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闽教版 六上05Unit3

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名称:闽教版 六上05Unit3
[00:01.00]Unit 3 Food and Health第三课 食物和健康
[00:05.43]Part A A 部分
[00:07.50]1 Listen and follow.1 听录音并跟读。
[00:11.75]Are you in the kitchen, Kate?你在厨房里吗,凯特?
[00:14.83]Yes, Mom.是的,妈妈。
[00:16.88]Bring me a basket, please.请给我拿一个篮子。
[00:19.92]All right.好的。
[00:22.20]You're eating candy again, Ben.本,你又在吃糖。
[00:25.79]It's sweet. I like it.糖很甜。我喜欢吃糖。
[00:28.87]But it's bad for your teeth.但是糖对你的牙齿不好。
[00:31.21]Why not come with me? I'm going to pick some vegetables.为什么不跟我一起来?我要去摘些蔬菜。
[00:36.17]I don't like vegetables.我不喜欢蔬菜。
[00:39.79]But they are good for you.They keep your body healthy.但是它们对你有好处。它们会让你的身体健康。
[00:44.65]2 Look and say.2 看图说话
[00:48.38]Bring me a basket,please.请给我拿一个篮子。
[00:50.58]I'm going to pick some vegetables.我要去摘些蔬菜。
[00:53.86]Bring me a cup of water,Sally.I'm very thirsty.萨利,给我一杯水。我太渴了。
[00:59.08]Take an umbrella with you.It may rain in the afternoon.你带上一把伞吧。下午可能会下雨。
[01:05.48]It's Sunday today.Can you take us to the cinema,Dad?今天是星期天。你能带我们去看电影吗,爸爸?
[01:11.57]3 Listen and learn the English sounds.3 听录音,学习英语发音。
[01:39.35]Part B B 部分
[01:41.38]1 Listen and follow.1 听录音并跟读。
[01:45.68]Now let's talk about our food.现在我们来谈谈食物。
[01:49.13]Here are two menus.这儿有两个菜单。
[01:51.87]Which one do you like, Yang Ming?杨明,你喜欢哪一个?
[01:55.37]I like Menu A.我喜欢菜单A。
[01:58.32]Why do you like it?为什么喜欢这个?
[02:00.79]Because ice cream is sweet.因为冰激凌是甜的。
[02:04.04]Hamburgers are delicious.汉堡包是美味的。
[02:07.18]Is there any problem with Menu A?菜单A里有什么问题吗?
[02:11.12]Eh... There aren't any fruits or vegetables.嗯……没有任何的水果或蔬菜。
[02:16.17]That's the problem.那就是问题所在。
[02:18.80]We need vegetables and fruits to keep healthy.我们需要蔬菜和水果来保证健康。
[02:23.98]2 Ask and answer.2 问与答
[03:19.80]3 Read.Tick or cross.3 阅读。判断对错。
[03:24.84]I'm going to do some shopping.我要去买些东西。
[03:28.06]Do you want to come with me, Kate?凯特,你想和我一起去吗?
[03:31.05]I'd love to.Can you buy some candy for me, Mom?我很乐意。妈妈,你能给我买些糖果吗?
[03:37.14]No. It's bad for your teeth.不行。糖对你的牙齿不好。
[03:40.89]Can you buy some fruits for me?那你能给我买些水果吗?
[03:44.40]Yes.I'll buy some fruits and orange juice.可以。我会给你买一些水果和橙汁。
[03:49.57]Thank you, Mom.谢谢你,妈妈。
[03:51.99](1) Kate will go shopping with her mother.(1)凯特要和她的妈妈一起去购物。
[03:57.44](2) Mother will buy some candy for Kate.(2)妈妈会给凯特买些糖果。
[04:03.93](3) Kate has many bad teeth.(3)凯特有很多蛀牙。
[04:09.48]Part C C 部分
[04:11.30]1 Sing a song1 唱首歌
[04:14.72]An Apple一个苹果
[04:16.76]An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
[04:21.14]An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
[04:25.45]An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
[04:29.77]A-P-P-L-E, apple.(歌曲)
[04:56.46][04:41.60]An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
[04:59.58][04:44.59]An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
[05:02.63][04:47.60]An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
[05:11.09]3 Let's chant.3 说唱歌谣
[05:14.38]Do you like fast food?你喜欢吃快餐吗?
[05:17.25]Do you like fast food?Yes, I do.
[05:21.56]Do you like it,too?I don't like chicken.
[05:26.29]I don't like cheese.No more, please.
[05:31.03]I like fish.I like rice.They're very nice.(歌曲)
[05:41.14]Do you like fast food? Yes, I do.
[05:45.27]Do you like it, too? I don't like chicken.
[05:49.98]I don't like cheese.No more,please.
[05:54.50]I like fish.I like rice. They're very nice.(歌曲)
[06:03.26]4 Listen and circle the right picture.4 听录音,圈出正确的图片。
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