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剑桥小学英语 16

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名称:剑桥小学英语 16
[00:00.00]Unit 6
[00:03.68]1 A chant.      The polar bear
[00:06.91]1 说唱        北极熊
[00:10.14]What's over there? What's over there?
[00:16.98]A bear,a bear,A big,big bear,A big ,big polar bear.
[00:24.82]What's he doing over there? The bear,the bear,The big,big polar bear.
[00:36.88]He wants to catch a hare.The bear,the bear,The big ,big polar bear.
[00:47.83]He jumps in the water, He swims across the lake.
[00:55.77]He walks through the snow And he runs up the hill.
[01:01.05]When he comes to the top. He comes to a stop.
[01:09.88]He looks around, And what's not there? The hare ,the hare ,the arctic hare.
[01:22.02]4 A story-Nicola's holidays.
[01:24.51]4 故事--尼古拉的假日。
[01:26.99]Hi, Grandad.Hi,Grandad.Welcome,Nicola.
[01:38.85]This is our house.Do you like it here? No,it's boring ,What can I do?
[01:50.92]Boring? Yes.There are on shopping malls,no playgrounds and there's no TV.
[02:01.26]Next morning
[02:04.32]Wake up ,Nicola.We're going to the shopping mall.We need some fish.
[02:11.40]I've got one.Pull, Nicola, Pull!
[02:25.27]Can we go fishing again tomorrow? No , We're going to the playground.
[02:34.83]This is great fun,Grandad.And tomorrow I 'll show you my TV.
[02:47.26]Here you are, Nicola.Do you like them? Yes , Grandad.
[03:04.11]Can I come again next year? Wasn't it boring? Yes ,very boring!
[03:19.47]Unit 7
[03:22.81]1 Listen and tick.
[04:33.16]6 A poem .     Kevin Dee
[04:36.44]6 一首诗       卡文·迪
[04:39.72]I've got friend called Kevin Dee,And he's a star on TV.
[04:48.57]Just switch on the telly And watch for a while,
[04:54.74]And there he is with a big , big smile.He's eating sweets.First one , then two.
[05:05.61]And then the stops and looks at you.
[05:11.07]He smiles and say,"I love these sweets."And then he eats and eats and eats.
[05:22.53]Thousands of children Like you and me.Want to have what they see on TV.
[05:31.78]They go and buy big bags of the sweets.That Kevin eats and eats and eats.
[05:36.37]他们去买上一大袋的糖果,就是卡文不断的吃啊吃啊吃的 那种。
[05:40.95]But what Kevin says on TV is not true.He doesn't like sweets like me and you.
[05:51.09]He only eats them on TV.I know, cause Kevin goes to school with me!
[06:00.93]7 When do the programmes begin?
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