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牛津小学英语六年级(上)_My street

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名称:牛津小学英语六年级(上)_My street
[00:00.00]UNIT THREE My street
[00:02.74]单元三 我的街道
[00:05.49]Read a poem
[00:08.41]I live in Garden City,Near Moon Street.
[00:13.58]It's crowded with traffic.It's a busy street.
[00:18.55]There are a lot of people,
[00:22.10]And cars,buses and trams Move along slowly In big traffic jams.
[00:29.65]Look and learn
[00:32.71]a litter bin     a pavement      a lamp post
[00:36.79]a 拉圾 箱柜  a 人行道  a 照明柱 邮递
[00:40.88]traffic       a crossing      a post box
[00:44.89]交通  a 横越  a 邮递 盒子
[00:48.90]a bus-stop      traffic lights
[00:52.09]a 公共汽车站  红绿灯
[00:55.28]Look and read
[00:59.53]Simon's journey to school
[01:03.09]1.I always leave my flat at half past seven.
[01:06.35]1。我总是在7 点半离开我的公寓。
[01:09.62]Then I walk to the nearest underground station.
[01:13.77]2.I get off the underground at Prince Station.Then I get on a bus.
[01:18.00]2。我在王子车站下地铁。 我上一辆公共汽车。
[01:22.23]3.I sit on the bud for ten minutes.
[01:24.96]3。我坐在芽为了10 分钟
[01:27.69]Then I get off at the bus-stop at Rose Garden Road.
[01:32.16]4.I walk to my school in Rose Garden Estate.
[01:38.61]I usually get there at eight o'clock.
[01:40.39]我通常在8 点到达那里。
[01:42.16]Look and say
[01:46.74]I go to school by bus.I go to school by car.I go to school by taxi.
[01:56.87]I go to school by underground.I go to school by tram.I go to school by ferry.
[02:08.21]I go to school by minibus.I go on foot.
[02:14.77]I go to school on foot,then by underground,then by bus,then on foot.
[02:22.13]Tommy Target
[02:23.60]汤米 目标
[02:25.06]Do you...?
[02:27.72]Can you see...?
[02:30.57]Did you...?
[02:33.34]Did you see...?
[02:36.08]get on
[02:38.75]get off
[02:41.67]take the underground to____
[02:45.02]go to ___by underground
[02:49.77]Jane goes to school by underground,then by minibus,then on foot.
[02:57.92]UNIT FOUR Rules
[03:01.00]单元四 规则
[03:04.08]Look and read
[03:07.12]Crossing the road You can cross the road at:
[03:13.15]traffic lights        (crossings)
[03:15.17]红绿灯   (横越)
[03:17.20]zebra crossings
[03:20.25]1.Always wait on the pavement!
[03:25.22]2.Look left!
[03:29.27]3.Look right!
[03:33.03]4.Look left again!
[03:37.29]5.At the traffic lights:Can you see the green man?
[03:43.35]Yes.Cross the road.Walk quickly!
[03:48.52]6.At a zebra crossing:Is there any traffic?No.Cross the road.Walk quickly!
[03:53.50]6。人行横道:在那里任何交通? 不,十字路口。快点走!
[03:58.47]7.Don't run!
[04:02.34]8.Don't play!
[04:06.39]Sing a song
[04:08.95]This is the way we cross the road,Cross the road,Cross the road.
[04:26.66]This is the way we cross the road,On our way to school.
[04:30.48]这是我们穿过道路的方式,,在我们去学校的路上。 。
[04:34.31]This is the way we stop at the lights,Stop at the lights.Stop at the lights.
[04:42.25]This is the way we stop at the lights.On our way to school.
[04:49.62]Look,read and think
[04:55.50]1.The boy is crossing the road.He is runing.
[05:01.06]2.The girl is waiting on the pavement.
[05:06.02]3.The boy is walking across the zebra crossing quickly.
[05:12.69]4.The girl is running across the zebra crossing.
[05:18.64]5.The boy is looking left,then right,then left.
[05:25.12]6.The children are playing on the zebra crossing.
[05:30.08]Look and learn
[05:43.35]Tommy Target
[05:45.57]汤米 目标
[05:47.79]...is/are running
[05:50.08]...是/是 正在跑
[05:52.37]...is/are crossing
[05:54.59]...是/是 正过路
[05:56.81]...is/are waiting
[05:59.03]...是/是 正等待
[06:01.25]...is/are looking
[06:03.53]...是/是 正在看
[06:05.82]...is/are playing
[06:08.09]...是/是 正在玩
[06:10.36]can -> can't
[06:12.49]能 -> 不能
[06:14.62]do -> don't
[06:16.56]做 -> 不做
[06:18.49]Now listen
[07:44.54]Look and read
[07:50.49][ei] game late    cat rat
[07:55.82][ei] 游戏 迟的  猫  老鼠
[08:01.15][a:] grass ask    what want
[08:06.97][a] 草  问   什么 想要
[08:12.80][ai] hi kite my why [i]sit milk busy lady
[08:22.13][ai] 嗨 风筝 我的 为什么  [i] 坐下 牛奶 忙碌的 女士
[08:31.45][i:] he these    [e] let bed
[08:37.79][i:] 他 他们  [e] 让 床
[08:44.12]go nose       log stop
[08:50.10]去 鼻   原木  停止
[08:56.09]love brother     [u:] who move
[09:01.52]爱 兄弟  [u:] 谁 移动
[09:06.95][ju:]super use    mum but
[09:14.14][ju:] 超级 使用 别说话 但是
[09:21.32][u] put sugar
[09:24.26][u] 放 糖
[09:27.20]More oral practice
[09:32.11]1.How to you go to school?Is your home near your school?How do you go to school?
[09:37.88]1。怎样在你去上学? 你的家在你的学校附近吗? 你怎样去上学?
[09:43.65]J:Good morning!
[09:48.41]M:Morning!Let's walk to school together.
[09:52.67]J:Do you always go to school on foot?
[09:57.03]M:No,I usually go to school by bus.How about you?
[10:02.91]J:I always take the underground,then walk to school.
[10:07.87]M:What time do you leave your home?
[10:11.42]J:At a quarter past seven.
[10:13.25]J:在7 点一刻。
[10:15.08]M:What time do you get to school?
[10:18.92]J:At eight.I'm never late.Are you?
[10:26.08]M:No,never.My home is near school,only five minutes
[10:32.92]2.Moving into a new housing estate kitty and Jenny are talking about their class.
[10:49.40]K:Hi,Jenny.Why are you here on our estate?
[10:55.65]J:My family is moving into a new flat here.
[11:00.22]K:Which block?
[11:03.14]J:Block 1,Flat 9B.
[11:07.27]K:Wow!I live in Flat 9A.
[11:12.24]J:That's great!We can go to school together.
[11:16.68]In our flat there are three bedrooms,a bathroom,a sitting-foom and a kitchen.
[11:21.05]在平面那里是3 间卧室,一间浴室,一间起居室和一间厨房。
[11:25.43]How about your flat?
[11:29.08]K:We have four bedrooms and two bathrooms.Our grandma lives with us.
[11:32.57]K:我们有4 间卧室,二间浴室.我们的奶奶与我们同住。
[11:36.06]Flat A is larger than Flat B.Come and see our flat.
[11:44.65]K:But let me show you round our estate first.
[11:49.20]We have a playground,a swimming pool and two tennis courts.
[11:55.36]We can play together,too.
[11:59.02]J:Good!Can I see them now?
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