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闽教版 五下05Unit3

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名称:闽教版 五下05Unit3
[00:01.00]Unit 3 Easter Eggs第三单元 复活节彩蛋
[00:05.66]Part A A部分
[00:07.49]1. Listen and follow.1.听录音并跟读。
[00:19.32]What are you going to do, Mom?你准备做什么,妈妈?
[00:23.42]I'm going to make some Easter eggs.我准备做一些复活节彩蛋。
[00:26.71]Good. Let me help you.好啊。我来帮你吧。
[00:30.74]I'm going to color the eggs. 我正准备给鸡蛋涂上颜色。
[00:33.36]I need red, yellow, 我需要红色、黄色、
[00:35.95]green and brown colors.绿色和棕色。
[00:39.14]OK. Here you are.好的。给你。
[00:42.43]Wow, so many Easter eggs!哇,这么多复活节彩蛋!
[00:46.62]They look beautiful.它们看上去很漂亮啊。
[00:49.11]I'm going to hide them in the garden.我打算把它们藏在花园里。
[00:54.97]2. Look and say.2.看图说英语。
[00:58.39]I'm going to color the eggs.我准备给鸡蛋涂上颜色。
[01:01.66]I'm going to hide the eggs.我打算把彩蛋藏起来。
[01:05.02]She is going to do her homework.她正在做作业。
[01:08.84]They are going to skate.他们准备去滑冰。
[01:12.24]3. Listen and learn the English sounds.3.听录音,学习英语发音。
[01:17.53]e she Chinese e 她 语文
[01:26.64]ee sheep sleep ee 绵羊 睡觉
[01:35.41]ea read ice cream ea 阅读 冰淇淋
[01:44.43]Part B B部分
[01:46.55]1. Listen and follow.1.听录音并跟读。
[02:01.24]Where are the kids?孩子们在哪儿?
[02:04.06]They're in the garden. 他们在花园里。
[02:06.84]They're looking for Easter eggs.他们正在找复活节彩蛋。
[02:09.50]Look. Kate is picking up an egg.看。凯特正捡起一只彩蛋。
[02:13.66]She is a clever girl.她是个聪明的女孩。
[02:16.83]Yes, she is.是的。
[02:19.51]I got eighteen eggs.我找到了18只彩蛋。
[02:22.30]I got fourteen, and Ben got fifteen.我找到了14只,本找到了15只。
[02:27.31]Did you have a good time?你们玩儿得开心吗?
[02:30.07]Yes, we did.是的,我们玩儿得很开心。
[02:33.25]2. Look and say.2.看图说英语。
[02:36.86]She is going to hide the eggs.她准备去藏彩蛋。
[02:40.72]She is hiding the eggs.她正在藏彩蛋。
[02:43.97]They are going to look for the eggs.他们要去找彩蛋。
[02:48.03]They are looking for the eggs.他们正在找彩蛋。
[02:51.46]3. Read. Tick or cross.3.读短文,判断句子正误。
[03:03.77]The Easter Bunny is a rabbit. 复活节小兔子是一只兔子。
[03:06.66]It is very clever. 它非常聪明。
[03:08.59]It can color eggs.它会画彩蛋。
[03:10.86]It can hide eggs in the garden. 它会把彩蛋藏在花园里。
[03:13.75]Children get Easter presents from their aunts,孩子们从他们的阿姨那里得到复活节礼物。
[03:18.34]uncles or parents. 叔叔或者父母
[03:21.10]They make Easter cards. 他们制作复活节贺卡。
[03:23.51]Very often the Easter Bunny is on the cards.通常贺卡上都画着复活节小兔子。
[03:29.17]1. The Easter Bunny is an children.复活节小兔子是一个孩子。
[03:33.72]2. The Easter Bunny gives presents to children.复活节小兔子给孩子们礼物。
[03:40.14]3. We often see Bunny on Easter cards.我们经常在复活节贺卡上看到复活节小兔子。
[03:46.49]Part C C部分
[03:48.15]1. Sing a song. 1.学唱歌曲。
[03:51.87]The Easter Bunny 复活节小兔子
[03:53.77]Here comes the Easter Bunny. 复活节小兔子来了。
[03:56.43]Hop, hop, Bunny. 蹦蹦跳跳,蹦蹦跳跳,小兔子。
[03:59.05]Here comes the Easter Bunny, 复活节小兔子来了,
[04:01.55]say hello! Hello! 问声好!问声好!
[04:04.77]Here comes the Easter Bunny. 复活节小兔子来了。
[04:06.73]Hop, hop, Bunny. 蹦蹦跳跳,蹦蹦跳跳,小兔子。
[04:09.39]Here comes the Easter Bunny, say hello! 复活节小兔子来了,问声好!
[04:20.11]Here comes the Easter Bunny. 复活节小兔子来了。
[04:23.51]Hop, hop, Bunny. 蹦蹦跳跳,蹦蹦跳跳,小兔子。
[04:27.07]Here comes the Easter Bunny, 复活节小兔子来了,
[04:29.51]say hello! Hello! 问声好!问声好!
[04:33.35]Here comes the Easter Bunny. 复活节小兔子来了。
[04:36.64]Hop, hop, Bunny. 蹦蹦跳跳,蹦蹦跳跳,小兔子。
[04:40.04]Here comes the Easter Bunny, say hello! 复活节小兔子来了,问声好!
[04:46.54]Here comes the Easter Bunny. 复活节小兔子来了。
[04:49.66]Hop, hop, Bunny. 蹦蹦跳跳,蹦蹦跳跳,小兔子。
[04:52.98]Here comes the Easter Bunny, 复活节小兔子来了,
[04:55.46]say hello! Hello! 问声好!问声好!
[04:59.30]Here comes the Easter Bunny. 复活节小兔子来了。
[05:02.59]Hop, hop, Bunny. 蹦蹦跳跳,蹦蹦跳跳,小兔子。
[05:05.95]Here comes the Easter Bunny, say hello! 复活节小兔子来了,问声好!
[05:13.19]3. Let's chant. 3.说唱歌谣。
[05:16.30]Looking for Easter Eggs 寻找复活节彩蛋
[05:19.75]One, two, three, four, 1,2,3,4,
[05:23.45]I saw an egg beside the door.我看到了门后的一只彩蛋。
[05:27.14]Five, six, seven, eight, 5,6,7,8,
[05:31.40]I saw an egg near the gate.我看到了大门旁边的一只彩蛋。
[05:35.12]Nine, ten, nine, ten, 9,10,9,10,
[05:39.32]I saw an egg under the hen.我看到了母鸡身下的一只彩蛋。
[05:46.36]One, two, three, four, 1,2,3,4,
[05:48.79]I saw an egg beside the door.我看到了门后的一只彩蛋。
[05:51.43]Five, six, seven, eight, 5,6,7,8,
[05:53.96]I saw an egg near the gate.我看到了大门旁边的一只彩蛋。
[05:56.63]Nine, ten, nine, ten, 9,10,9,10,
[05:59.18]I saw an egg under the hen.我看到了母鸡身下的一只彩蛋。
[06:05.17]4. Listen and number. 4.听录音并标号。
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