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2014外研社版新标准英语五年级上册Reading for Pleasure2

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名称:2014外研社版新标准英语五年级上册Reading for Pleasure2
[00:03.05]Harvest Festival收获节
[00:06.10]In September, 九月,
[00:07.89]every school in the UK has a harvest festival. 英国的每个学校都有收获节。
[00:13.27]Children take food to school for a special lesson. 孩子们把食物带到学校,上一堂特别的课。
[00:18.77]The teacher talks about the food. 老师谈论这些食物。
[00:22.66]After class, 下课后,
[00:24.51]the children give the food to old people near the school.孩子们把食物送给学校附近的老人。
[00:30.53]"What did you bring?" Sara asks Mark. “你带了什么?”莎拉问马克。
[00:35.76]"An egg." he says.“一个鸡蛋,”他说。
[00:39.22]"What did you bring?" “你带了什么?”
[00:42.21]"A bag of rice, " she says.“一袋大米,”她说。
[00:46.88]They give their food to the teacher. 他们把他们的食物给了老师。
[00:51.90]"Sit down, children," says the teacher."“请坐,孩子们,”老师说。
[00:56.97]We'll learn about food and where it comes from."“我们将会了解食物以及它是从哪里来的。”
[01:02.30]"That's easy!" shouts Jenny. 那太简单了!”珍妮大喊道。
[01:05.35]"Food comes from the supermarket." “食物来自超市。”
[01:09.50]"That's right," the teacher says."“那很正确,”老师说。
[01:13.97]But where does the supermarket get the food?"“但是超市从哪里得到食物呢?”
[01:19.52]The children sit quietly. “孩子们静静地坐着。
[01:22.40]They don't know. They live in the city. 他们不知道。他们住在城市里。
[01:27.67]They know about buses and traffic light, 他们知道公共汽车和交通灯,
[01:32.74]but they don't know about farms.但是他们不知道农场。
[01:37.45]The teacher picks up a carton of milk. 老师拿起一盒牛奶。
[01:41.48]"Where does milk come from?" “牛奶来自哪里呢?”
[01:46.08]The children are quiet. 孩子们很安静。
[01:49.22]They don't know. 他们不知道。
[01:51.67]Sara remembers a picture in her book. 莎拉想起她书本里的一张图片。
[01:56.25]"A cow?" she says. "Good," says the teacher.“奶牛?”她说。“很好,”老师说。
[02:04.59]The teacher picks up the bag of rice. 老师拿起一袋大米。
[02:08.99]"Where does rice come from? " “大米来自哪里呢?”
[02:12.93]The children are quiet. Nobody knows.孩子们很安静。没有人知道。
[02:18.54]"Does it grow on a tree?" asks Stan. “它长在树上吗?”斯坦问道。
[02:24.24]"No, it doesn't grow on a tree. “不,它不长在树上。
[02:29.22]It grows on the ground," answer the teacher.它长在地上,”老师回答道。
[02:35.89]"What country does rice come from?"“大米来自什么国家呢?”
[02:39.70]"The UK," all the children shout. “英国,”所有的孩子喊道。
[02:45.31]"No," says the teacher."“不,”老师说。
[02:49.42]Rice comes from other countries,“大米来自其他国家,
[02:52.95]such as China, India and Thailand."比如中国,印度还有泰国。”
[02:59.02]After the lesson, 下课后,
[03:00.64]the children go into the school hall. 孩子们走进学校礼堂。
[03:04.66]All the classes are there. 所有的班级都在那里。
[03:08.36]The students sing songs about farms, 学生们唱关于农场的歌曲,
[03:11.93]and read poems about animals.朗诵关于动物们的诗歌。
[03:16.19]The headmaster tells them 校长告诉他们农民们
[03:18.53]how hard farmers work to give everyone food. 是如何辛勤工作给每个人提供食物的。
[03:24.33]Sara and Mark read a poem. 莎拉和马克朗诵了一首诗。
[03:29.23]"Thank you farmers for the food so nice, “为了美味的食物,
[03:34.36]for beans and apples and pears and rice."为了豆子、苹果、梨子还有大米,谢谢农民们。”
[03:41.81]After school, they take the food to old people.放学后,他们把食物送给老人。
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