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three smart pals-三个机灵鬼

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名称:three smart pals-三个机灵鬼
1.   Fresh Fish for Sale 出售鲜鱼

Al, Sal, and Hal were three pals. They were very smart. One day they watched Mr. Bing open his new fish store. Mr. Bing placed the fish in the window. He swept the walk. He climbed a ladder to nail up a sign. The sign said: FRESH FISH FOR SALE.
“That sign has a big problem,” said Al. “You can say that again,” said Sal. “That sign has a big problem,” said Al. “It sure does,” said Hal. Mr. Bing almost fell off the ladder. “What problem?” she asked. “Is the spelling wrong?” Sal pulled a big dictionary form her sack. She looked throught it. “The spelling is fine,” she said. “But it still has a problem,” said Al.
“Please tell me what it is,” said Mr. Bing. Al, Sal, and Hal put their heads together to think. “Aha!” shouted Al. “One, two, three four. Four words.” “Too many words,” said Hal. “A sign with too many words is a wordy sign,” said Sal. “You are all so smart!” said Mr. Bing. “I don’t need to paint ‘FOR SALE’ “Everybody knows my fish are not free!” Mr. Bing painted out ‘FOR SALE’. Now the sign had only two words: FRESH FISH.
Mr. Bing climbed down the ladder. Al, Sal and Hal began to laugh. They rolled on the ground. Tears streamed down their cheeks.
“That sign!” giggled Sal. “It is so funny!” shouted Hal. He laughed some more. “Funny? Why is it funny?” asked Mr. Bing. Hal pulled a box of tissues form his sack. Al, Sal, and Hal wiped their eyes. They blew their noses, hard. “Oh, my, what a joke!” said Sal. “Fresh fish? Are fish for sale ever rotten?” “Silly you, Mr. Bing,” said Al. “Silly me,” said Mr. Bing. Mr. Bing climbed up the ladder again. He painted out “FRESH”. Now the sign had only one word left: FISH. Mr. Bing climbed down the ladder again.
Hal shook his fist at him. “That sign makes me angry!” Hal shouted. Sal stamped her foot. “Me, too!” she yelled. “What’s wrong, now?” cried Mr. Bing. Al sniffed the air. “Of course you are selling fish!” Al said. “We can see them. We can smell them!” “You must think we are not smart,” said Hal. “I’m sorry,” said Mr. Bing. He climbed up the ladder again. He painted out the word “FISH”. Now the sign said:
“Perfect! Shouted Al, Sal, and Hal. “Perfect?” asked Mr. Bing. “Perfect!” said the others. Mr. Bing climbed down the ladder.
The sun was hot and high in the sky. “We are going to have a picnic,”said Al. “We have a tasty lunch in our sacks.” “Do you want to come, too, Mr. Bing?” Sal asked. “No, thank you,” said Mr. Bing. “I have to sell my fish.” “Good-bye!” said Al, Sal, and Hal. “Have a good day!” said Mr. Bing. “And thanks for all your help.” Al, Sal and Hal went off to their picnic. Mr. Bing stood outside his fish store under his perfect sign.
2、Fair Is Fair 应当公平才是

Al, Sal, and Hal had a fine picnic by the lake. Hal brought broccoli sandwiches and lettuce sandwiches and pickles on the side. Al brought cold lime juice and hot green tea. Sal brought green plates and green forks and green cups.
“Everything was very tasty,” said Al.
“You can say that again,” said Sal.
“Everything was very tasty,” said Al.
“And very green,” said Hal.
“Green is a very tasty color for lunch,” said Sal.
“What’s for dessert?” asked Al.
“Green apple pie!” said Hal. “I make the best pie in the whole world.” Hal looked proud.
But Sal looked worried. “Oh, dear. I forgot to bring a knife,” she said.
“Here’s mine,” said Al.
“Sometimes I use it to whittle a little.”
“Cut three equal pieces,” said Hal.
“Of course. Fair is fair,” said Al.
Al cut three equal pieces.
“Dig in,” said Hal.
Al, Sal, and Hal picked up their forks.
“Wait!” shouted Hal. “This is not fair.
I baked this green apple pie. I should have more.”
“That makes sense,” said Sal.
“Fair is fair,” said Al.
So Al and Sal gave Hal an equal piece of their pie.
Al, Sal and Hal picked up their forks again.
“Wait!” said Sal. “This is still not fair. Hal picked the apples from my apple tree. I should have more, too.”
“That makes sense,” said Hal.
“Fair is fair,” said Al.
So Al and Hal gave Sal an equal piece of their pie. Sal and Hal picked up their forks. Al did not. He looked down at his plate,
“Something is not fair,” Al said.
“It is very fair,” said Hal.
“We would not have pie if I had not baked it.’
“It is very fair,” said Sal.
“We would not have pie without my apples.”
Sal and Hal picked up their forks again.
“Wait!” shouted Al.
“You would not have your pie and my pie without my knife!”
“Fair is fair,” said Al.
Sal and Hal gave Al an equal piece of their pie.
“I’m glad that is settled,” said Sal.
“Dig in,” said Hal.
Al, Sal, and Hal picked up their forks and ate green apple pie.
3、Hal’s Race 哈尔的比赛

