Maybe flowers are not the best present for Mama after all,” he said to himself.
As he walked home, he thought and thought. Then he had an idea. So Edgar Bear tiptoed up to his room and took out his brushed and paints.
He made a picture of his house. Then he made a picture of his friend Alligator. And a picture of his mama.
He was already covered with mud, and now he had paint all over himself, too.
When he was finished making pictures, Edgar Bear still wasn’t happy. “The pictures are pretty, but maybe they are not the best present for my mama,” he said to himself.
Edgar Bear sat on the bed. He thought and thought and thought. Then he had an idea. “I will bake a cake. That will be the best present of all.”
So Edgar Bear opened the kitchen cupboards. He saw the flour and sugar and baking soda.
“I will mix them all together. Then I will cook them,” he thought.
“That will taste good.” When Edgar Bear reached for the sugar box, it slipped “Oh, dear,” thought Edgar Bear. Now the sugar was ruined.
But then he smiled. “The flour is still good,” he thought. He reached up to get the flour, but it fell onto the counter. The kitchen was a mess. Edgar Bear was covered with mud. And paint, and now flour. He began to cry.
His mama heard the noise and came into the kitchen. “What’s this, Edgar Bear? What have you been doing?” Edgar Bear cried even louder.
His mama picked him up in her arms. “There, there, there,” she said. “I know you’re a good bear. But how did you get so dirty?”
Edgar Bear stopped crying. He told her about the cake. Then he told her about the pictures…and the daisies and the rain.
“Now I don’t have a birthday present for you,” he said with a big, sad sigh.
His mama was quiet for a minute. Then she said, “I know what you can give me. It will be the best present in the world.” Edgar Bear perked up.
“What I’d like for my birthday,” said his mama, “is a clean Edgar Bear.”
And that is what she got.
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