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闽教版 五下07Unit4

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名称:闽教版 五下07Unit4
[00:01.00]Unit 4 A Spring Outing第四单元 一次春游
[00:05.59]Part A A部分
[00:07.44]1. Listen and follow.1.听录音并跟读。
[00:17.34]We are going for a spring outing.我们准备去春游。
[00:23.19]We're going to climb a mountain.我们准备去爬山。
[00:26.44]You can take some food with you.你们可以带一些吃的。
[00:29.61]What're you going to take with you?你准备带什么?
[00:32.92]I'm going to take some water with me. 我准备带些水。
[00:36.25]We'll be thirsty.我们会口渴的。
[00:38.71]You're right.你说的对。
[00:41.02]Are you going to wear sports shoes?你准备穿运动鞋吗?
[00:44.45]Yes, I'm going to.是的,我要穿。
[00:47.38]I'm going to take a camera with me.我准备带个相机。
[00:50.56]I want to take some photos.我想拍一些照片。
[00:53.72]Good idea.好主意。
[00:55.93]2. Ask and answer.2.你问我答。
[01:24.67][01:19.12][01:12.93][01:06.86][01:00.12]What're you going to take with you?你准备带什么?
[01:02.83]some water一些水
[01:08.79]some orange juice一些橘子汁
[01:15.06]some tea一些茶
[01:21.40]some fruits一些水果
[01:27.17]a camera一个相机
[01:33.18]an umbrella一把伞
[01:36.74]3. Listen and learn the English sounds.3.听录音,学习英语发音。
[01:45.95]e red deske 红色 书桌
[01:54.08]ea bread sweaterea 面包 毛衣
[02:02.65]Part B B部分
[02:04.39]1. Listen and follow.1.听录音并跟读。
[02:15.13]It is a sunny day. 这是阳光明媚的一天。
[02:17.42]The sky is blue. 天空是蓝色的。
[02:19.76]The clouds are white. 云朵是白色的。
[02:22.15]The pupils are getting on the bus.学生们正在上车。
[02:25.85]They're going for a spring outing.他们要去春游。
[02:29.66]Now they are climbing the mountain. 现在他们正在爬山。
[02:32.61]"Come on!" “加油!”
[02:34.52]Wang Tao is shouting to his classmates.王涛对着同学们大声喊道。
[02:39.09]Now they are at the top of the mountain. 现在他们在山顶上。
[02:42.61]Miss Gao is taking a photo of her pupils.高老师正在给她的学生们拍照片。
[02:47.52]2. Look and say.2.看图说英语。
[02:51.44]They are going to get on the bus.他们正准备上车。
[02:54.65]Now they are getting on the bus.现在他们正在上车。
[02:58.43]Miss Gao is going to take a photo.高老师准备拍一张照片。
[03:02.32]Now she is taking a photo of her pupils.现在高老师在给她的学生们拍照片。
[03:06.78]3. Read. Tick or cross.3.读短文。判断句子正误。
[03:18.84]The pupils of Class One, 五年级一班
[03:21.82]Grade Five went for a spring outing.同学们去春游。
[03:26.15]They wanted to climb a mountain. 他们要去爬山。
[03:29.09]They got to the foot of the mountain by bus. 他们乘公共汽车到达山脚下。
[03:33.61]Then they climbed the mountain on foot. 然后他们徒步爬上了山。
[03:37.88]At the top of the mountain they took many photos.在山顶上,他们拍了很多照片。
[03:43.11]1. The pupils are in Class One, Grade Five.这些学生是来自五年级一班的。
[03:49.48]2. They climbed the mountain by bus.他们乘公共汽车去爬山。
[03:54.38]3. They took many photos.他们拍了很多照片。
[03:58.60]Part C C部分
[04:00.48]1. Sing a song.1.学唱歌曲。
[04:03.86]Flowers Are Blooming鲜花盛开
[04:27.88][04:06.99]Flowers are blooming. 鲜花盛开。
[04:30.72][04:09.08]Flowers are blooming. 鲜花盛开。
[04:33.48][04:11.44]Where are they blooming? 它们在哪里盛开?
[04:39.22][04:14.00]Blooming in the mountains,盛开在山里,
[04:42.02][04:16.41]blooming in the valleys, 盛开在山谷里,
[04:44.95][04:18.58]blooming in my hometown.盛开在我的故乡。
[05:15.51]3. Let's chant.3.说唱歌谣。
[05:18.80]Climb to the Top爬到山顶
[05:40.56][05:21.62]Birds are singing. 鸟儿在歌唱。
[05:41.97][05:23.87]Flowers are blooming. 花儿在盛开。
[05:43.61][05:26.27]We are going for a spring outing! 我们要去春游!
[05:46.75][05:30.34]Come on, friends! 加油,朋友们!
[05:48.49][05:32.26]Don't stop. Don't stop. 不要停。不要停。
[05:51.47][05:35.11]Climb to the mountain top!坚持爬到山顶上!(歌曲)
[05:56.90]4. Listen and circle the right picture.4.听录音,圈出正确的图片。
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