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[00:01.47]Unit 10 第十单元
[00:02.59]All Around Me 我的周围
[00:04.46]Lesson 55 第55课
[00:06.59]A Listen and number.
[00:11.13]Hi,Bill.it's sunny today.你好比尔,今天天气晴朗.
[00:13.12]Let's go out.我们出去吧.
[00:14.15]I'll show you around our community and our
[00:17.05]That's great!太好了
[00:18.45]Tian,do you want to come?蒂娜,你也想来吗?
[00:21.19]I have to post a letter for mum.
[00:24.63]Is there a post office near our house?
[00:27.30]Yes.there is .是的,有.
[00:28.86]It's between the grocery store and the bank.
[00:32.47]There it is .在那里.
[00:33.50]I'll be back in a minute.我马上就回来.
[00:35.57]Ted ,what's that red building across from
[00:37.99]the gas station?
[00:39.44]Is it a bookdstore?是书店吗?
[00:41.20]No.it's a coffee shop.不,那是一家咖啡店.
[00:42.81]Canadian people like coffee.加拿大人喜欢咖啡.
[00:45.05]Hi,guys.Let's go.嗨,家伙.我们走吧.
[00:47.68]Where are we going now?我们现在去哪?
[00:49.57]Let's go downtown by suway.我们坐地铁到市区.
[00:58.77]Ted ,We're downtown.特德,我们到市区了.
[01:01.06]This is Youge Street.这是央街.
[01:02.71]Look.that's the famours Toronto University.
[01:06.24]My grandfather works there.我的爷爷在那里工作.
[01:08.80]Bill,look at the tall building on your left.
[01:10.99]That's Toronto Gallery.那是多伦多美术馆.
[01:13.43]Toroto is really a beautiful city.
[01:16.61]Look.there's a chinese restaurant over there.
[01:19.47]I think you must miss chinese food ,Bill.
[01:22.48]Yes,that's true.是的很对.
[01:29.41]C Let's read
[01:33.76]There are many beautiful building in downtown
[01:37.44]Yonge Street is the longest street in the
[01:40.55]There are a lot of stores on this street.
[01:43.16]There is a big bookstore on one corner.
[01:46.02]Next to the bookstore is a cinema.
[01:48.68]A bank is beside the cinema.电影院旁边有个银行.
[01:51.47]Across from the cinema you can find a library.
[01:55.04]You can see the sports stadium near Lake
[01:58.57]The CN Tower is in front of the stadium on the
[02:02.31]A famous restaurant is next to the stadium
[02:04.52]on the right.
[02:06.15]If you get lost,you can go to the police
[02:09.66]It is near the park,next to the subway station.
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