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The Swineherd Prince(养猪王子)

《The Swineherd Prince(养猪王子)》说明:

  Long ago, there was a handsome prince in a country. He loved a princess of his neighboring country, but she was haughty and stubborn. "I don't want to marry just a normal guy."

  The prince gave her a beautiful rose and a bird as a gift. "Will you marry me?" "You are asking me to marry you with these things?" She rejectedhis proposal.

  But the prince could not give her up. He tried to come up with a good idea for a long time. "That's right. I have to disguise myself as a swineherd." The prince, disguised as a swineherd, went to the princess' palace.

  The prince made a small and beautiful pot in front of the pigpen. The pot could even sing.

  One day, when the princess passed by the pigpen, the pot began to sing a beautiful song. She really wanted to have this pot. "How much is the singing pot?" "If you kiss me, I will give it to you for free."

  She hesitated for a moment, but she really wanted to have it, and answered. "All right." She kissed the swineherd.

  At that moment, the king saw them kissing. "What are you doing?" The king was so angry that he expelled her and the swineherdfrom his palace.

  She was so sad. "If I got married to the prince, this would never happened. "She regretted that she ignored the prince.

  While she was walking with the swineherd, rain began to fall. The rain washed the dirty swineherd's face, and he turned into the beautiful prince. She fell in love with him at first sight and said, "Will you marry me?"

  But the prince said no. "No, I won't. I don't want to marry a woman who kissed a dirty swineherd because of a pot. "The prince said good-bye to the princess and went back home.


  haughtyadj. 傲慢的;自大的

  例句:That fellow was so haughty that I was obliged to set him down.


  stubbornadj. 顽固的;顽强的;难处理的

  例句:Many are stubborn in pursuit of the path they have chosen, few in pursuit of the goal.


  rejectedv. 拒绝,驳回(reject的过去分词形式)

  disguise vt. 掩饰;假装;隐瞒

  例句:We soon penetrated his disguise.


  swineherd n. 养猪的人

  • The Shepherdess and the Chimney Sweeper
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  • The Old Street Lamp(老街灯)
  • The Worthwhile Job(值得一做的工作)
  • The Flying Trunk(飞行的箱子)
  • The Great Rooster(大公鸡)
  • The Pea Blossom(豌豆花)
  • The Snow Queen(冰雪女王)
  • The Flint(燧石)
  • A silver shilling’s jurney(一枚银先令
  • The Snowman That Hope to Walk(想走路的
  • The Wise Old Lady(聪明的老妇女)
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