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“剑桥少儿英语”是英国剑桥大学考试委员会专门为英语为非母语国家的少年儿童设计的学习系统。目前,几百万适龄儿童在全世界50多个国家和地区进行学习。1 997年,教育部考试中心中英教育测量学术交流中心开始在中国大陆推广该项目,短短几年,全国各地;500多万学生相继学习和使用了“剑桥少儿英语”。 《剑桥少儿英语》专为我国6—12岁年龄段的少年儿童学习英语而设计。本教材不仅完全符合剑桥少儿英语大纲的教学要求,而且参照了《英语教学大纲》(教育部制定的九年义务教育全日制初级中学教学大纲,人民教育出版社出版)及国内外比较有代表性的儿童英语教学的标准,在内容和形式上反映了少儿的认知能力和心理特征,突出了“活泼、有趣、轻松、连续”的特色。 本教材分预备级、第一级、第二级、第三级共4个级别
[00:11.91]UNIT 14 第十四单元
[00:17.21]There isn't any bread in the kitchen!
[00:22.04]1.Look,listen and talk.
[00:28.81]More coffee please!请再来点咖啡!
[00:34.31]There isn't any coffee in the kitchen.
[00:38.20]There is only some milk.只有一些牛奶.
[00:42.88]More bread please.请再来点面包.
[00:48.36]There isn't any bread in the kitchen!
[00:54.27]There are only some apples.只有一些苹果.
[01:00.53]2.Listen,sing and chant.
[01:41.31]There isn't any milk in the glass!Oh,no!
[01:46.71]But there's some tea in the cup!Oh,yes!
[01:50.66]There isn't any butter on the table!Oh,no!
[01:55.34]But there's some cheese in the kitchen!Oh,yes!
[02:01.64]There aren't any pears in the box.Oh,no!
[02:06.03]But there are some apples in the basket.Oh,yes!
[02:10.38]There aren't any eggs in the bag!Oh,no!
[02:15.03]But there are some sausages in the bow!Oh,yes!
[02:28.58]3.Listen,read and retell.
[02:37.13]Kathy and her sister Sue like fishing.
[02:41.46]Every morning,they catch a fish and then go home
[02:47.45]This morning,they went fishing again
[02:50.34]and wanted to get more fish.
[02:54.07]They fished and fished,
[02:56.49]but they couldn't catch anything but an old boot
[03:01.73]A dolphin came out and said,
[03:04.47]"Please stop!There aren't any fish here."
[03:09.16]So Kathy and her sister Sue had to go home
[03:13.06]without any fish.
[03:16.04]But they were very happy
[03:18.16]because they had made a new friend.
[03:23.23]6.Listen,read and act.
[03:29.39]1)Mum,there isn't any milk in the fridge.
[03:34.41]Would you please buy some milk?你可以买些牛奶吗?
[03:36.93]Sure,no problem.当然.没问题.
[03:39.27]Is there anything else you want me to buy?
[03:43.08]Mmm,there isn't any juice.嗯,没有果汁了.
[03:45.65]There isn't any bread.没有面包了.
[03:47.32]There isn't any chocolate.There isn't ...
[03:51.88]I need to buy a lot of things this time.
[03:58.13]2)Dad,there aren't any new computer games
[04:02.39]for me now.
[04:03.69]Would you like to buy me some?你能给我买一些吗?
[04:06.61]Sorry!You should read more books.
[04:11.31]Watching too much TV and playing too many
[04:16.37]computer games are bad for your eyes.
[04:21.17]I see.好吧!
[04:22.81]But can you buy me some new games?
[04:26.37]All right!All right!好吧!好吧!
[04:28.33]I'll buy them for you.我会给你买的.
[04:34.21]9.Listen and write.
[04:39.03]Today parents have gone to the countryside
[04:42.08]to visit their uncle and aunt.
[04:48.61]Only Lucy and Ben are at home.
[04:54.52]"Did you hear that?Someone is crying."said Ben.
[04:59.86]"Crying?Are you sure?"asked Lucy.
[05:04.59]Yes.Hurry up.Let's open the door and have a look
[05:13.29]Lucy and Ben opened the door
[05:15.38]and saw a cat sitting on the floor.
[05:21.83]Ben quickly picked up the cat but it cried again
[05:30.17]"Maybe it is hungry.Let's get some fish for him.
[05:39.36]"But there aren't any fish in the fridge."
[05:43.08]"Maybe we can give it some milk."
[05:50.03]"Maybe we can give it some rice."
[05:57.11]"But there isn't any rice now.
[05:59.41]We ate it all yesterday."
[06:02.95]"Let's give it some cake."
[06:08.71]"All right."They quickly gave the cat some cake.
[06:12.62]This time the cat didn't cry any more.
[06:21.39]Read aloud 朗读
[06:25.16]lemons柠檬树  potatoes马铃薯 beans豆
[06:33.18]carrots胡萝卜  pineapples菠萝 oranges橙
[06:41.88]coconuts椰子  tomatoes西红柿 chips炸马铃薯
[06:49.66]pears梨     chicken 鸡   cheese干酪
[06:57.70]fish鱼     milk牛奶    water水 rice米
[07:08.17]bread面包    soup 汤     beautiful美丽的
[07:15.49]white白色的   big大的     clean干净的
[07:21.93]fat胖的     good好的    happy高兴的
[07:28.70]hungry饥饿的  sad难过的    small小的
[07:35.68]tall高的    thin瘦的    long长的
[07:41.57]ugly丑陋的   young年轻的   clocks钟
[07:47.41]motorbikes摩托车 books书    desks书桌
[07:54.78]oranges橙    egg鸡蛋     skirts裙子
[08:02.39]watches手表   teeth牙齿    camera照相机
[08:09.11]balls球     mirrors镜子   tables桌子
[08:16.79]dog狗      ice creams冰淇淋
[08:22.70]in the desk在书桌里
[08:26.57]on the table在桌子上
[08:30.05]in the kitchen在厨房里
[08:33.85]in the bag在包里
[08:37.83]in the garden在花园里
[08:41.68]under the bed在床下面
[08:45.68]between the trees在树之间
[08:50.58]in the picture在照片里
[08:54.57]near a shop在商店附近
[08:58.21]behind the table在桌子后面
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