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[00:01.70]Unit 13 第十三单元
[00:03.56]Nature 自然
[00:05.05]Lesson 75 第75课
[00:06.74]A Listen and number
[00:11.52]Good morning,everyone.早上好,同学们.
[00:13.62]Today we'll talk about animals.
[00:16.36]You went on a field trip to animal habitats
[00:20.91]What kinds of animals did you see there?
[00:23.72]What are they like?他们是什么样子的?
[00:26.69]I went to the mammal habitat我去了哺乳动物栖息地
[00:28.76]I saw tigers,moose and rhinoceroses.
[00:32.40]The rhinoceros has a long horn.犀牛有很长的角.
[00:34.73]It's as long as my arm.像我的胳膊一样长.
[00:36.92]I also saw a cheetah.我也看到了印度豹.
[00:38.78]It can run faster than a horse.它比马跑得快.
[00:42.11]I went to the bird habitat.我去了鸟类栖息地.
[00:44.79]I saw all kinds of birds there.
[00:47.60]I saw penguins,swans,seagulls and ostriches.
[00:53.24]Most birds can fly but some birds can't .
[00:57.11]Penguins can't fly but they can swim.
[01:01.06]Ostriches can't fly but they can run.
[01:04.85]Some birds are big and some are small.
[01:08.24]The biggest bird is the ostrich.
[01:11.28]It's as tall as a person.它像人一样高.
[01:13.68]The smallest bird is the hummingbird.
[01:16.84]It's as small as my thumb.它像我的拇指一样小.
[01:20.92]I went to the insect habitat.我去了昆虫栖息地.
[01:23.29]I saw bees,dragonflies and butterflies.
[01:27.18]There's one beautiful butterfly as big as the
[01:30.10]cover of this book.
[01:32.12]I also went to the fish habitat.
[01:34.80]I saw a whale shark.我看见一条鲸鲨.
[01:36.69]It's one of the largest animals in the world.
[01:39.48]It can be as heavy as 25 elephants.
[01:43.66]I went to the reptile habitat.
[01:46.61]I saw all kinds of snakes and crocodiles.
[01:50.21]The crocodiles are quitet.鳄鱼很安静.
[01:51.90]They move slowoly.他们移动很缓慢.
[01:53.41]They are dangerous.他们很危险.
[01:55.45]They have big mouths.他们有很大的嘴巴.
[01:57.21]They eat people.他们吃人.
[01:58.43]I was scared.我很害怕.
[01:59.67]I don't like them.我不喜欢他们.
[02:05.55]C Let's read .
[02:09.77]How do animals live in the cold winter?
[02:13.01]Different animals have different ways.
[02:16.14]Some animals begin to collect their winter food
[02:19.16]in the fall.
[02:20.71]When it is very cold,they stay inside their
[02:25.21]They can eat the food they collect in the fall.
[02:28.95]Squirrels collect seeds and and nuts.
[02:31.35]Beavers collect sticks.
[02:33.93]They are safe and warm in their homes in the
[02:37.44]Many birds cannot find food in the winter.
[02:40.45]So they fly from the north to the south in
[02:42.47]the fall.
[02:43.86]They return home in the next spring.
[02:47.16]Fox example,swans and geese fly away in the
[02:51.98]They can find food in the warm south.
[02:55.34]Some animals sleep for a long time in the winter
[02:58.90]they eat a lot of food in the fall.
[03:01.85]In the winter they eat nothing.
[03:04.28]They are very hungry when they wake up in the
[03:07.81]They usually look for food in March or April.
[03:10.85]Bears,snakes and frogs are such animals.
[03:14.46]Winter is cold in northern countries.
[03:17.69]But animals are smart.
[03:19.48]They can spend winter safely.
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