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The Flying Trunk(飞行的箱子)

《The Flying Trunk(飞行的箱子)》说明:

  There once was a rich merchant. He had a son who didn't want to do anything except play and waste money. The rich merchant died and left his money to his son, but he wasted it and soon, he had nothing left in his pocket.


  When he had no money, no one welcomed him. Even his closest friends avoided him. The son was so sad that he decided to move to another town.


  One of his friends gave him a big old trunk. But he had nothing to put in the trunk. The only things he had were a pair of wooden shoes and stripped pajama. When he had nothing more to put in the trunk, he put himself in.


  "Wow, what is wrong with this trunk?" The trunk was closed by itself and rose slowly up to the sky ."Where am I going?"


  He floated in the sky for a while, and when the trunk opened its zipper a little, he carefully looked down. He saw the round rooves of the towers. He arrived at the country where Trook people live. The trunk slowly landed next to a small pond in a forest. He hid the trunk and came out of the forest.


  He went place to place and found the tallest tower of the area. He asked about the tower to one of the people on the road. "Who lives in the tallest tower?" "A princess is living there, but she can only meet her king and queen." "Why?" "A fairy told them that the princess will be very miserable because of a young man."


  The son rode in the trunk and went to the princess' room. She was sleeping peacefully. The sleeping princess was very beautiful. She woke up from the noise that the son made. "Who are you? How did you get in here?" "I came here to send you a message from the God of the Trooks." He lied and pretended as if he was the messenger from the God.' The princess was happy and talked with him.


  He told a funny story to the king and queen when they came to see the princess. He said that he was 'the messenger of the God'. The king and queen were happy and they decided to make him the groom of the prince.


  "People say the princess has a partner to marry. He is a messenger from the God." The Trook people crowded into the streets and had a big party. They danced and enjoyed fireworks all night long. The son rode in the trunk and enjoyed the fireworks.


  When it was dawn, he hid the trunk again and went into the street. He wanted to know what people said about him. The Trook people were all saying, "Did you see those fireworks in the sky? He must be a messenger of the God." He was happy and went back to the pond.


  When he got back to the woods, his flying trunk was badly burned and only a pile of ashes was left. A small spark was in the trunk, and it had started the fire. Unfortunately, he could never fly again, and he could not be the son-in-law of the king.


  stripped adj. 剥去的

  例句:At the centre the trees remained upright but were stripped of bark and branches.


  pajama n. 睡衣;宽长裤

  miserable adj. 悲惨的;痛苦的;卑鄙的

  例句:The whole world will become such a miserable place.


  • The Worthwhile Job(值得一做的工作)
  • The Great Rooster(大公鸡)
  • The Pea Blossom(豌豆花)
  • The Snow Queen(冰雪女王)
  • The Flint(燧石)
  • A silver shilling’s jurney(一枚银先令
  • The Snowman That Hope to Walk(想走路的
  • The Wise Old Lady(聪明的老妇女)
  • The Red Shoes(红色的鞋子)
  • The Beetle Who Went on His Travels(甲虫
  • An old church bell(古教堂的钟)
  • The Bottle Neck(瓶颈)
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