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“剑桥少儿英语”是英国剑桥大学考试委员会专门为英语为非母语国家的少年儿童设计的学习系统。目前,几百万适龄儿童在全世界50多个国家和地区进行学习。1 997年,教育部考试中心中英教育测量学术交流中心开始在中国大陆推广该项目,短短几年,全国各地;500多万学生相继学习和使用了“剑桥少儿英语”。 《剑桥少儿英语》专为我国6—12岁年龄段的少年儿童学习英语而设计。本教材不仅完全符合剑桥少儿英语大纲的教学要求,而且参照了《英语教学大纲》(教育部制定的九年义务教育全日制初级中学教学大纲,人民教育出版社出版)及国内外比较有代表性的儿童英语教学的标准,在内容和形式上反映了少儿的认知能力和心理特征,突出了“活泼、有趣、轻松、连续”的特色。 本教材分预备级、第一级、第二级、第三级共4个级别
[00:09.20]《剑桥少儿英语》 二级 B
[00:12.28]UNIT 5 Simon Paul lives in the country.
[00:21.09]1.Listen,look and talk. ……
[00:44.10]Simon,would you like to visit your cousin Bob
[00:47.32]in the city this weekend?
[00:49.91]Sorry.Dad,I don't like to go to the city.
[00:53.77]There are too many cats.那里有太多的猫.
[00:57.18]How about you,Peter?你呢,彼得?
[00:59.37]Would you like to go?你愿意去吗?
[01:01.52]Dad,I don't want to go either.爸爸,我也不想去.
[01:04.33]There is nowhere to play.那里没有地方玩.
[01:06.98]Dad,can I go there?爸爸,我可以去那里吗?
[01:10.48]I've never been to a big city.我从没去过大城市.
[01:14.14]Of course you can.你当然可以.
[01:16.21]I'll help you get things ready.……
[01:30.98]2.Read and act.
[01:36.43]Please remember us to your cousin Bob.
[01:40.91]Don't worry,Dad.I will.不要担心,爸爸.我会的.
[01:45.52]I'm going to see my cousin soon.
[01:48.05]How happy I am!我多么高兴啊!
[01:51.55]He must be somewhere here.他一定在这里的某处.
[01:55.51]Bob?Where are you?鲍勃?你在哪?
[01:57.87]I'm your cousin.我是你的堂弟.
[02:01.13]Shsh,I'm here.嘘,我在这.
[02:03.99]Don't let the cat hear you.不要让猫听到你.
[02:08.25]I can't get in.It's too small.我进不去.太小了.
[02:11.88]Come inside.It's very small.到里面来.它很小.
[02:16.39]Who's talking?谁在讲话?
[02:18.41]I can't get in.我进不来.
[02:19.83]It's too small.它太小了.
[02:21.32]Hurry up!快点!
[02:24.75]Can we play outside now?现在我们可以到外面玩吗?
[02:27.05]No,you can't.不,你不能.
[02:28.90]The cat is outside.猫在外面.
[02:32.18]When can we play outside?我们什么时候能到外面玩?
[02:34.77]In the evening.在晚上.
[02:36.37]We have to wait.我们需要等.
[02:39.31]I want to go home.我想回家.
[02:41.14]I don't like this place.我不喜欢这个地方.
[02:43.56]But you just come.但是你刚来.
[02:45.74]I want to go home.我想回家.
[02:47.86]You have to wait.你必须等一等.
[02:52.80]6.Listen,read and answer.
[02:59.66]Simon is a lovely mouse.西蒙是只可爱的老鼠.
[03:02.56]He always lives in the country.他总是住在乡下.
[03:05.40]He lives in a big house.他住在一个大房子里.
[03:07.97]Every day after 8,每天八点之后,
[03:10.50]he comes out to play.他要出去玩.
[03:13.43]One day Simon came out and saw a very big black
[03:18.38]cat sleeping on the sofa.
[03:21.93]Simon didn't like the cat.西蒙不喜欢这只猫.
[03:24.78]So he put a large bag over the cat's head.
[03:29.02]He wanted to catch the big cat with the big bag.
[03:33.62]Suddenly,Simon shouted,"A big mouse!"
[03:37.99]and the cat quickly jumped up,
[03:40.63]but he jumped into the big bag.
[03:44.09]He wanted to get out,but he couldn't.
[03:48.02]Simon saw the cat was in the bag.
[03:51.97]He played in the house.
[03:54.56]He ate some cheese and drank a little juice.
[03:58.55]When it was dark,he went to bed still with a big
[04:03.39]piece of cheese in his hand.
[04:08.83]Where does Simon live?
[04:13.92]When does he come out to play?
[04:19.21]Why did he put a large bag over the cat?
[04:25.53]What did Simon suddenly do?
[04:30.88]What did the cat do?
[04:35.65]Could the cat get out of the bag?
[04:40.97]What did Simon eat and drink?
[04:46.67]9.Listen,read and sing.
[06:30.17]Read aloud 朗读
[06:34.30]country mouse乡下老鼠
[06:38.26]field田地    mountain 山
[06:44.91]city mouse城市老鼠
[06:49.05]forest森林   island岛
[06:56.96]near a lake一个湖旁边
[07:01.58]by a river
[07:05.87]next to a supermarket超级市场旁边
[07:11.69]sleep on the grass 在草地上睡觉
[07:17.25]listen to birds singing 听鸟唱歌
[07:22.87]visit a zoo 参观动物园
[07:26.63]play sports games
[07:32.05]go to the park去公园
[07:36.25]see a film看电影
[07:40.52]visit friends 看望朋友
[07:44.89]meet lots of people 认识许多人
[07:49.59]go to the supermarket 去超级市场
[07:54.29]go to the library 去图书馆
[07:58.42]have a picnic 去野餐
[08:02.67]smell the flowers 闻花
[08:07.08]see farm animals看农场动物
[08:11.58]go fishing去钓鱼
[08:15.91]breathe clean air 呼吸新鲜空气
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