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剑桥小学英语 08

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名称:剑桥小学英语 08
[00:00.00]Starter unit 1
[00:03.50]1.A song.
[00:05.08]1. 一首歌曲
[00:06.66]Welcome,welcome,welcome back.It's good to see you again.
[00:27.22]Dance with me and sing with me,Join in,let's play a game.
[00:37.85]Clap your hands and Jump up high,Shake your arms and your legs.
[00:49.11]Bend your knees and Touch your toes,Now stand nose to nose.
[01:39.34]Unit 1
[01:42.50]9.A story-The frog
[01:45.53]9 一个故事--一青蛙
[01:48.56]Look,a frog.     Let's catch it!
[01:51.99]看,一只青蛙。    让我们抓住它!
[01:55.41]Well done!Put it in your bag.  No!
[01:59.38]做的很好!把它放在你的口袋里。 不!
[02:03.35]Put it on the board.   No!
[02:05.99]把它放在木板上。  不!
[02:08.63]Put it under the teacher's desk.  No!
[02:11.87]把它放在老师的课桌下。  不!
[02:15.11]Put it behind the curtains.  No!
[02:18.33]把它放在窗帘的后面。  不!
[02:21.56]Put it in the teacher's desk.
[02:26.23]Good idea.      Good morning class.
[02:30.06]好注意!       同学们,早上好!
[02:33.89]Good morning,sir.  open your books please.
[02:37.61]老师早上好!     请把你们的课本打开。
[02:41.33]Croak,Croak!     Ha,ha,Ha,ha!
[02:45.02]蛙的叫声       哈哈哈哈!
[02:48.70]Ah,here you are.   Now,it's my turn.Abracadabra...
[02:54.43]啊,你在这里呀。   现在轮到我了。胡言乱语……
[03:00.17]Unit 2
[03:03.33]1.A song.
[03:04.76]1 一首歌曲
[03:06.20]Ninety-nine bananas a day
[03:10.56]Come on,everybody.  Listen to my song.
[03:15.40]各位,过来吧。    听我的歌曲。
[03:20.23]I've got a wonderful,wonderful friend.
[03:26.00]He eats thirty-three bananas for breakfast.
[03:35.25]And thirty-three bananas for lunch,And thirty-three bananas for dinner.
[03:48.41]That's ninety-nine bananas a day.His favourite colour is yellow.
[03:57.87]His favourite food is yellow,too.His favourite number is ninety-nine.
[04:07.72]And the lives at London Zoo.
[04:17.38]3.Listen and colour.
[04:20.21]3 听并涂上颜色。
[04:23.03]thirteen red     forty blue and yellow
[04:26.31]13 红色的      40 蓝色的和黄色的
[04:29.58]sixteen green    eighteen yellow
[04:33.21]16 绿色的      18 黄色的
[04:36.85]nineteen brown and orange
[04:39.43]19 褐色的和橙色的
[04:42.02]sixty green and red fifteen pink
[04:46.09]60 绿色的和红色的  15 粉色的
[04:50.17]fifty pink and green
[04:52.99]50 粉色的和绿色的
[04:55.81]thirty red and blue forty blue
[04:59.94]30 红色的和蓝色的  40 蓝色的
[05:04.07]ninty brown
[05:06.40]90 褐色的
[05:08.74]seventeen orange and pink
[05:11.47]17 橙色的和粉色的
[05:14.20]eighty yellow and brown
[05:16.68]80 黄色的和褐色的
[05:19.16]seventeen orange   a hundred black
[05:22.99]17 橙色的      100 黑色的
[05:26.82]5.How much money has Pat got?
[06:21.24]5 派特有多少钱?
[07:15.67]Listen and fill in the numbers.
[07:19.09]7 听并填上数字。
[07:22.51]1 take your money  2 run to the shop
[07:27.69]1 带上你的钱     2 跑到商店
[07:32.86]3 Oh,no!There is a big hole in your pocket.
[07:37.39]3 哦,不!你的口袋里有个大洞。
[07:41.92]4 You are hot.    5 Look for your money.
[07:47.20]4 你很热。     5 寻找你的钱。
[07:52.48]6 That's 70 p.    7 Put it in your pocket.
[07:58.51]6. 70分钱。     7 把钱放在你的口袋里。
[08:04.55]8 Say:"A big ice cream,please!"
[08:08.37]8 说:“请给我一个大冰淇淋!”
[08:12.20]9 open the door
[08:15.18]9 开门
[08:18.16]8.Listen.Then circle the things they buy,and how much they are?
[08:23.33]8 听。在他们买的东西的画圈,并指出他们花了多少钱?
[08:28.50]Colin two apples and one ice cream 19p 80p 95p
[08:44.23]Colin 两个苹果和一个冰淇淋 95分
[08:59.95]10.Listen.Then act out the shopping scenes in class.
[09:03.88]10 听。然后在班上表演购物的场景。
[09:07.81]Good morning.    Hello!
[09:10.15]早上好!       你好!
[09:12.49]Two bananas,please. 55p
[09:15.73]请给我2只香蕉。   55分钱。
[09:18.97]Here you are.    Thank you.
[09:21.40]给你。        谢谢!
[09:23.83]One orange juice.  45p.
[09:26.70]给我一杯橙汁。    45分。
[09:29.57]Here you are.    Thank you.
[09:31.81]给你!        谢谢!
[09:34.04]Goodbye.       Bye-bye.
[09:36.40]再见。        再见。
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