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[00:00.00]Unit 7 At Christmas  
[00:06.33]A Listen,read and say
[00:09.67]On Christmas Day,
[00:11.59]Jim's family were in his grandpa's house.
[00:14.73]After lunch,
[00:16.44]they opened the presents under the Christmas tree.
[00:19.48]Everybody was very excited.
[00:22.46]There are so many presents under the Christmas tree.
[00:25.92]This one is from Grandma.
[00:28.14]It's for you,Jim.
[00:29.90]No, it's not mine. It's his.
[00:33.47]Yes. It's Grandpa's.
[00:36.63]Open it for me, please.
[00:38.22]What is it ?
[00:39.19]It's a beautiful wallet!
[00:40.59]Thank you.
[00:41.82]I like the colour very much.
[00:44.00]You're welcome.
[00:45.56]Look at this present, Dad.
[00:47.33]It's from Grandpa.
[00:48.86]It's so big!
[00:50.44]Is it Mum's ?
[00:52.49]No, it's not hers.It's Grandma's.
[00:55.88]Let me open it.
[00:57.56]Oh, a teapot and some tea.
[00:59.87]Thank you very much,dear.
[01:02.12]I like drinking tea,and the teapot is very beautiful.
[01:05.97]Wow, I've got two presents from Mum and Dad.
[01:10.17]Can I open them?
[01:11.48]Yes, you can.
[01:13.18]A calculator and a skateboard!Thanks, Mum.
[01:19.82]Where are ours then?
[01:20.91]Here they are.
[01:22.38]Who are they from?
[01:24.80]They're from Grandpa and Grandma.
[01:27.09]Open mine for me ,Jim.
[01:29.18]Oh, it's a watch,Dad.
[01:31.41]Can you open mine,too?
[01:32.27]Sure. Oh, it's a hairdryer,Mum.
[01:35.39]It's very nice! Thank you very much.
[01:45.89]B Look,read and learn
[01:53.38]a watch 
[01:56.45]a teapot 
[01:59.54]a wallet 
[02:02.29]a calculator
[02:05.91]a skateboard 
[02:08.70]a comb 
[02:11.23]a mirror 
[02:13.72]a hairdryer
[02:17.87]D Listen and write

[03:52.28]G Listen and repeat
[04:06.77]Look! The picture of the football in your book is good!
[04:18.36]H Sing a song 
[04:22.38]My shirt's black
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