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[00:00.00]Unit 2 Ben's birthday
[00:06.24]A Listen,read and say
[00:09.14]Jim is a new student in Ben's class.
[00:13.00]He lives near Ben.
[00:14.68]Ben and Jim often go home together after school.
[00:18.55]Today, Ben is visiting Jim.
[00:21.32]They are in Jim's room.
[00:23.41]They are talking about Ben's birthday.
[00:26.07]What date is it today,Jim?
[00:28.28]It's the 16th of October.
[00:30.53]The 16th of Octorber?
[00:32.57]Oh, my birthday's coming soon.
[00:35.09]Is it? When's your birthday?
[00:37.46]It's on the 18th of October.
[00:39.57]Would you like to come to my birthday party?
[00:43.36]Great! When's your birthday, Jim?
[00:46.62]My birthday's on the 6th of August.
[00:49.63]Do you usually have a birthday party?
[00:52.34]Yes, I do.
[00:54.25]What would you like as a birthday present, Ben?
[00:57.50]I'd like a yo-yo.
[00:59.38]OK. Would you like a VCD of Japanese cartoons, too?
[01:04.84]Japanese cartoons?
[01:06.67]Yes, please. I like them.
[01:09.88]Would you like to watch 'Aladdin'?
[01:11.66]Yes. I'd like to.
[01:13.71]When can we watch it?
[01:15.56]Let's wait and see.
[01:20.08]B Look,read and learn
[03:34.35]E Read and match
[03:42.94]The children are at Ben's birthday party.
[03:46.65]Ben's borther, Ron, is telling Uncle Joe about the party on the phone.
[03:58.38]a Ben's having a birthday party, Uncle Joe.
[04:02.05]There's a big birthday cake on the table.
[04:05.35]b Oh, the doorbell's ringing.
[04:09.69]Ben's opening the door.
[04:11.74]c Aladdin's here!
[04:15.20]He is giving Ben some cartoons as a birthday present.
[04:19.59]d Aladdin is taking off his costume.
[04:24.23]It's Mike!
[04:26.68]e Now the children are singing the song 'Happy Birthday to You' to Ben.
[04:33.27]f Ben is blowing out the candles on the cake.
[04:38.88]It's time for some cake.
[04:40.72]Bye,Uncle Joe!
[04:50.29]G Listen and repeat
[05:05.54]My dear! I hear Chinese New Year is getting near.
[05:20.74]H Say a rhyme
[05:29.38]Today is my birthday
[05:32.56]Early this morning,
[05:35.51]Mum and Dad come to say,
[05:37.49]'Hey, little May,
[05:38.97]It's your birthday today!
[05:40.61]Let's go and swim in the bay.'
[05:44.39]'Hurray! Let's go and play.'

D Listen and write

Read he said and
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