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[00:01.77]Unit 14 第十四单元
[00:03.09]People of the World 世界上的人
[00:04.67]Lesson 79 第79课
[00:06.40]A Listen and link.
[00:11.17]Dad,this is Bill.
[00:13.20]Bill,this is my father,David Brown.
[00:16.98]Nice to meet you,Mr Brown.见到你很高兴,布朗先生.
[00:19.38]Nice to meet you,too.见到你也很高兴.
[00:21.56]Where are you from,Bill?你来自哪里,比尔?
[00:23.65]I am from china.我来自中国.
[00:25.21]I am chinese.我是中国人.
[00:26.87]I have been to china.我去过中国.
[00:28.99]China is a beautiful country.中国是个美丽的国家.
[00:31.52]Where do you like in china,Bill?
[00:34.09]I live in Beijing.我住在北京.
[00:35.86]I know about Beijing.我知道北京.
[00:37.94]It's famous for the Summer Palace and the
[00:39.95]Great Wall.
[00:41.33]Bill,can you guess where I'm from?
[00:43.79]Mm..Are lyou from Australia?你来自澳大利亚吗?
[00:46.83]No,I am from Spain.不,我来自西班牙.
[00:49.45]Where is Spain?西班牙在哪里?
[00:51.08]It's in Europe.在欧洲.
[00:52.70]What language do people speak in Spain?
[00:55.42]They speak Spanish.他们说西班牙语.
[00:57.04]I speak both Spanish and English .
[00:59.61]Elliot's mother is from France.
[01:01.84]Does she speak two languages?她也讲两种语言吗?
[01:04.77]Yes,she does.是的.
[01:06.04]She speaks French and English.她讲法语和英语.
[01:08.41]What about Elliot?那艾略特呢?
[01:09.99]How many languages can he speak?他能说几种语言?
[01:12.47]Elliot can speak three languages,French,Spanish
[01:17.08]and English .
[01:18.56]Wow,that's cool.哇,太酷了.
[01:26.39]C Let's read.
[01:31.00]People from all over the world live in Canada.
[01:35.04]You can usually see a Chinese,a Japanese,
[01:38.61]a Frenchman,an Italian,a German or an Indian in
[01:42.22]the street at the same time.
[01:44.80]There are faces of all colours everywhere.
[01:47.99]You can see white,brown,black and yellow
[01:51.49]children in many classrooms.
[01:54.25]In Canada,15~20% of the people are from Asia.
[01:59.37]They speak Chinese ,Japanese,Korean and other
[02:04.99]10~15% of the people are from Europe.
[02:08.62]They speak French,Spanish,Italian,German and
[02:12.68]other languages.
[02:14.44]20% of the people are from Africa,south
[02:17.35]Amerca and Australia.
[02:19.93]Many of them can speak English.
[02:22.44]They can speak other languages,too.
[02:25.40]In Canada,a lot of people speak more than
[02:28.46]one language.
[02:30.23]Most people speak English and French in Canada.
[02:34.13]If you live in Vancouver,Toronto or Ottawa,
[02:38.22]you usually speak English.
[02:40.68]If you live in Quebec or Montreal,
[02:43.41]you usually speak French.
[02:45.79]This chart shows the percentage of different
[02:48.52]languages in Canada.
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