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[00:00.00]Unit 6
[00:05.38]Other People
[00:08.33]It was raining during recess yesterday
[00:15.31]and the children in Primary 6 could not go out to play.
[00:21.66]John was cleaning the blackboard in his classroom,
[00:26.83]and Patsy and her friends stayed in with him.
[00:32.89]When the board was clean,John said,
[00:38.95]'Let's play "Other People".
[00:42.61]'All right,' Peter said.'I'll start.Who walks like this?'
[00:49.68]He started to walk like a seal. 'It's old Mr Yang,' Annie said.
[00:59.14]'Can you talk like him?'Patsy asked. 'Yes,'John said.
[01:06.30]'Listen. He talks like a parrot."Now children. Please listen".'
[01:12.86]Then Annie stood up. 'Who stands like this?'she said.
[01:20.12]She stood up straight am put her hands behind her back. 'Miss Xu!'Patsy said.
[01:29.97]'She always stands like that.' 'Who's this?'John said.
[01:37.12]He stood straight with his hands by his sides like a soldier.
[01:43.60]'That's Mr Pang,' Annie said.
[01:48.28]'He always stands like that.' 'Who's this?'Patsy asked next.
[01:55.93]She put Peter's glasses on the end of her nose a looked down at Annie.
[02:04.87]She looked just like an owl.
[02:09.91]'What are you doing, girl?'she said in a loud voice.
[02:15.86]Then a voice from the door said,'What are you doing,girl?'
[02:22.34]It was Miss Lan,the headmistress.
[02:26.89]Sally Structure
[02:33.23]Mr Pang stands like a soldier.
[02:38.69]Mr Yang talks like a parrot.
[02:43.84]Mr Yang walks like a seal.
[02:48.88]Miss Lan looks like an owl.
[03:00.09]Miss Lan was angry with Patsy.
[03:05.34]Miss Lan:What are you children doing in here?
[03:09.31]John:I'm cleaning the blackboard,Miss Lan.
[03:13.46]Miss Lan:You weren't cleaning the blackboard when I came in.
[03:17.83]John:I've just finished,Miss Lan.
[03:21.38]Miss Lan:What were you doing,girl?
[03:24.72]Patsy:Nothing,Miss Lan.
[03:27.88]Miss Lan:Were you pretending to be me?
[03:31.54]Patsy:Oh no,Miss Lan.
[03:34.99]Miss Lan:Do I look like that?
[03:38.51]Patsy:No,Miss Lan.
[03:41.47]Miss Lan:How do I look?
[03:44.52]Patsy:I don't know, Miss Lan.
[03:48.68]Miss Lan:Write out 100 times:" Miss Lan does not look like an owl.
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