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[00:00.00]Unit 6 Winter is the white season.
[00:05.37]第六单元 冬天是白色的季节。
[00:10.74]lesson 31 just read and speak
[00:12.88]第三十一课 听和讲
[00:15.02]There are four seasons in a year. Spring is the first season.
[00:28.92]In China springtime begins around February.
[00:34.09]It is still a little cold,but it gets warmer and warmer.
[00:40.44]And the days get longer and longer. Spring is the green season.
[00:43.79]并且日子变得越来越长。 春天是绿色的季节。
[00:47.15]The trees have new green leaves.
[00:50.47]There are lots of new flowers on the cherry trees,apple trees,
[00:55.69]pear trees and peach trees.
[00:58.54]The animals come out from their long sleep
[01:01.52]The birds sing to welcome the spring.
[01:04.37]What are they doing? They are looking at the flowers.
[01:12.10]What are they doing? They are farming the land.
[01:16.04]Lesson 32 1 just practise      Spring is the first season.
[01:15.54]第三十二课 1 刚才的练习 春天是第一个季节。
[01:15.04]Are they planting seeds? Yes,they are.
[01:21.18]farm the land
[01:26.85]go camping
[01:29.62]look at the flowers
[01:33.51]fly kites
[01:36.96]3 let's sing Two little spring birds
[02:10.96]3 让我们唱两只小春天鸟
[02:44.96]4 Let's read and chant pl
[03:28.25]4 让我们读并唱 pl
[04:11.55]lesson 33 1 Just read and speak
[04:16.74]第三十三课 1 请读和讲
[04:21.92]Summer is the second season of the year.
[04:33.55]In China,summer begins around May. The weather is hot and sometimes rainy.
[04:38.56]在中国,夏天在5月左右开始。 天气热和有时多雨。
[04:43.58]It is the hottest season.In summer, school closes.
[04:50.58]The students have their summer holiday.
[04:53.61]Some students go to the beach and enjoy themselves.
[04:58.83]Is he planting rice? Yes, he is.
[05:06.49]Is she making a sandcastle? No,she isn't.She's looking for shells.
[05:13.28]Lesson 34 1 just practise
[05:18.15]第三十四课 1 刚才的练习
[05:23.02]Summer is the second season. It's hot in summer.
[05:25.13]夏天是第2个季节。 在夏季热。
[05:27.23]Is he planting rice? Yes,he is./No,he isn't.He is looking for shells.
[05:32.87]他正种植大米吗?是的,他是。/ 不,他不是.他正寻找壳。
[05:38.51]Is she planting rice? Yes,she is./No,he isn't.she is looking for shells.
[05:43.03]她正种植大米吗?是的,她是。/ 不,他不是.她正寻找壳。
[05:47.55]hot  rainy  plant rice
[05:51.68]热 下雨 种植大米
[05:55.81]play on the beach
[05:59.02]look for shells
[06:02.28]make a sandcastle
[06:06.05]4 Let's read and chant ai
[06:31.16]4 让我们读并唱 ai
[06:56.28]lesson 35 Just read and speak;
[07:01.13]第三十五课 请读和讲;
[07:05.97]Autumn is the third season of the year.
[07:13.68]Autumn begins around September.
[07:16.78]The weather gets cooler and cooler. The days shorter and shorter.
[07:20.30]天气变得越来越凉爽。 日子更短和更短。
[07:23.81]Autumn is the gold season.The leaves on the trees are yellow and brown.
[07:31.13]The farmers are busy harvesting.Look!They are picking apples.
[07:40.84]Winter is the fourth and last season of the year.
[07:49.46]Winter beg -ins around November.
[07:53.33]The weather is cold and it snows.Winter is the white season.
[08:00.75]When it snows,everyth -ing is white.The white world is really beautiful.
[08:08.35]Look,the children are playing with snow.
[08:12.56]Lesson 36 1 Just practise
[08:20.37]第三十六课 1 刚才的练习
[08:28.18]Autumn is the third season.
[08:30.45]The farmer is picking apples.
[08:35.60]The children are playing with snow.
[08:38.16]pick apples
[08:41.94]cut rice
[08:44.69]feed the animals
[08:48.00]play with snow
[08:51.50]sweep the snow
[08:54.61]make a snowman
[08:58.22]4 Let's read and chant ck
[09:31.52]4 让我们读和唱 ck
[10:04.83]Revision Fun story
[10:08.60]修改 有趣故事
[10:12.38]Mimi and Micky get up very early. It is summertime.
[10:21.13]The weather is very hot. The animals are going camping.
[10:24.00]天气非常热。 动物将去露营。
[10:26.88]Mimi and Micky are boating on the river. Micky is looking into the water.
[10:34.84]Mimi asks him,"What are you looking at?"
[10:39.42]Micky says,"I'm looking at another monkey.
[10:43.78]He's in the water." Mimi asks Micky, "What is he doing?"
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