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[00:02.60]Unit 15 第十五单元
[00:03.75]Trips 旅行
[00:04.70]Lesson 85 第85课
[00:06.41]A Listen and match.
[00:10.14]How was your trip to Disneyland ,Bill?
[00:12.86]It was great!非常好!
[00:14.26]I went there with Elliot's family by plane.
[00:17.39]We stayed at Elliot's uncle's house.
[00:19.62]We went to Disneyland and spent the whole day
[00:23.41]Did you see Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck?
[00:27.55]We also saw Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.
[00:30.71]We talked,played and took pictures with them.
[00:34.43]What else did ou do there?你们还做了其他的什么?
[00:36.70]We visited magic castles.我们参观了魔法城堡.
[00:38.96]I was scared.我很害怕.
[00:40.72]We ate ice cream,popcorn and candied.
[00:43.73]We drank pop and fresh juice.
[00:46.02]We had a wonderful time there.我们在那过得很愉快
[00:48.25]Sare,where did you go on your vacation?
[00:51.39]I went to Australia with my family.
[00:54.40]It was winter there.那里是冬天.
[00:55.97]But it was not too cold.但不是很冷.
[00:58.62]How did you go there?你们怎么去的?
[01:00.12]We went there by plane.我们乘飞机去的.
[01:02.75]What did you do there?你们在那里做什么?
[01:04.84]We saw kangaroos and koalas.
[01:08.07]We also visited the famous Opera House in
[01:12.03]We met some new friends there.
[01:13.84]We played together.我们一起玩.
[01:15.73]Ted,where did you go?特德,你去了哪里?
[01:18.35]I went to New York with my friend Mike.
[01:21.00]How did you go there?你们怎么去的?
[01:22.84]We went there by car.我们坐汽车去的.
[01:24.59]Did you have a good time?你们过的愉快吗?
[01:26.67]Yes,we did.是的.
[01:27.88]We stayed there for a week.我们在那呆了一周.
[01:29.70]We visited Mike's grandparents.
[01:31.94]They had an apartment in a tall building.
[01:34.72]We went shopping and bought souvenirs there.
[01:41.26]C Let's read
[01:45.88]Summer vacation is coming soon.暑假就要到了.
[01:49.22]Where are you going,Tina?你要去那里蒂娜?
[01:51.39]Jenny and I are going to Paris with the school
[01:55.03]How are you going there?你们怎么去哪里?
[01:56.65]We're going there by plane.我们乘飞机去.
[01:58.86]What're you going to do there?
[02:01.23]We're going to see the Eiffel Tower.
[02:03.70]We're going to visit some schools.
[02:05.97]And we're going to perform music with French
[02:09.59]What about you,Bill?你呢,比尔?
[02:11.91]I'm going back home.我打算回家.
[02:13.87]Ted is coming with me.特德要和我一起去.
[02:15.52]He'll stay at my house.他要呆在我家里.
[02:17.33]That's cool!很酷!
[02:19.03]What're you going to do in Beijing?
[02:21.71]I'm going to take Ted to visit the Great Wall,
[02:24.42]the Forbidden City,the Summer Palace,
[02:27.10]the Temple of Heaven,and Beihai Park.
[02:30.04]I'm going to take him to different restaurants
[02:32.27]to taste different kinds of food.
[02:34.47]I'm also going to take him to my school to meet
[02:37.36]my teachers and my classmates.
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