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6 Another Door

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名称:6 Another Door
晨读英语美文 励志感悟
[00:07.54]Another Door
[00:11.76]When I come across a good essay
[00:14.64]in reading newspapers,
[00:16.20]I am often inclined to cut and keep it.
[00:19.41] But just as I am about to do so I find the article
[00:23.14]on the opposite side is as much interesting.
[00:25.33]It may be a discussion of the way to keep in good health,
[00:29.98]or advice about how to behave
[00:32.53]and conduct oneself in society.
[00:34.85]If I cut the front essay,
[00:36.52]the opposite one is bound to suffer damage,
[00:40.19]leaving out half of it or keeping the text without the subject.
[00:43.84]As a result,
[00:45.89]the scissors would stay before they start,
[00:48.61]or halfway done when I find out the regretful consequence
[00:52.11]that inevitably causes my repentance.
[00:55.07]Sometimes two things are to be done at the same time,
[00:58.45]both deserving your attention.
[01:00.85]You can only take up one of them,
[01:03.55]the other has to wait or be given up.
[01:06.26]But you know the future is unpredictable
[01:08.93]—the changed situation may not allow you to do what is left behind.
[01:13.84]Thus you are caught in a fix and feel sad.
[01:17.85]How come that nice opportunities and brilliant ideas
[01:23.66]should gather around all at once?
[01:25.19]It may happen that your life changes dramatically
[01:27.65]on your preference of one alterative to the other.
[01:30.72]In fact that is what life is like: we are often
[01:33.73]faced with the two opposite aspects of a thing
[01:37.92]which are both desirable like newspaper cutting.
[01:41.03]It often occurs that our attention is drawn
[01:44.63]to one thing only after we are engaged in another.
[01:47.79]The former and the latter give rise to a divided mind.
[01:52.04]I still remember a philosopher's remarks: “When one door shuts,
[01:57.15]another opens in life.” So a casual
[01:58.84]or passive choice may not be a bad one.
[02:02.73]Whatever we do in our lifetime,
[02:06.32]wherever life's storm tosses us,
[02:09.29]there must be something we can achieve,
[02:12.33]some shore we can land,
[02:14.59]which opens up new vistas to us.
[02:16.81]Don't forget God always keeps an alternative door open for everyone.
[02:22.17]While the front door is closed,
[02:24.64]there must be another open for you.

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