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8 Stress Prevention

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名称:8 Stress Prevention
晨读英语美文 励志感悟
[00:00.57]Stress Prevention
[00:02.46]Stress is a normal part of life
[00:04.94]and usually comes from everyday occurrences.
[00:07.79]Here are some ways you can deal with
[00:10.46]everyday sources of stress.
[00:12.70]Eliminate as many sources of stress
[00:15.46]as you can.
[00:16.58]For example, if crowds bother you,
[00:18.93]go to supermarket
[00:20.49]when you know the lines won't be too long.
[00:22.96]Try renting videotapes
[00:25.14]rather than going to crowded movie theaters.
[00:27.55]If you are always running late,
[00:30.68]sit down with a pencil and paper
[00:32.48]and see how you are actually
[00:34.29]allotting your time.
[00:36.10]You may be able to solve your problem
[00:38.55]just by being realistic.
[00:40.23]If you can't find the time
[00:42.36]for all the activities
[00:43.49]that are important to you,
[00:44.75]maybe you are trying to do too much.
[00:47.41]Again, make a list of
[00:49.71]what you do during the day
[00:51.43]and how much each activity takes.
[00:53.46]Then cut back.
[00:55.74]Avoid predictably stressful situations.
[00:58.54]If a certain sport or game makes you tense
[01:02.16](whether it's tennis or bridge),
[01:04.32]decline the invitation to play.
[01:06.45]After all, the point of these activities
[01:09.68]is to have a good time.
[01:11.63]If you know you won't,
[01:13.26]there's no reason to play.
[01:15.15]If you can't remove the stress,
[01:18.03]remove yourself.
[01:19.25]Slip away once in a while
[01:21.50]for some private time.
[01:22.72]These quiet moments may give you
[01:25.03]a fresh perspective on your problems.
[01:26.71]Competing with others,
[01:29.24]whether in accomplishments, appearance,
[01:31.35]or possessions, is an avoidable source of stress.
[01:35.31]You might know people
[01:37.36]who do all they can to provoke envy in others.
[01:39.82]While it may seem easy to say
[01:42.31]you should be satisfied with what you have,
[01:45.32]it's the truth.
[01:46.76]Stress from this kind of jealousy
[01:48.88]is self-inflicted.
[01:50.71]Labor-saving devices,
[01:53.40]such as cell phones or internet,
[01:55.33]often encourage us to cram too many activities
[01:58.39]into each day.
[02:00.06]Before you buy new equipment,
[02:02.25]be sure that it will really improve your life.
[02:04.87]Be aware that taking care of equipment
[02:07.47]and getting it repaired can be stressful.
[02:10.11]Try doing only one thing at a time.
[02:13.45]For example, when you're riding your exercise bike,
[02:16.86]you don't have to listen to the radio
[02:19.22]or watch television.
[02:20.96]Remember, sometimes it's okay to do nothing.
[02:24.72]If you feel stress (or anything else)
[02:28.01]is getting the better of you,
[02:29.86]seek professional help—a doctor or psychologist.
[02:32.57]Early signs of excess stress
[02:35.95]are loss of a sense of well-being
[02:38.06]and reluctance to get up in the morning
[02:40.55]to face another day.

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