After lunch Al whittled a little. Sal read her big dictionary. Hal fell asleep.
“Grr-ump, grr-izzle, grr-eeee!” something said.
Hal woke up.” What was that?” he asked.
“What was what?” asked Sal.
“That noise,” said Hal. “A scary hairy Thing with one big eye and seven hairy legs has come to get us!”
Hal made a fist. “I will beat it up!” he shouted.
“Silly,” said Sal. “The Thing is you. You were snoring.”
“Oh,” said Hal.
Now Hal could not sleep. He took off his pants. He was wearing his red swimsuit.
“Who wants to race across the lake and back?” Hal asked.
“I want to read my dictionary,” said Sal.
“I want to whittle a little,” said Al.
“But I want to race,” Hal said.
“How can I race alone?”
“I have a smart idea!” said Sal.
She pulled a big clock from her sack.
“Race with the clock,” she said.
“Silly,” Hal said. “Clocks cannot swim!”
“I will set the clock to ring in ten minutes,” said Sal. “Swim across and back before it rings.”
“I will beat that clock!” shouted Hal.
Sal set the clock to ring in ten minutes.
Hal jumped into the lake.
One minute went by. Hal swam fast. Another minute went by. Hal swam faster. Another and another and another minute went by. Hal reached the other side. He started back.
“Yea!” cheered Al and Sal.
Another minute went by. Hal swam fast. Another minute went by. Hal swam faster. Another and another and another minute went by.
“BRR-ING!” went the clock.
“Ten minutes are up,” said Sal.
But Hal was still swimming. It took him another minute to finish.
“I did not beat that clock,” said Hal.
“You did the best you could,” said Al.
“You can say that again,” said Hal.
“You did the best you could,” said Al.
“I swim faster in my blue suit,” said Hal. “Next time I will wear it.”
“Next time I will set the clock to ring in twelve minutes,” said Sal. “Then you will beat that clock.”
“What a smart idea!” said Hal.
“We will come back tomorrow.”
Then Al, Hal, and Sal went back to town.
4、A Terrific Show 精彩的表演

Mr. Bing was standing outside his fish store. The sun was going down. Along came Al. Sal, and Hal.
“Did you have a good day today?” asked Mr. Bing.
“Oh, yes,” said Hal. “Terrific,” said Al.
“You can say that again,” said Sal.
“Teffific,” said Al.
“Did you have a good day today, Mr. Bing?” asked Sal.
Mr. Bing looked sad. “No,” he said. “It was a bad day. Nobody bought my fish. Soon my fish will not be fresh.”
“That is a big problem,” said Hal.
“Please think of a smart idea to help me,” said Mr. Bing.
Al, Sal and Hal put their heads together to think.
“Aha!” shouted Al. “We have a smart idea!”
“You need a sign,” said Hal.
“A sign will get rid of your fish,” said Sal.
“That is just what I was thinking,” said Mr. Bing.
So Al, Sal and Hal painted Mr. Bing’s sign.
The sign said: A Terrific Show
“Perfect!” said Al, Sal, and Hal.
“Perfect?” asked Mr. Bing.
“Perfect,” said the others.
Al, Sal, and Hal stood outside the fish store under the perfect sign.
“Come one, come all!” shouted Al.
“Only fifty cents to get in!” shouted Sal.
“Everybody gets a door prize!” shouted Hal.
Many people came to the terrific show.
Al juggled what he had whittled. Hal danced a jig. Sal sang from A to Z. Mr. Bing fiddled a little. Everybody got a door prize. A fresh fish!
Mr. Bing counted his money. Now he looked happy. “Thanks for your help,” he said.
“One, two, three, four,” said Sal.
“Only four fish left.”
“Perfect! I will cook dinner for all of my pals,” said Mr. Bing.
“What a smart idea!” said Al.
“You can say that again,” said Sal and Hal.
And Al did.
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