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闽教版 五下03Unit2

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名称:闽教版 五下03Unit2
[00:01.00]Unit 2 A Visit to the Zoo第二单元 参观动物园
[00:05.61]Part AA部分
[00:07.50]1. Listen and follow.1.听录音并跟读。
[00:21.98]Dad, I want to see elephants. 爸爸,我想去看大象。
[00:25.42]Where are they?它们在哪儿?
[00:27.52]Look, there is a map over there. 看,那边有张地图。
[00:31.47]Let' s go and have a look.我们过去看一看。
[00:34.38]Go straight. Then turn right. 直走。然后右转。
[00:38.16]There are some elephants behind the hill.小山后面就有一些大象。
[00:42.03]Let's go.我们出发吧。
[00:44.05]Wow. They're so tall and big. 哇,它们又高又大啊。
[00:47.71]Look, a baby elephant!看,一只象宝宝!
[00:51.06]It's lovely.它很可爱。
[00:53.20]Let me take a photo of it.让我给它照张照片。
[00:56.17]2. Look and say.2.看图说英语。
[00:59.79]There is a map over there.那边有张地图。
[01:02.98]There is a baby elephant in the zoo.动物园里有一只象宝宝。
[01:07.30]There are some bears under the tree.树下面有一些熊。
[01:11.33]There are some tigers next to the lions.狮子旁边有一些老虎。
[01:15.96]3. Listen and learn the English sounds.3.听录音,学习英语发音。
[01:20.63]o nose robot o 鼻子 机器人
[01:29.35]o dog stop o 狗 停止
[01:37.78]o monkey Monday o 猴子 星期一
[01:47.03]Part B B部分
[01:49.06]1. Listen and follow.1.听录音并跟读。
[02:02.48]Mom. We are home.妈妈,我们到家了。
[02:05.80]What animals did you see,children?你们看到了哪些动物,孩子们?
[02:09.69]We saw pandas, tigers, monkeys ...我们看到了熊猫、老虎、猴子……
[02:14.73]And bears,lions and elephants, too.还有熊、狮子和大象。
[02:19.23]I took a photo of a baby elephant.我给一只象宝宝照了一张照片。
[02:22.99]Look, here it is.看,照片在这儿。
[02:26.32]It's very lovely!它很可爱!
[02:28.98]Did you give bananas to the monkeys?你们给猴子喂香蕉了吗?
[02:32.85]No, we didn't. We were hungry. 不,我们没喂。我们饿了。
[02:36.90]We ate the bananas.我们把香蕉吃了。
[02:39.69]Aha, three hungry monkeys!啊哈,三个饿猴子!
[02:43.83]2. Ask and answer.2.你问我答。
[02:47.82]What animals did you see?你们看到了哪些动物?
[02:51.27]We saw tigers and elephants.我们看到了老虎和大象。
[02:55.16]Did you take any photos?你们拍了照片吗?
[02:58.35]Yes, I took some photos.是的,我拍了一些照片。
[03:01.80]Did you give food to the monkeys?你们喂猴子食物了吗?
[03:05.46]No, we didn't.不,我们没有。
[03:08.25]Did you eat the bananas?你们吃香蕉了吗?
[03:11.15]Yes, we ate the bananas.是的,我们吃了香蕉。
[03:15.23]3. Read. Tick or cross.3.读句子。判断正误。
[03:27.43]Dad took us to the zoo today. 今天爸爸带我们去了动物园。
[03:30.34]We went there by car. 我们乘车去的。
[03:32.95]We were very happy. 我们很开心。
[03:35.48]At the zoo, we saw many animals. 在动物园里,我们看到了许多动物。
[03:39.16]The elephants were tall and big. 大象高高大大。
[03:42.47]There was a baby elephant. 有一只象宝宝
[03:44.92]It was very lovely. 非常可爱。
[03:47.31]I took a photo of it.我给它拍了一张照片。
[03:49.89]The pandas were lovely, too.熊猫也很可爱。
[03:52.99]1. We went to the zoo on foot.我们步行去动物园。
[03:58.56]2. I took a photo of the pandas.我给熊猫拍了一张照片。
[04:03.58]3. The baby elephant was very lovely.大象宝宝很可爱。
[04:09.42]Part C C部分
[04:11.77]1. Sing a song.1.学唱歌曲。
[04:15.04]To the Zoo去动物园
[04:39.75][04:17.64]Daddy took us to the zoo yesterday, 昨天爸爸带我们去了动物园,
[04:45.80][04:21.42]zoo yes-terday, zoo yes-terday, zoo yesterday. 昨天去了动物园。
[04:51.84][04:27.20]Daddy took us to the zoo yesterday. 昨天爸爸带我们去了动物园。
[04:58.02][04:30.50]We played all day.我们玩儿了一整天。
[05:30.13]3. Let's chant.3.说唱歌谣。
[05:33.42]Where Are They?它们在哪儿?
[05:54.09][05:35.74]Where are the elephants? Behind the hill.大象在哪儿?在小山后面。
[05:58.07][05:40.24]They are behind the hill.它们在小山后面。
[06:00.28][05:43.33]Where are the pandas? Under the tree. 熊猫在哪儿?在树下。
[06:04.20][05:47.56]They're under the tree它们在树下。(歌曲)
[06:09.97]4. Listen and circle the right picture.4.听录音,圈出正确的图片。
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