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[00:00.00]Unit 14
[00:37.69]Revision-An old friend
[00:42.97]Many years ago,
[00:46.52]a judge sent a man to prison. 'You are a thief,' he said.
[00:53.97]'You must stay in prison for twenty years.'
[00:59.43]'I am innocent,' the man argued.'I have not stolen anything.'
[01:06.30]'You argue too much the judge said.
[01:12.25]He did not believe him. During the night the man escaped from prison.
[01:20.90]He ran for many days until he came to a cave.
[01:26.86]He went into the cave and soon fell asleep.
[01:33.41]When he woke up a lion was standing near him.
[01:39.66]It was holding out one of its paws.
[01:44.12]It had hurt itself and its paw was bleeding.
[01:50.29]The man tore a piece of his shirt to make a bandage for the lion's paw.
[01:57.45]The lion was very grateful.It lay down beside the man and slept.
[02:07.01]The lion and the man because good friends and stayed together many years.
[02:16.25]Then the man decided go back to the city.
[02:21.53]Unfortunately the police caught him and the judge sent him back prison.
[02:30.36]'This time,' the judge said,'you will die.'
[02:36.60]The next day the prison guards took all the prisoners to a large stadium.
[02:43.87]Thousands of people came to watch wild animals eat them.
[02:50.95]The prisoners waited in the centre of the stadium for the wild animals come out.
[03:01.68]They were waiting to the animals with their hands.
[03:08.21]The crowd roared and a huge lion ran into the stadium.
[03:15.66]It saw the man and raced towards him.
[03:21.51]Then it stopped running and looked at him.
[03:28.64]'You were my friend a year ago,'the man said to the lion.
[03:34.20]'Are you my friend now?'
[03:37.97]The lion lay down at his feet.
[03:44.42]'Let the prisoner go free,'the crowd shouted now.
[03:50.77]'He must be innocent. The lion has given us a sign.'
[03:58.03]The judge agreed,and set him free.
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