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标签:  更新日期:2011-08-16

  Alone at sea in the indigo night,

  I found a moon slumbering tight.蓝蓝的夜晚,我独自在海边,

  发现一弯月亮,睡得正香甜。I called out his name so his dreaming would end,

  “Dear Mr. Moon, would you be my friend?”我大声把他叫,他从梦里睁开眼,

  “亲爱的月儿,我们能不能做个好伙伴?”He happily came right down to my boat,

  “How oddly, “ he said, “you keep you afloat.”他乐呵呵地靠近我的小船,

  “真好玩”,他说,“你一直这样四处转?” “I am swinging on a star,

  And I think it much better, much better by far!”“看我在星星上荡秋千,

  那可更好玩,更更好玩 ! ”And the moon began to rock and sway,

  To show he had a better way.月亮就开始摇摇摆摆 ,

  让我看这游戏有多精彩。He even did a great back flip,

  Which had always been his favourite trick.他甚至来了一个大大的后滚翻,

  那把戏,他一向最是喜欢。But then string tore with a SNAP!

  “Oh dear!” I cried, “What a mishap!”突然“啪”地一下,绳子变成两段,

  “哦,天哪!”我大叫,“这真是大灾难!”He fell right down in a quick flash,

  And hit the water with a SPLASH!月亮飞快掉了下来,

  “扑通”一声撞进大海!He began to sink and did not stop,

  Til all I saw his moon-top.他一直下沉没个完,

  最后只露出个月亮尖。But then he showed a great knack,

  For floating up on to his back.可是很快他就露了脸,

  喷着水珠浮上水面。But I could not just watch him float,

  So helped him up into my boat.我可不能看他这样乱窜,

  就帮他爬上我的小船 。I took my towel and dried him off,

  So that he would not catch a cough.拿条毛巾给他擦擦干,

  感冒就不会找他麻烦。And then I began to row to shore,

  So that he could dry some more.再把小船划向海岸,

  好让他干得快一点。And somehow got him trough the door,

  不知怎的,我就把他带进了家门With a touch of magic to be sure!

  一定是用了点儿魔法,这毫无疑问!Then we sat and sang together,

  “Lady Blue” and “Stormy Weather.”


  “小星星,亮闪闪”And how we twirled all night,

  Just me and Moon, what a sight!我们整夜转啊转,

  只有我和月亮,真是好玩!We danced until our feet were sore,

  We danced until we could no more.我们一起跳舞,直到腿儿酸

  我们跳啊跳啊,力气都用完Then we sat and read a book,

  And Mr. Moon loughed’till his belly shook.然后,我们又坐下把书看

  月亮笑得肚子都直打颤We cooked together, then ate a bite,

  And wished each other a fond “Goodnight”我们一起做饭,吃了一点,

  然后轻轻说了一声晚安。And while he slept I sailed again,

  To see if I could find another friend;趁他睡着,我又出门去转,

  想再找到一个新伙伴……In the middle of the sea,

  Mr. Sun smiled down to me.就在茫茫大海的正中间,

  太阳正朝我露笑脸。My new friends woke to find each other,

  As friend and friend, brother and brother.我的新朋友醒来,互相对看,

  就像一对双胞胎,面对着面。And together we now live and play,

  Day and night, night and day!现在我们一起生活一起玩,



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