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[00:01.39]Unit 11 第十一单元
[00:02.72]Daily Life 日常生活
[00:04.45]Lesson 62 第62课
[00:06.20]A Listen and circle.
[00:09.67]Bill,What did you usually have for breakfast
[00:13.04]when you were in China?
[00:15.27]When I was in China,I usually had soy milk,
[00:18.84]eggs and mantou.
[00:21.22]What about lunch?午餐呢?
[00:23.27]I had lunch at school.我在学校吃饭.
[00:25.76]I always ate rice with 2 kinds of dishes:
[00:29.36]a stir-fried vegetable dish,and a chicken or
[00:32.87]meat or fish dish.
[00:35.06]Then I would eat soup at the end of the meal.
[00:38.78]That's a big lunch,真是一顿丰盛的午餐.
[00:40.38]We always have a light lunch.
[00:42.38]We bring our own lunch,usually a sandwich,
[00:45.00]a hamburger or a hot dog with a Coke or some
[00:47.76]other snacks.
[00:49.21]What about supper?晚饭呢?
[00:51.38]We also have a big supper at home.
[00:53.96]We usually have rice or mantou with 2,3 or
[00:57.54]even 4 stir-fried dishes.
[01:00.34]The stir-fried dished are usually vegetables.
[01:03.50]meat,chicken or fish dishes.
[01:06.62]Sometimes we eat a cold dish like vegetable
[01:10.70]Then we eat a soup.然后我们喝汤.
[01:12.66]Once in a while,we have noodles or jiaozi for
[01:16.16]a change.
[01:17.64]Wow,sounds delicious!哇,听起来很美味!
[01:20.01]Can you make stir-fried dishes?你会做炒菜吗?
[01:23.73]Great.Bill,can you cook for us this evening?
[01:27.93]I want to have stir-fried dishes.我想吃炒菜.
[01:31.16]No problem.没问题.
[01:37.45]C Read and number.
[01:42.04]What do you want to cook?你想要做什么?
[01:43.92]I want to make stir-fried rice.我想做炒米饭.
[01:46.80]Let me help you.让我来帮助你.
[01:48.05]What do you need to make it?做这个你需要什呢?
[01:50.17]I need some cooked rice,a sausage,two eggs and
[01:54.43]a cucumber.
[01:56.26]Do you need a wok or a pan?
[01:58.35]Yes.a wok.是的,一个炒菜锅.
[02:00.14]And I also need some oil and salt.
[02:03.07]Here are the things you need .这些是你需要的.
[02:04.80]Then how do you make it?那你怎么来做呢?
[02:06.76]First, wash the cucumber and cut it.
[02:09.97]Then cut the sausage and crack two eggs into
[02:13.16]a bowl.
[02:14.50]Next,put some oil in the wok,fry the eggs and
[02:18.69]put them into a bowl.
[02:20.72]Then put more oil in the wok,add the sausage
[02:24.43]and cooked rice and stir-fry for two minutes.
[02:27.91]Then put in the cucumber and eggs .
[02:31.60]Finally add salt and serve in small bowls.
[02:36.28]It smells good. 闻起来不错.
[02:37.89]What're you cooking?你们在做什么?
[02:39.87]Look.Bill made stir-fried rice for us.
[02:42.70]It's delicious.很好吃.
[02:43.87]Taste it.尝尝.
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